1975-09-23 T REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Cquncilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman C J. David Little-Town Counsel GUESTS: Mayor, Robert- Cronin-City Attorney. Cann, Mr. Horace Barber, League of Women Voters, Residents of West Glens Falls, TOWN OFFICIALS: .. George Liapes, Raymond Buckley, Earl Garb PRESS: Norman Mjaattddt, .Tri ,County News, Pat ,Childs Meeting Opened 7: 30. P.M. Salute to the flag. e . PUBLIC HEARING-GLENS FALLS APPLICATION1'fOi NEW LANDFILL-NOTICE SHOWN HEARING OPENED: 7: 30 P.M U'D Supervisor Streeter-opened the hearing by welcoming Mayor. Robert Cronin- .-4 x MAYOR ROBERT CRONIN: Q HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: The City of Glens Fal.ls _having_made formal application .fior the use of land adjacent to its..present..facilitq for..further landfill purposes, and your Honorable hoard and .the-Citizens of..Queensbury being familiar with the basic purpose of the request, and its implications, it appears to me that my remarks should be limited to a brief account of our reasons for the request, and a presentation of the landfill issue within the context of Queensbury-Glens. Falls relationships today and in-the future. . _I ask your-indulgence if I read _a_prepared statement . so as to_ minimize_.the .possiblity of ..inadvertent .,inaccuracies. We are all well acquainted with the present situation, one which is a source of anguish to nearby residents of Queensbury and one which City officials also find most unsatisfactory. .., .The City finds itself in a bind because, lacking other disposal areas, .it has had no choice but to continue use .of?;the _present landfill, .which means inevitably going up ever higher. We. have tried at least to carry on as neat an operation as possible, to meet- State. standards, . to insure.that there will ..be .no'.fires, .no odors, no vermin, and that the debris will be properly coverd each day. More than this we would be more than happy to see an end to the eyesore which is created by this growing mountain of trash and fill. It is .precisely for this reason that we have applied to your Honorable Board for the use of the adjacent lands. It would be our hope, if permission were granted, that we could. terminate use of the present site, grade and seed it properly, so that._it would no. longer be offensive to sight. We would hope further to -provide appropriate screening of the new area, so as to insure protection for nearby .landowners. _ In..doing..thia, -.in_.arranging .access, and in.general operation of the landfill, if permission were :granted,: .we.-are open- to -your suggestions for the most effective kind of operation, with minimal dis- turbance to our neighbors. _ We assure you. of..our readinesssto .accept and cooperate with such suggestions. �., It..seems .to me._to..be..eminently.in-order_that_this request be placed .__. in the context of town and city relationships, •past, present and futtme. It is ._common .knowledge_.thAt for._many Mears in .the past there has been a certain degree of ftittinn, following a pattern frequently observed between towns .and cities.._..Happily, .however,, there =has .been a very sig- nificant degree_of cooperation, .and, I am convinced, a:geowing realization of_the .degree..to :which our-problems and opportunitiea._are intertwined. _ During..the_past nearly_six. years r..this _City administration has -been : happ* .to_have ex cellent.relations .,with .neighboring governments, and par- 72 ticularly with the Queensbury Supervisors and Town Boards. We have net both{formally and informally to discuss problems common to both communities. There has been a real effort to develop this spirit of cooperation and a real effort in those cases where we have differences, to settle them quietly and amicably. I can go further and note that in previous administrations of both town and city there is evidence of this spirit of cooperation, May I, speaking on behalf of Glens Falls , cite a number of examples wherein the City for its part has sought to foster this spirit, has sought to be of assistance to our neighbors. . A primary area of cooperation has been in providing water and sewer facilities. For many years, residents In the Broadacres section of Queens- bury have had water connections provided by the ,City. We have also provided both storm and sanitary sewer` connections to areas of the town. Indeed when your Honorable Board came to us two years ago and requested 'a tie-in for Storm Sewers in the Sherman Avenue-Ames-Seward Street Section, and when you advised us that you faced a problem of a crisis nature, we agreed for an immediate tie-in to solve your problem, with. the understanding that costs could be negotiated at a later date, rather than insisting first on a financial accounting. When the Hallmark