05-16-1951 40 REGULAR MONTHLY METING May 16 . 1951 Meeting called to order at 8 :45 P. M. Commissioners .Regan, Cowles, and Van Dusen present. Also . Supt . Scoville . Discussion held on whether or not our new equipment is covered by insurance . Secretary is to check into this matter with, the insurance agent . A discussion took place on the cutting of grass in the various rural cemeteries in the Town of Queensbury. Supt Scoville reported that all cemeteries would be cleaned • by Memorial Day. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the secretary write a letter to Supervisor Harris and Justice of the Peace Henry Sleight thanking them for their donation of the use of their trucks for drawing gravel to the Pine View Cemetery roadways. Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipts as follows : Sale of Lots $ 1 ,240.00 Interments 160.00 Total Q 1,400.00 Motion duly made , seconded and carried that Supt. Scoville be authorized to purchase a new wheelbarrow and canvas ground cloth. Meeting adjourned at 10 :20 P. E. S retar•y.