08-04-1982 Aug. 4, 1982 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Prime, Edwards and. Supt. Mosher Budget discusion:New car needed since the cemetery vehicle is the oldest in town. Artificial flowers create danger for the men when the wires get caught in the machines ; Supt. Mosher will contact the other cemeteries to see how they have managed their removal. Supt. Mosher has found that the fence between the Jewish Cemetery and West Glens Falls has several breaks, not one. No repairs have been made as yet since we still dont know who owns the fence. We have gotten a report from Mr. Naylor on road repair. The total job would run $14,200 with the price only holding for 30 days . We must begin a program of road maintenance on a regular basis . Supt. Mosher will write the memorial people giving them a date cut-off in early May for the placing. of Foundations . Interments 950 Lots 1800 Foundations 277 $ 3027 Margaret Prime