06-01-1977 June 1, 1977 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt. Dunn The landscaping has been done in the new section and there are five major trees in the center. John spent #97.50 on the flowers to beautify the cemeteryfor Memorial Day. A copy of the resolution passed by the Town Board concerning the needed #4000 has been filed in our minutes . There has been vandalism in the West Glens Falls Cemetery. Twenty- eight stones were overturned and some have been damaged. Since that cemetery was accepted by the commission we will probably have to help in the repairs . Mr. Brennan will be contacted. Mrs . Barton has sent us the old deed and has been payed for the lot.. There has been a bequest from the Whipple Estate for the sum of 41000. If we are allowed to use this for the general care of the cemetery, we will accept with thanks . Bob Edwards will call the attorney in charge. Discussion followed on setting money aside for future cemetery land as Pineview lots will not last forever. The town is growing and so will the future need for a new cemetery site. 520.00 Interments 1337.50 Lots 693.00 Foundations 2550.00 Margaret Prime, Secretary Air,/ 4P4-4--ji- I ,