Nursing Home was planned, must at the border of Queensbury and Glens Falls , the -previous administration agreed to provide water and sewer service, in a sprit of friendship and in the conviction that facilities of this nature should be encouraged. A few years ago, when Queensbury faced drainage problems in the Ridge Street area at the municipal boundary lines, and requested us to Join in a joint committee to seek a solution to the problem, we were more than willing to cooperate. Two other areas of cooperation in the matter of water and sewage service are prehaps of even greater importance. The representatives of the Queensbury Water Department appeared before our Water Board and expressed serious apprehension about temporary water shortages. They asked if a tie-in could be made with our water supply, so that in such an emergency -situation, a valve could be opened, providing Queensbury With immediate relief. There was not one moment of hesitation on the part of our Water Board. There wassno' question but that we . should be the good neighbor, and an agreement was quickly worked out. The other incident was one which never came to a successful conclusion but which is worth citing as an example of genuine cooperation. When it became known to the Queensbury authorities that U.S. Catheter was thinking of moving out of New York State, the then Supervisor Jerry Solomon got in touch with me. Together we spent a great deal of time with officials of the firm, .and with our minicipal engineers, to see if we ou*1d persuade them that it would be in the firm's interest to remain in the area. The question arose of possible relocation in the Luzerne Road area, adjacent to the municipal boundary lines. We were asked by Supervisorr Solomon whether, if such a move were made, the City would supply water and sewer services. Although there was some question, at the timo, of the adequacy of our sewer lines, we agreed that it was of over-riding importance to do all that was possible to keep in'Warren County a firm that would onntinue to provide Jobs and tax revenues. Accordingly we assured our Queensbury neighbors that the City would be prepared to cooperate in every way possible. Other areas of cooperation that come to mind include the joint paving of Fort Amherst Road; joint meetings of our respective Recreation Commission to explore avenues of common activities; and a readiness on the part of the City to grant use of our field on Luzerne Road to the West Glens Falls Fire Department, or indeed to any civic group, whether of town or city, for purposes of raising funds. Glens Falls has also tried to be the good neighbor to all of our near- by municipalities. Thus for instance, in the support of facilities such as Crandall Library, and our Recreation Field, both of which are easily j available for the benefit of citizens of all neighboring communities, we have responded readily to Library requests for assistance, both in out city budget and in the generous use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, and we have used similar funds for substantial improvONOMat Recreation Field. Although the question of the ext t-of support to the Library from neighboring communities .was brouhe up, we nevertheless agreed that it was of the greatest importance to help the Library continue its high level of service, and that since we received substantial Revenue Sharing Funds, we were quite prepared to give comparatively subatantial assistance. Nor did we hestitate to authorize improvement in the facilities at Recreation Field on any narrow-mined question of the widespread nature of its usage. My friends, we would be blind not to be profoundly aware of how dis- quieting in issue we face in this our request to you. But I suggest hhat , it' truly is part of the larger picture of 'our mutual relationships. I suggest--that its- we have 'on our part tried to be the good neighbor; as we are today working jointly on projects -such-as the Intermunicipal Sewage;• and as tommorrow we will inevitably be working together on more and more projects for our autual benefit; and 'inally inasmuch as we have agreed to be guided by your thoughtful-suggestions in the operation of the landfill, thatttt is indeed .an appropriate and reasonable request we mare to your 'today. �We hope in all sincerity that, weighing all aspects in the balance, you 'may find' it- possible to- grant the request, subject to all reasonable stipulations. We are further prepared, if this request is granted, to -offer the use of the landfill to all Queensbury citizens who live nearby, under conditions mutually agreeable to these citizens, to the Town Board and to the Common Council. We hope furher, that however this issue eventuates, we the citizens and government of Glens Falls can and will seek- to live iti harmony with you, the citizens 'and government of Queensbury; that .it .will.