1976-02-03 SP Public Saf _______ 2 Mail Theft---------------- 2 Arrests for Other Depts. 11 OtherhV&TZMisdemeanor4s-----16, -4 Total Number of Serious Crimes Reported--528 Total Criminal Arrests---416 Value of Recovered Property-------------$62149. 00 Mileage Travelled------------------------142566 Miles Fees Collected--------------------------500. 00 Respectfully Submitted, /s/ G.A. Schlierer Chief of Police Highway Dept, report for December 1975 placed on file. Councilman Robillard- noted that since the City of Glens Falls has closed their landfill on' Monday the Queensbury landfill has been getting a greater influx of traffic. . .on that day. . . .believes the Board should look into the problem. . .possibly with the idea of closing on Mondays. . . Councilman Rob6itsam-Comme4d the Qsby. Water Dept. for their job in correcting the break that oacured over the weekend.. . and all others such as the City of Glens Falls for offering assistance to the Queensbury Water Dept. Councilman Robillard-noted problem with snow on Corinth Road on the side walks. . .contact Fred Austin. . . Councilman Barber-also noted the problem with the side walks on the bridge over the Northway. . . Supervisor Brandt-noted that he has been in contact with the proper people and they will do it as soon as they can. . . Supervisor Brandt- noted that Highway Supt. Carl Garb was not present at the meeting to snow storm. . .noted that jry`13, _ 9,76 at 7 :30 P.M. a Special Meeting will be held` in regard to the Highway situation. Councilman Barber-Introduced a resolution in the AORMArirt of Washington Co ' s in regard to P.C.B. and General Electric. . .requesting that G.E. be given the time to comply with zero P.C.B. Noted that this is important for our community in that our economy will be directly ef£ectEw, if General Elec. has to close down. . . RESOLUTION NO. 45 Forth coming from Town J. David Little to Ue 7ound on page 198 On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman --� J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee Coleman, WWSC, WBZA, Tri County News T014N OFFICIALS : George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Carl Garb , Floyd Martindale GUESTS: Fred Austin, Geneva Elmore, Plinney Tucker,Joseph McPhillips , Bill Flynn, Walter Bishop, Mr. Murphy, John Bowman, Mr. Woosley, Guy Renaud, Mr. Harrington, Glen Gregory Meeting Opened Salute to the Flag-led by Councilman Barber 7: 32 P.M. Supervisor Brandt- noted that this meeting was set up to have an open Forum. . . RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS SUPPORT OF THE T014N HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONLY CALLED "DONOVAN PLAN" RF.SO . TTTnw NQ_ 46. Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, since 1952, certain long range plans for the improvement, repair and reconstruction of Town highways and bridges to meet the residential, commercial, and industrial needs of our community has been in effect, and WHEREAS , the Town of Queensbury of Warren County has participated to the fullest extent of its capabilities since the inception of this program, and WHEREAS, the growth and development of our community requires and is sustained by a system of adequate and maintained highways,and. UM 9-4 WHEREAS , the Town Highway Improvement Program has been one of the most meaningfull instruments in promoting a network of all purpose, all season highways connecting major Atteries with the very grass roots of rural Ca communities, and WHEREAS, the Town Highway Department has been expanded to accommodate increased responsibilities on a improved system of highways, thus far accomplished, and exists in anticipation of a program for further improve- ments having acquired personnel and heavy equipment to accommodate the requirements of construction, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Town Board gives full support to aW recommends that the Town Highway Improvement Program as amended by the 1971 Legislature of the State of New York be kept in full force and effect, in increments of five years, until the ext ded date of '—" April 1, 1982. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : None Supervisor Brandt-requested that a copy of the above resolution be sent to the following: Senator Ronald Stafford, Assembly Gerald Solomon, Governor Hugh Carey RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACTS RELATING TO Y E S PROGRAM FROM 1976 RF.qOT.TTTTnN TJn_ 47 . Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury continue joint participation in the YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (YES) Program during 1976 with the City of Glens Falls and the Village of South Glens Falls , and that the Town Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to apply for state assistance under such program, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute contracts with the City of Glens Falls and the Village of South Glens Falls , to pro- vide for the joint municipal sponsorship of the program under which arrangement the City of Glens Falls shall be the disbursing municipality for all three communities ; and under which the Town of Queensbury's share of the support of said program shall be in the amount of $1,500.