01-08-1992 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION JAN. 8, 1992 9: 00am Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime, Supt . Mosher, Susan Goetz, Kathleen Kathe, E. J . Christensen, Betty Monahan The total of cremations done in 1991 was 416. The estimate had been 300 . The paperwork on the new retort is supposed to be completed this month and we are ready to accept delivery by the end of February. The installation costs will be added to the $39, 364 price and presented to the Town Board for bonding. Once the new retort is installed and operational , the old retort will need rebricking. The cost seems to be about $7000. The remaining "Boychuck" funds of $7554 . 05 can be used for this purpose . The Perpetual Care funds that have been loaned for the purchase of the crematory need to be replaced and this can be done by taking a portion or all of the profits from the operation of the crematory over a period of time . The profit last year was approximately $35, 000. We are still trying to collect the $925 owed on the storage of Mr. Sleight' s body for 77 days . Mike Lopez will be returning to work before the end of the month. There are about 48 acres of undeveloped land in Pine View and, with the growth in cremations added to the ability to buy just one plot , there seems to be enough land for two to three hundred years . Kathleen Kathe will try to schedule a meeting with the entire Town Board for Feb. 5, our next regular meeting date . Interments 2250 Cremations 5580 Lots 4500 Containers 575 Vault 150 Misc . 45 6900 6200 Margaret A . Prime, Secretary i