02-18-1972 17 L Regular Meeting February 9, 1972 4;00 P.M* Commissioners Van Dzsen, Cowles , Day, and Supt. John Dunn present. Receipts : Interments 0870. 00 Lots 400.00 Vault Rental 75.00 $ 1345.00 Discussion held on purchase of small tractor with front end loader. John Dunn will look into the matter and report-back to the commis- sion. Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. Secretary Special Meeting February 18, 1972 4:30 p.m. Commissioners Van Dusen and Cowles present, Town Board Cemetery Committee members Lloyd Demboski and Harold Robillarel present Discussed purchase of a Pay loader with Back-hoe for $7500 - 8000. This will be brought to Town Board for action and results will be made know to Cemetery Commission. Meeting adjourned at 5 p.n. cj Fresidknt Regular Meeting✓✓✓ March 8, 1972 4 p.m. Commissioners Van&Dusen, Day , and Supt. John Dunn present