01-07-1987 Jan. 7, 1987 9: 00am Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher There was again discussion on the Wendy' s proposal for the property just west of the Town road west of the West Glens Falls Cemetery. The Commission can not understand why this is still being considered. The problems of space, sewage disposal, reduction of road access to the Jewish Cemetery, reduction of the width of the road from 50 to 25 feet contrary to Town policy and so forth, all seem to point to this proposal not being in the best interests of the Town. r A check in the amount of $11,606 was received from the Town of Queensbury representing the Cemetery Commission' s share of the proceeds of the sale of the land on Quaker Road. There is still approximately $3, 236 left in the Boychuck account and it seems logical to treat this money in the same manner. Mrs . Dougher will speak to Fran Walter about this . Interments 1615 Lots 2100 Foundations 1083 Vault 50 4848 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary