06-06-1984 June 6, 1984 9 :00 am Present; Dougher, Prime and Supt. Mosher Because of the Fourth of July holiday, our next meeting will be on July 11. The deeds are being reprinted to reflect the creation of the Urn Garden and other general rules for all the cemeteries . The flag raised by the veterans is up twenty-four hours qday. This was not our agreement. When it deteriorates , we will ask that it be replaced gAickly.. We have many people waiting to buy space in the Urn Garden. Internments 965 Lots 2400 Foundations 3390 6755 Margaret Prime Mare 4 July 11, 1984 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt. Ebaher There is still a problem with stealing in Pine View Cemetery. Flower urns have been taken from several lots . Patrols by the Sheriff and the State Police take place every night. Jenkins Cemetery has had an other accident that tore the fence and damaged stones. The young man involved has insurance and was not hurt. Rodney will contact Fred Austin to see if the county will erect a bumper guavd there since that cemetery has had several such accidents. Internments 1455 Lots 2400 3$45 Margaret Prime 1