06-30-1966 139 Low bidder, Francis Collins, informing him of our intention of letting the building contract to him as soon as the money is available. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. ArS cretary Regular meeting Mao: 0 ;946 All Commissioners •& Supt. Scoville present. Receipts: Sale of Lots $ 600 Openings 500 Foundations . $ 1,1 .3 4 Construction is well under way on the new building, and a complete inspection of the work done so far was made by the commission. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that we approve the payment of $8,235 on the contract for the work completed to date as called for in the contract. Motion made, seconded and carried to authorize the Supt. to purchase 10bags of Agrico from Dick Mead for $4.95 per bag, less 25/0. Motion made seconded qnd carried that the Supt. purchase 2 power mowers .fo r use in Pineview Cemetery from Sears Roebuck & Co. for $$0.00 less 10% Discussion on clearing abandoned cemeteries of grass & Brush. It is hoped to be able to secure one additional man for work on the outside at least during the spring season. Meeting ai journed at 5:45 P.v • p / Regular meeting Or June 30, 1966 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners present, also Supervisor John O. Webster & Charles Howe. . Receipts: Sgle of Lots Sall 570 Openings 430 Foundations 126 1,126 ($466.00 of the above amount was turned over to Treas. Cowles on June 21st) (Conttd) 140 Supervisor Webster & Charles Howe discussed the youth program and outlined work they wished to accomplish on the wooded area on the easterly end of the Cemetery property. 'Mr. Howato have charge of the Boys who will clean up thearea and cut brush, etc. This is to be a parttof the Hometown Beautification program. Inspection was made of the whole area 'and decisionvwas made that work should be started at the east end of the property and proceed westerly. Work is expected to get under way about Aug. 1st. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Secary Regular meeting August 3, 1966 4:30 P.M. Commissioner Denny Absent. Paul Cushing and Bernard Codner were present. Receipts: Sale of Lots $300 Openings '260 Foundations 48 $ 608.00 All present inspected the new building. Motion duly made seconded. and tcarried that payment of $2,920 be approved for Francis Collins for work done to date. Pqul Cushing is to secure certification that all bills for materials are paid by the contractors • Town Supt. of Highways, Bernard Codner inspected roadway from Circle to the American Legion Lot and estimated the cost of $200 to repair and maintain it. Motion made, Seconded and carried that the repair work be cone. Supt. Scoville is to arrange for this work. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 P.M. Secee(ry NEW 'CBE STATE DIVISION FGt YOUTH Feenklin County Court House Malone, New York Jane 17, 1966 Mr. John Webster R.D. #1, Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York Dear it. Webster: This is to advise you that your Hotown Beautification Project was approved by the Nev York State Division For Youth. The number of youths which you will be permitted to employ is 10 The Division For Youth will reimburse to your municipality at the rate of $1.25 per hour for a 35 hour week for an eight-week period. In preparing the application the following instructions should be considered. 1. The period in which the eight weeks must be coepleted is July 1 - August 31. 2. One copy of the description of the program must accompany the application. In most oases, the description submitted as the proposal will be acceptable. 3. One copy of the municipal resolution authorizing the establish- ment of the program must be submitted with the application or before reimbursement is made. y. " " ere este will be tenminnated. A supervisor will cheek your project regularly. 5. Before and After pictures and a final report must be submitted with the claim for reimbursement. 6. The municipality must sulaiit claim for reimbursement sixa of,the aros>Paun. 7. &Jingoists to be used as supervisors. 8. Signs are to be erected at the project site. These will be forwarded directly to you from Albany. They are composed of a treated cardboard and will require a lacking of pkgsrocai. 9. News releases will be sent to news media from or Central Office in Albany„ Page 2 — Hometown Beautification Project 10. Postcards will be forwarded to you from Albany requesting the total number of hours worked during the week. These must be completed and returned to Albany b ' Saturday of each week. Four copies of the application mast be completed and returned to this office as soon as possible. If there are any questions, please feel free to call on us. Siaeere,7/7, 67 AAly useph Petrosino Field Representative JP:am Enols. P.S. We are holding your description and pictures in this office end will attach them to application when received. I State of New York = Executive Department For_ Office Use DIVISION'FOR YOUTH 155 Washington Avenue' - k Albany, New York 12210 - Project Number HOMETOWN BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT APPLICATION - I, John 0. %%bstfr _ , hereby certify that I am the (Name of Chief Executive) • Suoorvisor of the Town (Title) (County, City, Town, Village) of Quoonsbury in the County of Waren (Name of Municipality) do hereby make application to the New York State Division for Youth for approval of a Hometown Beautification Project. A resolution of the Municipal Board is to be submitted with the initial claim. In submitting this -application it is understood that: 1. Request is hereby made of the New York State Division for Youth for reimbursement to this municipal ty at the rate of $1.25 per hour for a 35 hour week per youth for �(J youths to be employed by this municipality for an 8-week period begining July 3o , 1966 in its Home- town Beautification Project. It is hereby understood that all other costs are to be borne by the municipality. One supervisor for each group of 10 youths is to be provided by the municipality at its own cost. 2. Projects are designed to employ and train youths between the ages of 16 and 21. The purpose of the project is the enhancement of the beauty of and the elimination of blight in the municipality and to encourage the pursuit of educational advancement by providing youths with funds for college or vocational training and it should be premised on the ability of the youth to benefit from this type of employment. It is further understood that upon the completion of a project the area is to be main- tained in the improved condition by the municipality. "Before" and "After" pictures of the site to be improved are to be submitted to the Division for Youth. Signs provided by the Division for Youth are to be posted at the site of each project. A final report which shall include a complete fiscal accounting shall be submitted to the Division for Youth within 60 days of the completion of the program. 3. This project will be operated in compliance with all laws and the Constitu- tion of the State of New York and all ordinances, rules, regulations, resolutions and codes of the subdivision, departments, and commissions of the State which may be pertinent thereto, including those relating to health, sanitation and safety. 4. It is understood that this project will be available to all youths regardless of race, color or creed. (Over) k 5. The Director of the Division for .Youth may terminate any project if it fails to maintain high performance Lavelleor if it fails in any manner to meet - --the-rules set forth hernia..- Date: June 20,- _ .. . . ._ .. d.a'. . tr • ! ` '116 -'Bignatuirc - ,1; - _ . Chief Execiutive , , Attach description of project and beautification work to be-accomplished. }.fj i'.' :r • This is to certify that the 'Diviiion for Youth has approved this project. 1. • r 7r Date Approved - Signature NEW YORK STATE DIVISION FOR YOUTH • -, :; ,. • • • • • • 3 (Four copies of this application must be submitted.)