- indeed be possible and will be the keynote of the future, that in all possible ways we work together as neighbors .and friends. LO .-4 . . . As a final remark on the practicality of what we are seeking; it appears Cq to me that both of our communities are in agreement on the basic objective- x to 'get rid of"'the unsightly mountain of trash and fill. It is our hope to return the present site to a natural state, with gross, shrubbery and trees, Ca so that far from being understanably_ objectinnable in the eyes of our neighbors, it will be a well designed, clean and attractive site. This is our objective. May I now ask your courtesy .in hearing fo©m our City Attorney; Bernard McCann, on the 'details of ,our proposal. City Attorney McCann proceeded to read the original application for permit to operate a landfill project within the Town of Queensbury. In accordance with the applicable ordinances and specificati accordancd with the provisions of an Ordinance -of the Town of Queensbury entitled "Ordinance to Regulate Dumps and Garbage Disposal in the Town of Queensbury", dated March 3, 1959, application is hereby made by the City of Glens Falls to .the Town of Queensbury for a permit to establish,operate and-maintain a sanitary landfill area within the Town of Queensbury and in support of such application, 'the City of Glens Falls presents the following: 1. The applicant, City of Glens Falls, is a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, and is located wholly within the County of Warren. 2. A description-of the parcel of land proposed to be used, pursuant to this application, is annexed hereto and made a part-hereof. 3. Also annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a�map showing the area proposed to 'be used, pursuant to this application. 4. City `of Glens 'Falls propose# .to use the "Sanitary Landfill" method of -operating this rubbish disposal irea, 'and would fill in and level off the entire area when said area had been exhausted for landfill purposes. T=he area would be under constant supervision during all hours of operation. 5. Bjt� way of information pertinent to this application, the applicant further states : that the present area being used for rubbish disposal by the applicant would be landscaped and seeded conforming it to a natural state. The present hill which has .been created would then provide a--sight barrier for the new - landfill operation, Thus the landfill would not be visible from the Northway. Likewise the proposed #Area would be sufficiently set back from Luzerne Road and tree cover would be provided to prevent visi;ility .from the Luzerne Road area. The proposed area is also a'-depression area as shown on the accompanying maps and it would, therefore, be actually in the interest of the Town .to `have it filled, so long as proper landfill procedures 'are .used. The accompanying maps indicate entrance routes. It is respectfully submitted that if this application is granted, the results would be beneficial- to -both communities. Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Cronin, Mayor City of Glens Falls The City of-Glens Falls is not expanding the landfill they are asking for a new landfill, which is adjacent to the present landfill. We will close the present -landfill-and- cover it with- top- s&il, seed it and_spread shnubbpry around so it is returned to the natural environment that surrounds the land- fill in the -northway--area in -West--Glens -Falls.-' - We- propose -a new entrance closing off the vId entsance -of the landfill -and-the new entrance-to be located somewhere in-the vicinity-.of--tbe Fire House. .-.The operation of the landfill will take place far `off !Luzerne Road bbhind a tree cover so that the actual operation ,would be-out of, site from Luzerne-Road. - Sherman Avenue would not be -able-to -see the landfill due to tree cover. . .the -Northway=would be likewise blocked:,- .There is a large pit -and-ravine area we will be using this area under 'control and under stipulations set down --by-your honorable Board, the land would be brought to grade level as it stands today, there could be - no chance of another Mt.trashmore. . .With this depression area we could use less fill. . .List of items the city has done to control the present i operation 1. Last November-limit use of landfill to Glens Falls Citizens --J only. . .since this ,ve have cut the car traffic by one third.-. .noted that of the 22 trucking licenses given out in the City 17 are residents .of Queensbury we must then persume that they are not only hauling from the City Residents but also ­from-Queensbury residents to "the City landfill. 2. The City has patroled weekly- to-pick up debris -from the road the city also -has an ordinance to have truckes covered. 