12-08-1965 136 Regular meeting Nov. 17, 1965 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners present. Also , Supt. Scoville & Architect, Paul Cushing. Receipts: - Sale of Lots $ 1,650 Interments 600 $ '2,250 Plans are completed for new building. Bids are to be advertised and to be opened at the Town Clerk's office on December 8th 4 P.M. Sec. Van Dusen is to arrange with the Niag. Mohawk Power co. for light service to the site. Secretary also to contact Mr. Beswick, the Town Attorney;: relative td the preparation and signing of a contract. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Seca UUUUUUry. Bid opening meeting at Town Clerk's office, 4 P.M. , Dec. 8th. All commissioners plus Supt and Paul Cusing present. Six bids were received for the construction: Apex Construction Corp. $26,695 Clifford H. Quay 18,000 Queensbury Builders 22,540 Fisk Construction Co. - 23,000 Skyway Construction Co. 2$,009 Duplex 22,900 Mr. Cushing to contact low bidders for possible reduction of bids if the 4month limitation is removed, & report back to the Commission. Receipts: Sale of Lots $450 Openings80 $ 830 Meeting adjourned at 5:40 P.M. Secrdtary