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr, Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None F Absent: None RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY RES LUTION N0- 48 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury has urged the adoption of the Sign Ordinance regulating existing and proposed out- door advertising signs and out-door signs of all types , consistent with the general policy of the Town of Queensbury to protect the property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, , to enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community, and to pftEserve the scenic and natural beauty of designated areas and providing a more enjoyable and pleasing community, and —' WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 130 of the Town Law that the Town Board may make ordinances, rules , and regulations regulating the promotion of the Public Welfare including the protection and preservation of property of the Town and of its ' inhabitants and of the peace and good order, and the benefit and trade and other matters related thereto, and WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town Law requires a Public Hearing upon all proposed ordinances upon due notice as provided for therein, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held upon the following proposed sign ordinance to be held on the 9th day of March, 1976 at the Town Hall of the Town of Queensbury, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls , New York at 7: 30 d!clock P.M. est, and that the Town Clerk give notice of this hearing by publication of a notice thereof in the official town newspapers, once at least ten days (10) prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held, and in general describing the Proposed Ordinance to be enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, briefly described as Sign Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, a copy of which is hereto annexed and made part hereof and designated as Schedule A. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mry Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent :None (copy of Schedule A. will be found in the Town Clerk' s Office) Supervisor Brandt-I would like to offer a resolution to restore the salary of the Fire Marshal as peria salary schedule. Councilman Robertson: I do not know if that issue has been resolved in my mind yet as to if we are ready to do that or not , there are some other things that were going to be pursued . . . I do not think it is the place to do it tonight. Resolution died as per lack of a secnnd. ANNOUNCEMENTS -Supervisor Brandt- wished the public to take note that on their Feberal Income tax form there is a place to put in their residence location-urged all residents of Queensbury to put Queensbury in that box-this will aid the town in the per capita Aid. -Supervisor Brandt- noted the Hearing on the opening of Snowmobile roads in the Town of Queensbury has been discussti- to find an access to the snowmobile trails without going on the roads. . .the City of Glens Falls has offered the use of the "City Farm" property to use as an access and parking facility. . . this is being negotiated. . . Councilman Robillard-noted that he felt the Town Board was remiss in includ- ing Fuller Road in this proposed project. . .There are thirteen houses on a narrow winding road, this road should be eliminated from Resolution number 34. . .possible answer. . . the area off Gurney land where the Town R. l ' PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE TOWN OF QUEENSAURY WARREN COUNTY, N EVY YORK September 11, 1975 i i i a 1 F i 7 • t 4 i 24 PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE E TABIX OF CONTENTS TitlePage --- --------------------------------------------- Tableof Cont:, ,ts ---------------------------------------- 2 'Ourpose and Intent -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Definitions --------------------------------------------- 4.5.6 Signs Allowed Without Permit-Requirements --------------- 7,8 Temporary Signs ------------------------------------------ 9 Coneral Regulations lations -v-_--,-__..----w------ ----------------- 10,11 Signs for which Permits Shall be Required --------------- 12,13. 14 Nor.-Conforming Signs ------------------------------------ 15 L'e vffi:its -------------------------------------------------- 16,17 Construction and HAi:ntenanee ---------------------------- 18 Penalties --------------------------------------- ----------- 19,20 'Validity -----.---- ---------------------------------------- 21 Effect:i-ve Date ----------.--------------------------------- 22 Variances-___._ _ _ ____ __-- _ ---------------- _23 f ! i PURPOSE AND INTENT ` 'rhe nurnose of this ord:"nonce is to promote and Protect the public s f health, welfare and safety by regulating existing; and proposed aOvertisinq , outdoor aevertising suns and signs of all types . It is intended to protect property values , create a more attractive economic and Business climate, enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community, preserve the scenic and natural beautv of designated areas and provide a more enjoyable and pleasing; community. i DEFINITIONS 4° 1 > Advertising Sign-A sign relating; to a product. service, activity, business, or establishment that is not on the premises on which the sign is located. 2. Building Inspector-The Building Inspector of the Town of Queensbury or his duly authorized assistant W . 3. Collector Street-A street which serves or is designed to serve as a traffic way for a neighborhood or as a feeder to a major street. 4. Double-Faced Sign-A sign designed to be viewed from two (2) directions and which at no point is thicker than twenty-four (24) inches measured from the exterior surface of each face, and the two (2) faces of the sign are either parallel or the angle between them is thirty (30) degrees or less. 5. Erect-To build, construct, alter, display, relocate. attach, hang, place, suspend, affix any sign, and shall also include the painting of signs on exterior walls. • Flashing; Sign-An illuminated sign in which the artificial lighting is not maintained in a stationary or constant intensity. 7. Free-Standing Sign-A sign not attached to any building, permanently affixed by any means, in or upon the ground. 8. Front or Face-The outer surface of a building, which is visible from any private or public street or highway. 9. Illuminated Sign-Any sign illuminated by electricity, gas or any other artificial lighting. 10- Lighting ice-Any light, string of lights, or group of lights located or arranged so as to cast illumination on a sign. 11. MaJor Street-A street which serves or is designed to serve heavy flows of traffic and which is used primarily as a route for traffic between communities and/or other hem traffic vy generating areas. 