3. possible idea would also be- to allow-those neighboring the landfill in Queensbury to obtain a sticker and use the land fill—The landfill would be maned by city employees. . : - - Supervisor Streeter-thanked the Mayor and City Counsel. . .Open to Public. . . Mr. Daniel Sweet- Queensbury-Has the city investigated any other area witb a esser population than this area and aeso have they explored the process of inceneration? Attorney Yes the City has and is exploring alternate sites in other mun'c alit es . The process of incineration has been discussed-by both communities it is a viable question-it - is a long range -hope that a county wide operation=with incineration could be trm", rieer. . .this is very expensive. . Mayor Cronin-noted that with several of the town's supervisor's a joint ndti3l pioject was an issue. . . but problems ar-ose but we are still more than willing to cooperated. . Supervisor Streeter- also noted the close work between the communities in trying to achiefe a joint landfill with incineration. . .several problems were noted such as the possibility of havimg �two incinerators because of break downs and also not everthing can be incinerated. . . Marjor* Moeller- League of Women Voters- The League of Women Voters is a national organization of 140,000 men and women with abroad range of concerns. After studying solid waste problems in 1973, members across the country reached several objectives -to work toward. One is to reduce at the source the volume of solid waste produced in this country--such -as excessive packaging* Another is to increase the recycling and recovery of materials which are presently being discarded. Our primary goal is to slow down the depletion of non-renewable resources in this country. It is not within the ,jurisdiction of the Town of Queensbury or other local governments to reduce the amount of waste generated by our society to any great extent, but -we would urge government officials in this area to look for new solutions for the reuse and disposal of the wastes that are generated here. The League feels that the best method is the recovery of all --materials which can be recycled, and the conversion of the organic residue to energy. This would result in a great reduction-in the amount of laiid needed for waste disposal and in the type of waste to be discarded. The members of the Glens Falls Area League-are primarily people who live in Queensbury and Glens Falls. They have oftemnspokenr.informally of the need for a closer relationship between the two communities. In discussion meetings in early 1974, our members came to the following conclusion, which was adopted as a position of the local League: "It is the belief of the Glens Falls Area League of Women Voters that -cooperation between Queensbury and adjoining communities should be fostered, particularly in the .,areas of transportation, water, sewage disposal, solid waste, air polution control, police and fire portection, recreation and educational resources. Inc/ addition, the League feels that attitudes of cooperation and a 75 recognition of mutual dependence ; would be actively cultivated. " We would urge you to look for woo that the Town of Queensbury can work together with the. City of Glens Falls, and also with Warren County, to create so4+ d, workable, long-range solutions 'to the solid waste disposal problems which every community faces. Solid waste won't go away - it is up to all of us both government officials ,and individual citizens, to find a good way to manage it. Thank you for the opportunity to speak this evening. September 23, 1975 Marjory Moeller, President Glens Falls Area League of Women Voters Mr. John Bodette-Queensbury- I do not feel that the extension of the land- fill is a solution to the problem. . .in a few years it could again be a problem it is not a solution at all. . .I am opposed. . . H. Russell Harris-Queensbury- realized the problems of both communities. . . ens Fa s needs anplace and with the controls that Queensbury can use and also with the possibility in the near future of- better landfill disposal. I believe that the application should be granted with possibly a time limit for use. Don Weeks-Queensbury- I would like to know about compaction and what is the life span of the proposed landfill? Attorney McCann-The city is investigating the purchase of a compactor and also mt a pose ility of a firm to recycle paper. According to an estimate of Rist-Frost the useful .life span of this proposed landfill is five years at the present rate of usage with a small amount for expansion. Su vim. Streeter- questioned the city as to what they would do with the material from Finch and Pruyn as per their statement that they did not require much cover. As a point of fact you still .wili have a lot of this material