03-08-1972 172 Regular Meeting February 9, 1972 4;00 P.M• Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles , Day, and Supt. John Dunn present. Receipts : Interments 8870. 00 Lots 400.00 Vault Rental 75. 00 5 1345.00 Discussion held on purchase of small tractor with front end loader. John Dunn will look into the matter and report back to the commis- sion. Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. • Secretary Special Meeting February 18, 1972 4:30 p.m. Commissioners Van Dusen and Cowles present, Town Board Cemetery Committee members Lloyd Demboski and Harold Robillar4 present Discussed purchase of a Pay loader with Back-hoe for 57500 - 8000. This will be brought to Town Board for action and results will be made know to Cemetery Commission. Meeting adjourned at 5 p.n. Presid nt Regular Meeting March 8, 1972 4 p.m. Commissioners Van'=Dusen, Day , and Supt. John Dunn present ] 73 • Receipts : Interments $615 Sale of lots 675 Vault Rental 15 $1305 Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Secretary • 7.27 Regular Meeting April 5, 1972 Commissioners Van Dusen, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present. Interments $265 Sale of lots 400 Discussed $25 fee for use of vaults . A funeral director raised ques- tion concerning fee when burial could not be made in April in Aban- doned Cemetery. Tabled until full board could discuss - it. Received letter from Fred Austin, the Warren County Sup, of Public Works concerning the necessity to remove three trees at the abandoned • cemetery at the corner of West Mt. Road and Luzerne Road. Trees removed as highway department felt they were a hazard to the travel- ling public as well as the head stones in the cemetery. Letter attached. Meeting adjourned 5 p,-n. 1-777 /id Secretary Srecial Meeting • April 19; 1972 Commissioners Van Disen, Day, and Supt. John Dunn, Mr. Allen 0C-ner of the South Hartford Equipment Company and Harold Sellingham, cemetery employee . We met to see a demonstration of a Case Uni-Loader No . 1537, It was