10-02-1985 Oct. 2, 1985 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Prime, Supt. Mosher and Town Supervisor Fran Walter Instead of a commissioner, Supt. Mosher will now sign the vouchers so that they can be fed into the town' s mew computer almost daily. The commissioners will get a monthly list as a check. W. L. Christopher, Inc. has moved all its vehicles off our land on the side of the mall. They are not interested in purchasing that section at this time. The cemetery car has been repaired. A body was moved from one lot to an other without written permission of the owner of the first lot. It turns out that written permission was never given for the origial burial either. This is a family matter which seems to be calming down but Supt. Mosher will use more care in the future to have proper documentation. Interments 1940 Lots 3400 Foundations 225 5565 Margaret A . Prime, Secretary