going in the landfill. Attorney McCann-We .will� also be bringing in some sand to be used as cover. Robert Eddy-Beautification Comm. , Queensbury-Asked the city if they had a permit o run a sand pit. Attorney McCann-The city is is the process of getti a permit. This Isalaw t s year. Robert Eddy- Doesn' t our ordinance apply? Councilman Barber-The city had preexisting use. .Therefore it does not apply. Robert Eddy-Your plans for beautification-they have not been filed with us. Attorney McCann-We will take one step at a time. Robert Edd -I request that before the Board makes a decision the plans be suRitted th the Beautificiation Committee. Regarding the Regional Enviconmental Management C-ouncil, have you filed an Impact statement with this .committee? Attorney McCann- No, but we will at the appropriate time. John Burch-I have yet to hear a sound statement in opposition to the landfill. Tt- wou,17-improve the °relations between the city and town and eliminate the' problem that we have now. The city is assisting the town in abiding by all .� town laws and they have never said that this would be a permanent solution. I feel the board should respond favorably to their request. Les Baird-Queensbury-What are you going to do with the pile that you have there now? Attorney will be seeded and graded and brought back to a natural state. Due to it's height and weight we can not make it disappear. Mr. Ravmond W Queensbury-Questionedthe city-as to whether the ravine has wat-er in it and or springs, and has the Hudson Valley Commission been notified? 79 Attorney McCann-Yes. �We have notified the Hudson River Comm-. The ravine does not have water in it but t-he depression does have-.water, it is drainage water. We- do have a well on- the -present wekl- site, it is down. 35 feet. Raymond Wolfe-I am against it it has held our area down: Supervisor Streeter-Has EnCon been notified as for the proposed use of this land tor a landfill. Attorney McCann-We have been in to-uch with them. If this passes, we will be more than happy to talk with them. Charles Trombley-voiced a complaint against Finch Pruyn using their materif fo cover the landfill Attorney McCann-we will be° using this .in a depression where it will not Blow. Mrs. Elmore-questioned as to where the water went that was on the land, an nT oted-the continous papers and rats in the area. . . Mr. James Her er-Queensbury-noted his concern over land reclamation can the anFused when the landfill is closed, can buildings be located on the property-her this should be looked into. . . Mr. George Finch-Luzerne Road -noted the debris from trucks in the area. . . Mr. Donald Weeks- Queensbury-voiced his concern over his well as per possible pollution in regard to the water in thesdeptession. . . I would also like to have investigated the statement that the mountAdn that is there now will decrease in size? Mr. Bob Dean-Queensbury-Wasn't the depression dug by the city? There has always een water there. . . Attorney cCann- there is a depression adjacent to thellandfill which wasdug-by the city. . .we are talking about two areas . . . adjacent to the depression is a ravine. . . Mr. '-3 s? Rozelle-Queensbury- noted that the ext4ip landfill covered t e sp ags . . . . am strickly against more dump. . . . Mr. Floyd Pickett- Queensbury asked if the city could place-the dump in t e City. . . Mr. : _ Bell-Queensbury noted that he did not live far from the landfill an�C �he 1�aIot of water. . .akso how close to the property line will the landfill go? Mr. Bob Dean-Queensbury- Wasn't the ordginal idea of the depression to level mountain off again? Councilman Robertson- Asked if the city has provided the town with the study of the life span of the new landfill? A ` McCann- The city will make this study available to `the Town. . . Councilman Robillard- Will you just tell me• how long you feel that the present landfill has een n violation of the so called good neighbor policy? Attorney McCann-the area on Luzerne Road has been piling up but I do not think it is a violation of any procedure. Councilman Robillard-I have been chastised publicly, in the press .and here because in March o 1975 an ill wind came along and blewaall this debris all along Luzerne Road. All of a sudden I am the scapegoat, I should not- be doing these things. Two months later they want to expand this landfill and the land that they bought in 1968. I say if they were sincere they should have made application in 1968 to fill that depression, not 1975 four months after the big blow on Luzerne Road. Attorney McCann-We did make application in 1968 Geumetluan-Robillard-I have been on this Town Board since 1968 and I do not recall any application. Attorne McCann- I- can show you a rather .thick docket that in June of 1967 an app cat- n vas made. You are welcome to read