09-01-2015 Recreation Commission ,, Town Of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING * 7:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-July 28, 2015 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS a) Monthly Correspondence b) Budget Control Report 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Parks Report—written update,Questions/Discussion b) Summer Programs—Discussion or Questions c) Marketing/Brochure Needs—Discussion 5. NEW BUSINESS a) 2016 Requested Budget—Discussion or Questions b) 2016 Occupancy Tax Funding Request—Discussion c) additional discussion items as introduced by Commissioners 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS O Budget Review —Commissioner Hewlett • Bylaws—Commissioner White O School Liaison—Commissioner White o Personnel—Commissioner Hewlett O Planning—Commissioner Switzer o Program Review—Commissioner Eicher 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or REPORTS—for review and discussion 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION IF NECESSARY-personnel report 10. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: Meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m.in the Queensbury Town Office Building—Supervisors Conference Room. Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission Queensbury,NY 12804 Minutes of the July 28,2015 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at Gurney Lane Park. Chairman Hewlett called the meeting to order at 7:08PM 1.)Roll Call: • Present—Wendy Matthews,Judy Goralski,Greg Hewlett,Lisa White,Jennifer Switzer • Excused—Fran Cabana,Todd Eicher • Staff—Steve Lovering—Director,Jennifer Baertschi-Program Coordinator&Q-Club Director,Gary Crossman-Aquatic Director • Guests-none 2.)Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Matthews motioned to approve the June 2,2015 minutes,seconded by Commissioner Switzer; all members approved. 3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) a.) Monthly Correspondence: 1.) Warren County Safe and Quality Bicycling Organization donated$5000.00 towards further development of the Gurney Lane mountain bike trails 2.) Letter complimenting the Rush Pond Trails 3.) Letter complimenting the mountain bike trials at Gurney Lane 4.) Article about the shortage of lifeguards in the region published by The Daily Gazette. 5.) Article in The Post Star about the Lake George Association partnering with the Queensbury Parks and Recreation for a children's program to explore wetlands at Rush Pond 6.) Correspondence from Director Lovering to alert Supervisor that a citizen was upset because they could not drive their truck closer to the Rush Pond kayak launch. b.) Budget Control—A brief discussion 4.)Unfinished Business a) Rush Pond Trail Capital Project-Rush Pond pathway is complete,there is some signage and gates that needs to be added.Supervisor Strough is planning on having a dedication during August. b) Glen Lake Boat Dock:Dock Doctors have proposed a price;$2700 includes transportation and installation c) Glen Lake Kayak Rental Racks: footers are installed d) Capital Projects:Director Lovering gave an overview on the progress made for capital projects throughout the parks. 5.)New Business a) Summer Programs:Q-Club participation numbers are very good and are holding steady.There was an inspection that went well.There is also strong enrollment for the youth programs that are held independently of Q-Club.Programs held at Gurney Lane pavilion and QUFSD William H Barton building.Swim lesson participant's numbers are down compared to last year.The health and food inspection for the pool went well.Gurney Lane Family Fun Fest was a great success. b) Marketing Brochures:There has been a lot of negative feedback about the lack of description and information in the summer brochure. Brief discussion how to resolve this and the need for marketing