10-11-1961 117 REGULAR MEETING September 13 , 1961, 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners and Frank Scoville are present. Supt. Scoville reported on work being done in the outlying cemeteries of the Town. West Glens Falls Cemetery still requires more work done . Sunnyside Cemetery fence is in bad repair. Supt. Scoville is to look into these matters'. RECEIPTS: Sale of lots $ 395 .00 - Openings 420.00 $ 815.00 Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Secretary. REGULAR MEETING October 11, 1961, 4:45 P.M. All Commissioner and Frank Scoville are present. Frank Scoville reported that the fence at Sunnyside Cemetery has been repaired. RECEIPTS: Sale of lots $ 494.00 Openings 1$0.00 $ 674.00 Meeting adjourned at 5 :30 P.r. • Secretary. REGULAR MEETING November 6, 1961, 4:45 P.M. All commissioners & Frank Scoville are present. Request received from Mr. John Bickley to be allowed to give permission for the burial of Nellie Brown (aka Vivian) , and Claudius Brown in his plot # 249, Sec. 27, Wah-ta-wah Plot. Permission is granted. Certificate is to be filed with Caretaker of Pine View Cemetery. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $ 962. 50 Interments 405.00 $1367. 50 Meeting adjourned at 5: 10 P.M- Secretary.