it. Councilman RobiLlard- I want to solve this problem, The, answer is not filling the ravine on ° urerne Rd. I'll be happy to set-,,anytime with the Board and the Council of .Glens Falls to, see if we 'can solve 'ourddifferences. I am sure that the location is not going to be Luzerne Rd. There m*A be other methods such as compacting and shredding. ' Who made the engineering study of the project? Attorney McCann- Rist Frost .made the survey. Councilman Robilaard-Did it give any water conditions? Why are you not asking or an extension f3r your landfill? Attorney McCann-We are trying to eliminate future growth of the eyesore that you have Mr. Robillard also asked about a buffer zone and where would the entrance be to' the new landfill. He believes the city would be in violation of the Federal Beautification Act because this project would be contiguos to what they are now doing. Councilman Robillard-I think if you took five years off that mountain it u-j wduld be a good-gesture on your part.' � s Mr. Robillard asked Mr. John Moynihan if he had a written report from EnCon on their landfill operation. Mr. Moynihan said that it was just verbal. T-hey had their inspector up there for his normal walk through. The mayor informed the Town Board that they get a monthly report from EnCon. being Mr_ Hoaace B rber_ stated afterAquestioned that they get about 65 tons of solid waste daily exclusive of Finch Pruyn. It was noted that Finch Pruyn dumps about 110 ton per day. Councillan Robillard- You do say that Glens Falls has no intention of lowering t e present mountain at the landfill. McCanvi No we do not. Robillard- I have had some complaints from some residents on Luzerne Rd. say ng t at the sunset comes to them about one half hour earlier than anyone else. I want to meet with the city of .Glens Falls on this problem, 'but I do not feel that Luzerne Road is the answer. I have been snubbed by city officials at •different funetions 'but this does not hurt me because they do not vote for me. I have been accused of a political grandstand and whoever said that better look again because I have no competition and I will be here another four years. Thank You. Councilman Barber- The situation as I see .it has been a political passel and a nuisance problem to the citizens of West Glens Falls. . .I agree with Councilman Robillard in respect in that .the existing landfill should be closed down. . .and the mountaian should be 4Wically improved, as to how it should beeimproved thia will be governed by the State of New York Dept. of Conservation the law pertaining to the closing down of landfills. . . I think it behoves is Board to come up with annalternative or solution for the City of §lens .Falts . . . .Does the City have an engineering plan according to the guide lines of the Department of Environmental Conservation to pre- sent to this board? Attorney McCann-We are in the processsof preparing it? Councilman Barber-Will these plans showlthe landfill from 0-5 years? Attorney McCann- Ican not say what are in the plans- I know it is in prepara- tion. Councilman Barber-Do you have the hydraLic radiant'of the site?, as to ground water to e? Attorney McCann- I do not know the full content of the study. . . Councilman Barber-Perhaps this application is premature at this point in C m ng before this board - some of the questions that I have asked you are i C� mandated by the State of New York Department you must comply to their laws before operating a landfill. . .I would hope that you have the supporting data if you have not . the state of N.Y, wobld not approve it and then we could not approve it. . .I would like to see the city go before Mr. Don Corliss of the New York State Dept. of Conservation and if they approve the applica- tion then I as a Boardmember could look at the application to epaealtece landfill. . . . What type of -a landf ill will you be operating. . . Attorney McCann- What ever the Board decides we will go along with these controls.. . Councilman Olson-questioned as to when Finch Pruyn will stop using our landfill. Horace Barber-They have given no definite time. Councilman Olson-I had hoped that your application would be for a .p*an to level- the mountain off into the ravine. Has the city of Glens Falls investigated into the possibility of using the quarries on Wi efitStreet? Mayor Cronin-No. Not in the near future could we use this property. Engineer Buckley-I see by the Application that the city has put a lot of work into this, however, I think a lot of time and effort has to go in to review this application. I would like to have time to review it before I make any decisions to the Board. Counsel Little-requested that the City of Glens Falls provide the Town of ueensbury—with the specifics on .running the proposed sanitary landfill, exactly what type