10-07-1987 Pine View Cemetery Oct. 7, 1987 9: 00 am Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime, Supt . Mosher and from the Town Board: Walter, Montesi , Monahan and Chris Gauthier of Regan and Denny At the September meeting, Mr . Gauthier had presented a proposal to the Cemetery Commission that seemed to have some merit since there was the possibility of cutting some of the overtime costs of running the crematorium. After much discussion, both with Mr . Gauthier and after he had left, the members of the Town Board expressed their preference for keeping the operation of the crematorium completely separate from a private funeral service . No formal action was taken by the Cemetery Commission since the hour was late . The Secretary was directed to write Mr. Gauthier to thank him for bringing his proposal to the Commission. It was suggested by the Town Board members that a letter be sent to Lee York, assistant planner, along with a map showing all the cemeteries in Queensbury so that she could consider buffering them in the updated zoning plan. The secretary will see that this is done . There will be a discussion by the Commission of the rates charged for lots and services at the next meeting. They have not been changed in several years . There is a faucet impinging on Hudson Lot #1 which shall be moved. Sept . Interments 1955 Lots 1500 3455 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary