04-06-1977 April 6, 1977 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn A letter was received concerning the remaining lots irfleelye Cemetery. They are part of the estate of Pearl W.. Dickinson. The price of $300 per lot put them out of consideration with the added difficulty of really knowing where there have been burials in the past. The secretary was directed to write Layden and Layden, lawyers for the Executrix, and inform him that we are not interested in purchasing the lots at this time. A letter was received concerning the desire of Wilber S .. Cortright to purchase a rose quartz boulder memorial for use in his lot at Pineview Cemetery. After consulting with the town attorney, the commission has decided to slightly change the wording of future deeds to include this attractive type of memorial. We contemplate taking this action at our May meeting and the secretary is directed to so write Mr.. Cortright with copy to George Sa nds and Sons who sell this memorial. Mrs . C.R.BARton has written to ask us to buy back her lot in the Pineview Cemetery. As she payed $120 for the lot we will repurchase it for the sum of $90 which is the purchase price minus 25% for perpetual care. On receipt of said deed for lot #617-Section 24-Wah-Ta- Wah, the treasurer will pay Mrs . Barton this customary amount. Th e secretary will write and so inform Mrs . Barton. Mrs . Dougher will contact the local nurseries and ask for simple suggestions on landscaping the new section. The commission has several types of trees and bushes that they would like to see included. We' ll try to do the job for less than $$1500. John Dunn will contact BOCES on designing and building an entrance sign for the cemetery. The secretary was directed to write Cale Development Corp. as to their encroachment and damage to the cemetery. The snow is now off the ground and we desire to meet with them on the site. Interments 1460 Lots 1000 Vault 12 5 2585 Margaret Prime, Secretary