08-21-1957 96 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING July 17,1957 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners & Supt. present. Bond for Charles Denny was received and after discussion, motion was made, seconded and carried that, in as much as Comm. Denny and Van Dusen do not handle any money in their respective positions on the Cemetery Commission, a bond would not be req*i.red for either of them and that the bond in question be teturned. . RECEIPTS; Sale of Lots $ 325.00 Interments 125.00 Foundations 7,50 $ 457.50 Deed from Charles Kaulfuss and another new deed to him have been recorded in the Town Clerk's office on July 17th. Meeting adjourned at 5225 P.M. Secre'tar y. v REGULAR MONTHLY MEET_ING August 21, 1957 5 P.M. All present. Inspection made of newly completed blacktop drive around North _end of the Pine View Cemetery. Work has been completed in a satisfactory manner. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $ 390.00 Interments . 85.00 $ 475.00 Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. 14--/A--A Litt 1 Setary tINEVIEW CEMETERY i - 1958 Budget Cost of Improvements : Improvements to Cemetery 0 350.00 New Equipment 500.00 Material for foundations 100.00 950.00 MAINTENANCE : Personal services 5"= 69400.00 Repairs to existing Equip. 150.00 Material for ground Eaint. 100.00 Oras & oil for Ecuipment 125.00 Compensation Insurance 300.00 Bond for Commissioners &. Supt. 35.00 50.00 Cost for Maintenance of outside cemeteries 800.00 4 9,960.00 8,910.00 REVENUES : Sale of Lots, less Perpetual care 2,500.00 Fees for rental of Vault 30.00 Fees for oped.ng graves 1,500.00 Fees for setting '=onuments 125.00 Estimated balance, .Dec. 319 1957 100.00 •4,255.00 Budget Appropriation $ 49655.00