05-06-1987 May 6, 1987 9: 00 am Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher There is no new information on the crematorium at this time . There has been an early foundation pour because of the early Spring weather. Spreading flower beds are becoming a problem. We will visit these sites in June and try to find a sensible limit . Government markers, very attractive, arrive from time to time with often no one to contact for the foundation cost . After discussion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the markers provided by the U. S. Government to veterens be installed without charge provided this is done during regularly scheduled foundation pours . There has still been no check from the Town' s Insurance Company for the fence damage at Mt . Hermon. Interments 2270 Lots 2300 Foundations 198 Vault 50 4818 Margaret A. Prime