01-18-1955 80 REGULAR MONTHLY ME,LTING January 18 ; 1955 • 7 P.M. CommissionersDenny. Cowles and Van Dusen present . Also . Caretaker. Scoville . Treasurer . Frank Cowles read the annual report prepared by him for the Town Board. Copy of same is filed with the Secretary. Discussion took place regarding the need for a jackhammer to be used for opening graves. especially when frost is in the ground. Frank Scoville will secure prices and specifications on jackhammers and present them as soori_ as possible . Receipts : Interments y 140. 00 Vault Rental 15. 00 0 155.00 Meeting adjourned at 8 P.M. Seer ary REGULAR IdONTIUY MEETING February 16 . 1955 8 P.M. All commissioner present , and also caretaker Scoville . Another discussion took place regarding jackhammers. and Frank Scoville was asked to write for prices on an electric hammer which may be adequate to serve our needs. Receipts : Vault rental 045 .00 Interments 35.00 w 80.00 Meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. Secre - ry CEMETERY COMMISSION TOWN OF QUBENSBURY a l ANNUAL REPORT 1954 BALANCE - JANUARY 1, 1954 $2,500.40 RECEIPTS Sais of Lots - $2,203.00 Openings 1,095.00 Foundations 129.76 Vault Rent000 30.00 Investment Income 67.50 Town of Queensbury (Cleaning & Repairs) p g„�� �• DISBUR EfIENTS - H. Russell Harriss, Supervisor 75$ Sale of Lots - $1,652.25 Openings - 1,095.00 Foundations129.76 Vault Rent - - 30.00 Town of Queensbury (Cleaning & Repairs) g 3,33 • 0. 1 Total Receipts $3,950.06 Total Disbursementsigen Net Income Balance January 1 1954 . . . 00 Balance December 31, 1954.. , • Treasurer