Untitled (2) Mr. Tucker-questioned, if the Police chief returns, what will happen to the Lieutenant we hired tonight. Mr. Brandt-He will be a Lieutenant under the police chief. Mr. Robertson-As long as we continue the position. Mr. Geault-questioned if this position of Lieutenant will have to be renewed each year. Mr. Barber-it is- an acting position until December and we will reapsess it according . . .at the end of the year and reevaluate the situation at that point in time. We do not have to haee:'a new resolution each year. . . Mr. Gealt- questioned if the 200,000 will cover the capital work at the landfill. . . . Mr. Robertson- reviewdd the costs of the properly run landfill. . . Supervieer Brandt- commented on -the finances of the landfill. . . reviewing the landfill commission position on 60/40 end user fees . . . Councilman Barber-announced the resignation of Gerald Sawn as Acting Assessors some time around the first of August. . .commended Mr. Sawn on the job that he had done. . . asked the press to note we will be looking for candidates foe Assessor sometime in April or May. Councilman Olson-reuqested that the following be read. . . DATE: March 8, 1977 TO: Councilman Olson FROM: Building and Zoning Department SUBJECT:Placing Waste Material in Zoli Po*d, Luzerne Road ------------------------------------------------- The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation attempts to control -solid waste -deposits. The Zoli Pond area is serviced by town water mains. However, not all the residences have tapped on to the new water system and depend on wells for water supply. Any material dumped into the pond should be controlled for the safety and health of the people in the area. It appears that in order to dump any waste material in the pond an application must be submitted to the Town Board and the Department of Environmental Conservation - Town Ordinances VIII and IX. Boynton and Steve Connor of the Department of Environmental Conservation, Raybrook Office investigated and the DEC ordered all dumping to be stopped. A barricade will be placed to deter entry to the pond by young Drellos. Please call if you need any further information. Respectfully, /s/ George P. Liapes GPL: eb Building Inspector Councilman Olson- Thanked Mr. Liapes for his help in this matter. . . Mr. Boynton- reviewed the dumping situation. . . Unkiown- complained about the water on Algonquin Drive. . . Carl Garb- commented that he would wild up the road when the water subsided. . .