11-16-1949 2t e November 16, 1949 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Meeting called to order at 7 :35 P. M. by Chairman Joseph Regan. Commissioners Regan, Cowles, and Van Dusen present . Also, Supt Scoville. Minutes of the October meeting read and approved. Supt Scoville reported need for new flooring for work— shop at Pine View Cemetary. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried that Supt . Scoville be authorized to purchase necessary lumber. Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipts of $40.00 for interments which is to be turned over to Supervisor Harris. Secretary is delegated to attend the next meeting of the Queensbury Town Board. Supt Scoville reported that garage space is available for storage of the Cemetary truck in the same location as last year for a rental of $10.00 per month. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that said garage space be rented from John Lavin, Upper Glen Street. A letter was received from Victor A. Loiselle in regard to service at Pine View Cemetary. Letter to be placed on file and Secretary to answer same . Meeting adjourned at 9 :00 P. M. Van Seery ry.