07-08-1976 July 8, 1976 1:00 pm Present: Van Dusen, Edwards, Prime and Supt. Dunn Stiill nothing on the beautification ori, the surveyors. Little in the way of business . Mowing grass is taking up the large part of everyone6 time. Interments 1020 Sale of lots 1000 Foundations *5 2065 Secretary, 1 /J I August 4, 1976 Present: Van Dusen, Edwards and Dunn It was reported verbally to the secretary that no formal action was taken at the meeting. Reciepts weeeobtained from Mr. Dunn at the September meeting and enclosed in this report., Interments 800 Sale of lots 750 Foundations 246 77§-6— Secretary, 15,1/4.44±