of landfill would be proposed. Also suggested that the city provide the town with any study regarding the proposed landfill so that the Town Board may make an intelligdnt decision. Counsel suggested that the Town Board asked the mayor of the City of Glens Falls his approval that the Town of Queensbury reserve action so that . further study may be made upon the material that City Counsel will provide the Town. Mayor Cronin-We will accept. Attorney McCann-We concur with Town Counsel and we shall have our answers to the Board—within at least three to four weeks. But .we can not say -how long the information will take to get here from EnCon. Councilman Olson- requested the meeting be adjourned until October 28, 1975. Town Board unanimously approved this. Les Baird-voiced his objection on adjourning the meeting. He wanted a decision tonight. Counsel Little-Noted that it would be better .for both the Town and the City that all-Fieacts aee reviewed. A hasty decision could cause both the Town and the City more time and money. Meeting recessed. . . opened 9:48 P.M. MOBILE HOME APPLICATION Nancy L. Cuttkxeof Big Boom Road to locate a mobile home on Howard Street property belonging to Geneva K. & Ralph A. Elmore. . . B&Z. (Mrs.Garb and I visited the side on September 15, 1975. It was established that this pieve of property is on a Town Street, namely Howard Street off Sherman Avenue.) Nancy L. Cuttitrwas present. . .Geneva Elmore was present. . . Reasons for request were given.. . CouncilmanRobillard requested that the mobile home application be tabled until October 14th for viewing by the Town Board. . . MOBILE HOME REPLACEMENT Kenneth Varnum of 5 Ryan Ave. to replace an existing mobile home with a new 1976 mobile home. . .B&Z approval. . . Mr. Varnum was present. . . he stated that his reason for a purchase of a new mobile home was that it was going .to be very expensive to replace the existing roof on his older mobile home. . . Councilman Robillard-tequested that the mobile home application be tabled 7.9 until October 14th for -review by the Town Board. . . SOLUTION NO. 191. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, George S. Stiles and Emily M. Stiles, have executed and offered a Deed for Town roadways, not less than fifty (50) feet in width, which is described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and-made part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the Town highway system, and WHEREAS, the deed has .been approved J�y J. David Little, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforesaid be, and the -same is hereby accepted and approved, and the :Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the-office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory u-j of Town Highways, and described as follows: rl CQ ROAD NO: 350 Q DESCRIPTION: From Rte. 149 north to D.E. NAME: French Mountain Drive MILEAGE: 0.30 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes- . .None `— Absent: None . . . (Schedule on original resolution) RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT GIFT OF LAND' RESOLUTION NO. 192, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded-by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, Paul Aarons and Bonnie L. Aarons have offered to deed certain premises situate at Cleverdale in the Town of Queensbury, to the Town of Queensbury in unrestricted form, to be utilized by the Town in such manner as the Town may deem beneficial for Town purposes, and WHEREAS Paul Aarons and Bonnie L. Aarons have submitted a proposed deed of conveyance, and an appraisal of the premises intended to be conveyed, made by Boulton Realty, dated and, WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury deems it in the public interest to accept the gift of such lands for Town purposes, NOW THEREFORE BR JT--RRS0LVED thatthhe Town of Queensbury accept the gift of the premises describeddin Schedule A. hereto annexed and that the Town Clerk di the Town is hereby .directed to record -said deed in the Warren _ County Clerk' s Office, and to add said lands to the official inventory of properties: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None Absent: None (Schedule A. attached to original resolution) COMMUNICATIONS: -Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. was presented the Town with its active list. . . ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Hercules & D.E.C. will conduct slope tests at the . landfill Wed. Sept. 24th. and test at ,plant sludge pit. . . Punic Hearing on proposed sign ordinance 7:30 P.M. Tues. Sept. 30th. -State Negotiator has made an offer for Town lands in the Dunhams B&y Wet Land Area-turned over to the Town Counsel. . . -Mr. Kestner asked the Town Board to advertise for bids on Contract #19. