02-03-1999 QUEENSBURY CEMETERY COMMISSION February 3, 1999-9 a.m. PRESENT: Supervisor: Rodney Mosher Commissioners: George Wiswall, Bob Edwards,Terry Higgins There were 50 cremations in January. Maynard Baker, a funeral director from Warrensburg , is interested in opening a funeral home in Queensbury. • Some logging is being done at Pine View by Emerson Walker,Jr. Pine View employees will be doing any chipping that is necessary. A resolution was passed by the Town Board on January 4, 1999 reappointing Bob Edwards to the Cemetery Commission to a term ending December 31, 2001. The property of Mr. Kee Chun and Sung Joon Kim was conveyed to Robert Mastrantoni. As of February 3, 1999 any deeds that are changed or replaced will be subject to a $25 transfer fee. Ed Matraw was on vacation for two weeks and Gary Grant ran the crematory. Mike Lopez supervised. January 1999 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $1,640. Cremations $ 9,630. Lots 700. Cardboards 425. Vault Rental 200. Misc. 60. Totals: $2,540. $10,115. Theresa Higgins Secretary