12-01-1992 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION December 1, 1992 9: 00am Present : Dougher, Edward, Prime, Monahan and Supt . Mosher The new disclaimer form for the use of the vault was approved by the Commission. It will go into use right away. We will make a formal agreement with Doyle ' s for the maintenance of the Quaker Cemetery as requested. We have received two quotes for the refitting of the old retort : Industrial Engineering, $10, 988 and L. V. R. , $7500. The following rates have been approved for the sale of lots and the other services of the cemeteries and crematory: Former Charge New Charge Per single grave in any multiple 300 330 Urn Garden lots 150 165 Pine View opening, weekday 225 250 Pine View opening, Saturday 300 350 Urn opening, weekday 75 85 Urn opening, Saturday 125 135 Infant opening, weekday 75 85 Infant opening, Saturday 125 135 Small vault child, weekday 150 165 Small vault child, Saturday 200 230 Outside opening, weekday 275 325 Outside opening, Saturday 350 425 Vault rental 75 100 Cremation, adult 155 175 Cremation, children 13mo . - 12 years 90 100 Cremation, Stillborn - 12mo . 50 60 Containers 25 25 Mailers 15 20 A resolution by the Town Board approving these rates will be requested at their next meeting. The rates will be effective as of January 1, 1993 except for the vault rental which will be effective as of December 1, 1992 . Interments 2725 Cremations 3100 Lots 6300 Containers 350 9025 Misc . 30 3480 fr i