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONTRACT NO. 19, PRESSURE REGULATING VALVES AND VAULT FOR SOUTH QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO: : 193, Introduced by Mr. Gorddn Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by MR. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recommended that we advertise for bids for the pressure regulating valves and vault for South Queensbury, Contract No. 19, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the work as listed above and that the following notice be published in the official town newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO .BIDDERS (Water Pipeline Contractors) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK: Owner Sealed bids for Queensbury Water District-Contract No. 19 Pressure Regulating Valves and Vault for South Queensbury will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury, Town Office Building, Bay Road at Haviland Road, R.D.#l, Glens Falls, New York 12801, until 5:00 o'clock P.M. E.D.S.T. Tuesday, October 14, 1975. The Town Board will meet in the Town Office . Building at 7: 30 o'ilock, E.D.S.T. tuesday, October 14th at which time the bids will be publi-01V , opened and read aloud. The work consists of the furnishing and installing a precast concrete vault, with two pressure regulating valves constructed on an 8" by-pass line with connection to an existing 16" water main. The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid , Form of Contract,_ Drawings, Specifications and Forms of Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds may be examined at the fallowing places: Office of the Town Clerk, Town Office Building and at the Office of Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , Consulting Engineer One Kestner 'Lane, Troy, New York 12180 Copies of the above documents may be obtained only .at the Office of the Con- sulting Engineer upon depositing the sum of $25. All checks for the documents shall be made payable to Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , Consulting Engineer. This deposit will be returned, in full, to all individuals returning the plans and specifications in good conditionawithin two weeks after the bid opening date. Failure to return plans and specifications within -this period could result in forfeiturs of the deposit. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informatiedies and to reject any and all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the donditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Addention of bidders is particularly called to the requirments as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the con- tract and tot the Non-Collusion Certification. Under Section 1116 (a) (1) of the New York State Tax Law, the Town of Queensbury is exempt from payment of sales and compensating use taxes and such taxes shall not be included in the bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Non-discrimination in Employment: Bidders on this work with be required to comply with the Presidu*t's Executive Order No. 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order, which concerns Non-discrimination in employment, are explained in the Specifications. Bidders are required also to comply with the providions of Article 15 of the Executive Law (Human Rights Law) of the State of New York. Dated September 23, 1975 Signed Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None u*j Absent: None ANNOUNCEMENTS : ` Councilman Robillard-Requested that the Town Board meet with the Post Master Q and further discuss Postal Identification. . .noted that loss of Sales Tax's when people use G.F. postal identification. . . COMMUNICATIONS: -Ltr. from Mrs. Raymond Buckley resigned from the County Bi-Centennial Committee. . . I ,Ltr. re: Mr. Finch's resignation front the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council. . .appointment forthcoming -Supervisor will attend Kick-Off Tri County United Way Red Cross Joint Appeal. . . OPEN FORUM: 10:15 P.M. Supervisor Streeter-noted that the open forum. part of the Town Board Meeting will not be used- as a poliettal forum for the upcoming election. . . UNKNOWN: Would kite to know if Hyland Drive could be paved. . . H. Russell Harris-asked if the Town Board was aware of the fact that the Town owna!�-'land At Glen-Lake and St. Mary's Bay. . . Supervisor Streeter-the Board is awnue of this. . . Mrs. Geneva Elmore-asked the Board to view the mobile home site. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 194, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by MR. Robert Barber: RESOLVED, that- the Audit of RiUs as listed in Abstract No. 75-9Anumbered 1292-1293 and totaling $3,0,50.99 ire pproved. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None Absent: NBne On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk