10-02-1974 Oct. 2, 1974 Present Van Dusen, Eddy, Prime and Supt. Dunn Interments . 560 Sale of Lots 400 Foundations 164 1124 Supt. Dunn reported on the theft of the water pump. It was sawed off and removed since our last meeting. The claim is being processed ant $415.00 will be allowed. The original cost was $425.00. The Highway Dept. has been working on the roads in the new area. After again reviewing the proposed new rates for the sale of lots and for the various services , Commissioner Edey made the follow4ng motion: I move that the rates be increased in line with the increases of other local cemeteries ant that these increases become effective on Nov.1, 1974. Seconded by Prime ant Voted unanimously. This,also, seems to be the time to change the percentage of the charges kept for Perpetual Care. In the past one q uarter of the monies want to perpetual care ant three quarters went to the Town. The Commission feels that one third of the monies should now go to Perpetual Care in order to save some taxes in the future. With the higher rates , the Tewn will be reeieving more dollars in any ease. The Secretary was directed to write the Town Beard informing it of the new rates and, also, asking for approval of the change in percent retained. Approval is to be requested by Nov.1, 1974. A copy of the new rates ant of the letter tó the Town Board will be filed with these minutes. Loss of the water pump will mean waiting for Spring to do the planned tree planting. It will probably be possible to tie in with the Town water supply rather than replace the pump. Dunn will contact the Water Dept. ant get their recommendations. Cemetery improvement monies will be used for this project. Secretary r