11-05-1986 November 5, 1986 9: 00 a . m. Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime, Supt . Mosher and Councilman Ron Montessi Touching briefly on the budget, the Cemetery has not come in for any substantial cuts, the general trend in salary increases is 5% and there may be some adjustments in salaries of heads of departments . The Commission again emphasized that Supt . Mosher should be one raised to a fairer level . It seems now that the crematorium will not be available for separate sale but, if it is, the Commission feels it would be of benefit to the Town to try to acquire it . Most such facilities are in public non-profit ownership and so are used by all funeral directors in an area . The trees that will be planted on our north line will be Norway spruce and 1, 000 will be more than enough for the project. The fence at the Mt . Hermon Cemetery has not been fixed since we have not yet received insurance money. Councilman Montessi will jog the Town Attorney' s attention for us . The Secretary is directed to write a letter to the members of the Town Board concerning the land between our property and Sweet Road. We suggest that this land be purchased when the sale of the other Cemetery property on Quaker Road is finalized using part of the proceeds of that sale for the purchase. Interments 2075 Lots 4800 Foundations 1082 . 50 7957. 50 Margaret A. Prime