08-03-1977 Aug.3,1977 9 :00 am Present: Sylvia Dougher, Edwards and Supt. Dunn Mr. Edwards was reappointed by the Town Board for a three year term to expire June 30,1980. Mr.Dunn reported that with the exception of one stone, all the monuments have been reset in the West Glens Falls Cemetery. Mr. Gutheil supplied his equiptment and men at no cost to the Commission. Mr.Edwards reported turning over to the town the interest for 1976 in the amount of $7372.39. Discussions held regarding budget for 1978 which must be submitted by August 15, the culvert that the Water Dept. is to do and the roadway done by Mr.Garb last year which is not right. Mr.Edwards reported that if we can come up with a statement of the conditions under which we could receive bequests , the attorney would take that under consideration in the case of the #1000 Colvin bequest. Sale of Lots 2100 Interments etc. 780 2$80- Sylvia Douaher, acting Secretary Sept.7,1977 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Prime, Edwards and Dunn John Austin will make up a general acception of bequests to use in the Colvin case and in others as they may arrive. The secretary was directed to thank Mr.Gutheil for his help in repairs to the West Glens Falls Cemetery. Discussion concerning handling of repairs to Supt.Dunn' s truck. Caswell estimated the repairs at #1286 to 41500. Mr. Brandt had the truck hauled to the Highway Dept. to be fixed when and if they ever locate a used transmission. The Cemetery Commission had authorized Dunn to have the truck repaired at Caswell' s . This truck is a 1969 International. When Dunn tried to amend his budget for the coming year to include the purchase of a new truck it was not allowed. Since there is a definete change in the conduct of Cemetery business here, the secretary was asked to contact the whole town board for a meeting before the regular meeting of the Town Board on Tuesday Sept.13. No letter of intent has been received from Cale.