01-06-2015 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the January 6, 2015 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room Chairwoman Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:1Opm Roll Call: • Present—Wendy Matthews, Judy Goralski, Greg Hewlett, Todd Eicher, Jennifer Switzer • Excused —Lisa White, Todd Eicher • Staff— Steve Lovering—Director, Lori O'Shaughnessy-Assistant Director,Jennifer Baertschi-Program Coordinator &Q-Club Director 2.) Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hewlett motioned to approve the December 2, 2014 minutes, seconded by Commissioner Goralski; all members approved. 3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) a.) 2014 Budget Control —a few minor outstanding invoices from 2014 need to be paid b.) Monthly Correspondence: 1.) A letter from Jessica Rossetti the Principal of the Queensbury Union Free School District (QUFSD) WHBI building thanking the recreation department for hosting the Puppet People performance. 2.) A resolution for the promotion of a recreation department Laborer to a Light Motor Equipment Operator. 3.) A letter of appreciation from a member of the community about the Girls Hooper Program 4.) Unfinished Business a) Rush Pond Trail Capital Project-Volt Landscaping has begun the project. It is moving slowly at this point. Thus far $16,450.00 has been spent on this project. 5.) New Business a) Review of 2014 Committee Assignments—Former Commissioner Mott served on several committees and chaired three. It was decided not to fill these vacancies until March 2015 when new committee assignments will be made. b) Project and priorities discussion: Director Lovering discussed projects the department would like to accomplish in 2015 in the parks throughout Queensbury. c) New Discussion Items From Commissioners: • Queensbury School Virtual Backpack policy-Revisited the virtual backpack policy at QUFSD and how it is adversely affecting the enrollment in several of the QRD most popular programs. Parents/Guardians are accustomed to receiving the brochure through school and don't seem to be looking to the QUFSD site to find the information based on comments made to QRD personnel. The QUFSD has a goal that every student participate in some kind of extracurricular activity. The Queensbury Recreation Department's (QRD) activities helped to achieve this goal. It was decided Director Lovering would request a meeting with QUFSD Superintend, Dr. Huntley to see if there is a more effective way to communicate this information to the families of the QUFSD. • Secondary Parking Access for Rush Pond on West Mountain Road: There was a discussion about a complaint made by a resident regarding the need for a secondary parking to enter the Rush Pond Trail via West Mountain Road. • New discussions items for commissioners: discussed the need to fill the vacancy on the QRC as soon as possible. 6.) Committee Reports —None at this time • Budget Review • School Liaison • Program Review • Safe and Quality • Personnel Cycling Bylaws • Planning 7.) Additional Information and Reports -None at this time Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Hewlett, seconded by Commissioner Switzer to adjourn at 8:45. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted Approved by: Judith Goralski, Commissioner Wendy Matthews, Chairwoman