09-05-1984 Sept. 5, 1984 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Mosher Tom Jones Tom Jones , a licensed funeral director now with Regan and Denny, is interested in leasing space from the Pine View Cemetery for a crematory. As a service to the communityā€˛ the commission is generally in favor of the proposal and will elasek have the town attorneys check on the legalifl of such a lease. Stumps are gone from the far side of the cemetery and the land has been reseeded. The urn garden has been surveyed and land- scaped for the opening of sales . There will be twenty corner markers to designate the six sections . Granite will be used as most practible. The car was involved in a minor accident and the other vehicle owner' s insurance will cover the damage repair. June receipts Interments 1210 Lots 3200 4 4410 July receipts Interments 650 Lots 2300 Foundations 1887 -4 4837 Margaret Prime ei , 4 {1e0