06-03-1981 June 3,1981 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn Fran Walter has written the N .Y.S . Employee' s Retirement System asking that John Dunn be granted a waiver to continue as Superintendent. Sarah McEchron has been concerned over the Mount Hermon Cemetry. At this time the cemetery has been mowed twice. John Dunn is not supposed to hire his extra help until either highschool or college people are available so as to avoid unemployment insurance payments come Fall. This is really too late for the spring extra upkeep. We are begining to think that the answer may lie in groups of interested people lending a hand on a voluntary basis as occured during the Bicentennial year. Interments lo6o Sale of Lots 4200 Foundations 886 6146 • Margaret Prime, Secretary