08-04-1993 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION August 4, 1993 9: 00am Present : Dougher, Edwards and Supt. Mosher Supt . Mosher reported that he is currently gathering Information for the 1994 budget . The Town Supervisor is not meeting with Department heads at this stage as was done before . The Budget is due August 20th . The Commission will meet with Mosher on August 17 to review the requested figures . Mr. Mosher was notified by Paul Dusek that the "Permit to Contruct" the new retort had not been signed. This oversight has been taken care of and returned to DEC. Mr. Mosher will purchase the weed eaters as per this year' s current budget . A discussion was held regarding the possibility of monuments falling over and injuring someone . Mr. Edward Hand, from the New York Division of Cemeteries , has assured us that the cemetery can not be held responsible . This would be a matter between the lot owner and the injured party. We do keep a close watch over all stones and reset or notify the parties concerned. The men have been cleaning up brush, edging around trees and putting chips down during the time they are not mowing. We have one young man from the Voluntary Action Center working on a volunteer basis for a limited time . The water rent took a big jump and Tom Flaherty, Supt . of the Water Dept . , stopped by and assured us he will make a complete check of the system. Flowers are still being stolen and the authorities are investigating. Interments 2010 Cremations 7410 Lots 14850 Containers 650 Foundations 295 Misc . 145 17155 8205 From notes taken by Sylvia Dougher