07-06-1994 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COM MISSION July 6, 1994 9:00am Present: Dougher, Edwards, Prime, Wiswall and Supt. Mosher Two modem phones have been bought and installed in the office and the crematory. They will pay for themselves in reduced charges in a few months and then continue to reduce costs each month thereafter. Niagara Mohawk has not yet laid the gas line to the Pine View building. Since the heating season will be upon us in no time, Rod will continue to push their service office for action. We have Wayne Merritt and Michael Mosher working for the summer. The people assigned from the Warren County Department of Social Services Work Program vary in numbers and length of work period each must serve but they certainly help during our busiest time. Nora Stark, owner of Lot 25D in the Mohigan Section, would like to sell back her lot and understands that the portion of the price for perpetual care is not returned. This action was approved by the Commission and will be done by resolution of the Town Board in the normal manner. Interments 3325 Cremations 6790 Lots 4375 Containors 700 Foundations 381.60 Misc. 90 8081.60 7580 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary Q „�✓Wl' I //