10-06-1965 135 REGULAR MEETING Sept. 1, 1965 4: 00 P.M. Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen & Supt. Scoville present. The matter of an encroachment by the Montgomer Ward Shopping center onto Cemetery property having been called _ to our attention, we examined the situation and found that there is considerable encroachment onto town owned land. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that he Secretary write to the Town attorney pointing out this encroachment & asking him to take the necessary legal steps to protect our interest. Supt. Scoville reported that the Gurney Lane Cemetery fence is in a bad state of repair. We will look into this situation and make a determination as soon as we know what route the "Parklap - Gurney lane ° , improved road is to follow. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $335 .00 Interment 1$0.00 $ 515 .00 Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. ir �6c1,; Ss etary Regular Meeting October 6, 1965 4:00 P.M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles and VanDusen & Supt. Scoville present: Architect, Paul Cushing transmitted an offer to draw plans, prepare bid specifications, etc for our new Office - garage for the sum of 4i% of the cost of the bldg. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that Mr. Cushing be hired to do this work. Mr. Cushing is to nbttify us when the plans are ready for inspection. The proposed 1966 Budget was discussed and approved for submission to the Town Board. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. Voci, Se etary.,