position. c) Resolution Passed by the Queensbury Town Board:donated$6000.00 in scholarships to the YMCA Queensbury Recreation Commission YEAR-TO- DATE BUDGET REPORT 011/27/201S 1S:02 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY IPG 1 stevel (YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Ig3ytdbud SML - PARKS 6 RECREATION FOR 2015 13 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP AD3STMTS BUDGET YID EXPENDED INC/REQ BUDGET USED 001 GENERAL FUND _ 0017020 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 0017020 1010 SALARIES&WAGES 450,000 -500 449,500 347,170.20 .00 102,329.80 77.2% 0017020 1020 OVERTIME 500 500 1,000 841.57 .00 158.43 84.2% 0017020 4010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500 0 1,500 989.60 53.05 457.35 69.5% 0017020 4030 POSTAGE 3,200 0 3,200 1,151.77 .00 2,048.23 36.0% 0017020 4090 TRAINING EDUCATION SU 1,300 0 1,300 923.55 .00 376.45 71.0% 0017020 4120 PRINTING 4.500 0 4,500 1,772.00 .00 2,728.00 39.4% 0017020 4400 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRAC 9,800 0 9.800 8,438.07 .00 1,361.93 86.1% 0017020 4446 SAFETY TRAINING MATER 200 0 200 .00 .00 200.00 .0% 0017020 4800 EQUIP REPAIRS SERV SU 1.800 0 1.800 291.18 .00 1,508.82 16.2% TOTAL RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 472,800 0 472,800 361,577.94 53.05 111,169.01 76.5% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 472,800 0 472,800 361,577.94 53.05 111,169.01 76.5% TOTAL EXPENSES 472,800 0 472,800 361,577.94 53.05 111.169.01 GRAND TOTAL 472,800 0 472,800 361,577.94 53.05 111,169.01 75.5% '* ENO OF REPORT - Generated by Steve Lovering •• 08/27/2015 15:00 (TOWN OF QUEENSBURY stevel YEAR TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT glytdbud SML - PARKS&RECREATION FOR 2015 13 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP AD3STMTS BUDGET YTO EXPENDED ENC/REQ BUDGET USED 001 GENERAL FUND 0017110 PARKS 0017110 1010 SALARIES&WAGES 195,000 0 195,000 109,126.64 .00 85,873.36 56.0% 0017110 1020 OVERTIME 2,500 0 2,500 1,452.86 .00 1,047.14' 58.1% 0017110 2070 PARK EQUIPMENT 3.500 0 3,500 1,816.47 482.13 1,201.40 65.7% 0017110 2080 POOL EQUIPMENT 3,500 0 3,500 3,297.12 202.88 .00 100.0% 0017110 2899 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 4,500 0 4,500 401.35 .00 4,098.65 8.9% 0017110 4110 VEHICLE REPAIR MAINTE 4,800 881 5,681 1,997.55 .00 3,683.10 35.2% 0017110 4140 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 3,500 0 3,500 2,622.88 .00 877.12 74.9% 0017110 4230 PURCHASE OF WATER 3,000 0 3,000 954.80 .00 2,045.20 31.8% 0017110 4271 WATER TREATMENT CHEMI 7,000 0 7,000 3,821.42 2.851.16 327.42 95.3%. 0017110 4300 ELECTRICITY 13,500 0 13,500 8,456.78 .00 5,043.22 62.6% 0017110 4400 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRAC 40,000 900 40,900 28,661.12 2,903.22 9,335.66 77.2% 0017110 4410 FUEL FOR VEHICLES 16,000 0 16,000 4,138.82 6,313.33 5,547.85 65.3% 0017110 4418 BUS TRANSPORTATION 2,500 0 2,500 .00 .00 2,500.00 .0% 0017110 4500 HEATING FUEL 4,500 0 4,500 2,988.09 .00 1,511.91 66.4% 0017110 4800 EQUIP REPAIRS SERV SU 5,800 0 5,800 3,775.84 .00 2,024.16 65.1% 0017110 4820 UNIFORMS& PROTECTIVE 950 0 950 353.79 .00 596.21 37.2% 0017110 4823 RECREATION FACILITY R 7,200 0 7,200 6,729.66 .00 470.34 93.5% 0017110 4824 RECREATION PROGRAMS 95,000 0 95,000 49,370.38 26,612.55 19,017.07 80.0% 0017110 4825 REC PROGRAM SUPPLIES 10,000 0 10,000 3,711.94 2,983.00 3,305.06 66.9% . 0017110 4991 LEASE RENTAL LAND 4,000 0 4,000 1,950.00 .00 2,050.00 48.8% TOTAL PARKS 426,750 1,781 428,531 235,627.51 42,348.27 150,554.87 64.9% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 426,750 1,781 428,531 235,627.51 42,348.27 150,554.87 64.9% TOTAL EXPENSES 426,750 1,781 428,531 235,627.51 42,348.27 150.554.87 GRAND TOTAL 426,750 1,781 428,531 235,627.51 42,348.27 150,554.87 64.9% *s ENO OF REPORT- Generated by Steve Lovering ••