03-24-2015 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda QL Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday,March 24,2015 /Time 7— 11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Town of Qeensbury 1.0 Tabled Item: Applicant(s) I MCDONALD'S USA, Application Type Site Plan 75-2014 LLC 4 Owner(s) McDonald's Corp.-Rene SEQR Type Unlisted Reardon;Michael Freebern, Jean Freebern,William Freebern,Robert Freebern Agent(s) I Bohler Engineering I Lot size I 0.30 acres;0.70 acres Location I 819 State Route 9 I Zoning Classification Cl Ward I Ward 2 Tax ID No. I 302.6-1-48,49 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040 Cross Reference AV 88-14,SP 16-93;BP Warren Co.Referral December 2014 1101,BP 1535 Public Hearing 12-18-14,2-24-15,Tabled to 3-24-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes to remove existing 4,800 sq. ft. building with drive thru and construct a new 4,365 sq. ft. McDonald's building along with associated site work, parking, lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Fast Food establishment shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) I rJUST BEVERAGES I Application Type I Site Plan 12-2015 Owner(s) I City of Glens Falls I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I Nace Engineering I Lot size I 686.41 +/-acres(portion) Location East of Butler Pond Road Zoning Classification LC-10A along existing logging road within watershed property Tax ID No. I 294.4-1 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040 Cross Reference TB resolutions-93&94, Warren Co.Referral March 2015 2015 Public Hearing 3-10-15,Tabled to 3-24-15 APA,CEA,Other NWI Wetlands,Stream Overlay Project Description: Zoning Amendment: Planning Board to review zoning code amendment to include use of Water Extraction. Site Plan: Applicant proposes to install,operate and maintain a City—owned well and transport water from the well site to the company's water bottling facility in the City. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Water Extraction in the LC-10 zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Planning Board may acknowledge Lead Agency status,complete SEQR for zoning amendment and site plan review. 2.0 Sketch Plan Review Applicant(s) LYNNE FISH&WENDY Application Type Subdivision 5-2015 SCHMIDT Sketch Plan Review Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) Van Dusen&Steves; Lot size 14.65 acres(12.6&2.05) Hutchins Engineering Location Sunnyside Road North, Zoning Classification RR-3A;WR Dream Lake Rd Ward I Ward 1 Tax ID No. I 279.17-1-1,7 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183 Cross Reference I None Found Public Hearing I Not required Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 14.65 acre parcel into 3 lots ranging in size of 4.5, 5.0 & 5.2 acres. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance Subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. 3.0 New Business: Applicant(s) I JOANN F.MILLER Application Type Subdivision 4-2015 Preliminary&Final Stage Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I Van Dusen&Steves I Lot size I 14.07 acres(12.69) Location I Gurney Lane I Zoning Classification RR-5A Ward I Ward 3 Tax ID No. I 288.-1-86.2 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183 Cross Reference SB 5-00,SB 8&9-01.AV APA,CEA,Other Stream Overlay 16-01 Public Hearing I 3-24-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 14.07 acre parcel into two lots of 6.19 & 7.88 acres. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance Subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) CLUTE ENTERPRISES Application Type Subdivision 7-2015 Preliminary&Final Stage Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I Van Dusen&Steves I Lot size I 1.10 acres Location I 243 Upper Sherman Ave. I Zoning Classification NR Ward I Ward 4 Tax ID No. I 302.18-2-2.1 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183 Cross Reference I SB /AV Public Hearing I 3-24-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 1.10 acre parcel into two lots of 0.55 acres. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) 27 SILVER CIRCLE LLC Application Type Site Plan 14-2015 &399 BIG BAY,LLC Site Plan Mod. 62-2013 Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I Hutchins Engineering I Lot size I 3.43,5.50,2.02 acres Location I 27 Silver Cir.,399 Big Bay I Zoning Classification CLI Ward I Ward 4 Tax ID No. I 309.17-1-17.2, 13.2, 15.2 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040 Cross Reference AV 2-15, SP 62-13,SP 6- Warren Co.Referral March 2015 04,SP 18-09,SP 1-00,SP 44-97 Public Hearing I 3-24-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes boundary line adjustment between 17.2 & 15.2; construction of 2 new buildings —one 2,800 sq. ft. replaces existing trailers and one 16,000 sq. ft. equipment / material storage building. Project also includes relocating a previously approved 16,000 sq. ft. shifting it south. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance New light industrial buildings shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) I ACTION SIGN CO.,LLC Application Type I Site Plan 15-2015 Owner(s) I Primax Properties,LLC I SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I Same as applicant I Lot size I 0.87 acres Location I 61 Main Street I Zoning Classification MS Ward I Ward 4 Tax ID No. I 309.10-1-57 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040 Cross Reference I SP/SUP 76-77-14,SV 9-15 I Warren Co.Planning I March 2015 Public Hearing I 3-24-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes three(3)wall signs-each sign is to be 69+/-sq.ft.,and internally illuminated. Signs to be located on the east, west and south side of building. Pursuant to Chapter 140-7 of the Zoning Ordinance Signs in the Main Street zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.