08-19-1959 11)6: Regular meeting August 19, 1959 Commissioners Van Dusan and' Cowles present. Thomas Noble met with the Commission and the Supt. at Pineview Cemetery when an inspection of the roadways of the cemeteries was made, and Mr. Nobles submitted a bid of $375. to make repairs to the roadways where needed and to install a new culvert where needed. , Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that Mr. Noble be authorized to make the necessary repairs. Receipts: Sale of Lots $ 975.00 Openings 335.00 Foundations 45.00 $ 1,355.00 Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P,M. —Viet Secretar Regular meeting September 24, 1959 All Commissioners present. Receipts: Sale of Lots . $ 1,105.00 e Foundations 120.00 Openings 20.00 $ 1,245.00 Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M. 442/6s.,.. Y -N_- Seer