09-20-1950 31 : REGULAR LLONTHLY MEETING September 20, 1950 • Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at 7 :45 P. M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Supt. Scoville reported that the survey being made by • engineers of the Warren County Highway Department has made some progress but is still incomplete. Discussion of garage facilities for the truck for the winter months took place . The Superintendent is to endeavor to locate a suitable space and contract for same for coming Pinter . Discussion in regard to opening new areas of the cemetery took place, and the Supt. was directed to secure the services of the Town of Queensbury bulldozer and open additional single interment space , and also level an area on the east side of the road north of the brook. Treas. Frank Cowles to attend the next meeting of the Tom Board. Receipts of the month were reported by treasurer , as follows : Sale of Lots $ 370.00 Interments 135 .00 • Rental of Tent 5.00 Total $ 510.00 The meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P. LI. Sec tory.