12. Marquee or Canopy-These shall be considered roof structures. 17�E, 13. `iinor Street-A street intended to serve primarily as an access to abutting; properties. L4. Person-Any person,, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, institution or organization of any kind. 15. Portable Sign-A sign that is designed to be movable and is not structurally attached to the ground, a building; a structure or any other sign. 16. Projecting SiM-A sign other than a wall sign which projects from and is supported by a wall or roof of a building, structure or sign structure and/or projects horizontally beyond the eaves of a building. 17. Property Line- a. Front Proper ► Line-The line separating the property from the boundary of the highway or right-of-way upon which the property abuts. b. Front Property Line of Corner Lot-The line facing the wider of the two streets abutting the lot, unless they are equal, in which event the front pirty line may be established on either street. c. '.ear 'Pr axtq Line-The property line opposite and most distant from the front property line. d. Side proper Line-Any property line other than a front or rear Property line. 113. Roof Si,pn-A sign erected upon a roof or parapet of a building or structure. 11, -Shopning, Center-Three (3) or more businesses conducted on the same zone lot. 11. ;11ga_A sign is a now. identification, description, display, announcement, declaration, device, demonstration, or illustration which is affixed to, or painted, or represented directly or indirectly upon a building;; structure, or parcel of property and which directs attention to an abject 6 product, place, activity, person, institution, organization or business, 210 . Sign Structure-The supports . uprights , bracing and framework for the sign. In the case of a sign structure consisting of two (2) or more �-- sides where the angle formed between an of the sides or the g y , projections thereof, exceeds thirty (30) degrees , each side shall be considered a separate sign structure. 22. Sign Surface or Area-The entire area within a single, continous perimeter enclosing all elements of the sign which form an integral part of the display.. The structure supporting a sign shall not be included unless the structure is designed in a way to form an integral background for the display. Only one face of a double-faced sign shall be included as surface or area of such a sign. 23. Street-A public way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property, including avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road and any other thoroughfare except an alley. 24. Wall Sign-Any sign attached to, painted upon, or erected against the wall of a building or structure and running approximately parallel to the plane of said wall. 2.5. Window Sign-A sign maintained in or painted upon a window, or which is inside a structure, not in or on a window, but visible from a parking lot or roadway. 26. Zone-The zones created by the Town of Queensbury. 7. SIGNS ALLOWED WITHOUT PERMIT-REQUIREMENTS The following signs are permitted without a permit, providing such signs comply j th the general Regulations of this Ordinance: 5 Signs posted by governmental agencies or required by governmental lave, order ox regulation. 2. Signs incidental to the legal process. 3. Historical tablets, memorial plaques or emblems installed by governmental agencies , religious or recognized non-profit organizations, not to exceed six square feet. 4. Transportation signs, including bus stops, etc. , not to exceed 2 sq. ft. 5. Flags or emblems-of religious, educational, governmental organizations or individuals shall be permitted and shall be flown from supports of the buildings or grounds being occupied by the organisation or individual. 6. Signs necessary for the identification, operation or production of public utility. On-premises directional signs for the convenience'of the general public, identifying public parking areas, loading zones, entrances and exits and similar signs, internally illuminated or non-illuminating, not to exceed 4 sq. ft. per face. Business names or personal names shall be allowed, not to include advertising messages. A 6 £t. maximum height shall be allowed. 8. t?arning, private drive, posting and no trespassing signs, not to exceed 2 sq . ft. in surface area. ��. Signs which are an integral part and advertise only the contents of vending machines, such -as gasoline pumps and milk machines, not to exceed 2 sq. ft. 1'7Y N-. 10. Signs advertising the sale, lease or rental of the premises upon which the sign is located, to be non-illuminating. { a. R zones--one sign per owner and one sign per broker, each sign not to �I exceed 6 square feet. ­. b. C or M zones-one sign, not to exceed 32 sq. ft. Setbacks from all property lines shall be a minimum of 15 ft. Signs shall be removed by 3 days after the sale, lease or rental of the premises. 11.. Project signs , non-illuminating, denoting; the developer, architect, engineer, sub-contractors or contractor on the premises where Onstruction repair, or renovation is in progress. Each project shall be permitted 1 sib., not to exceed 32 sq. ft. surface area, to be removed upon completion of project but not to be in place longer than 2 years. Setbacks fron all property lines shall be a minimum of 15 ft. i One (1> doublefaced free standing sign and one single faced attached sign LFor professional offices (physician, dentist, architect, engineer, surveyor or lawyer) and permitted home occupations, not to exceed 2 sq. ft. surface area per face, stating name and vocation only. 13. Naine and number plates, identifying residents, mounted on house, apartment or rail box, not to exceed 1 sq ft. 14. Lawn signs identifying; residents, not to exceed 1 sq. ft. surface area, or 2 sm. ft. if doublefaced. Signs are to be non -illuminated except by a light which is an integral part of a lamp post if used as a support, with no advertising message thereon. 15. Private-`leaner merchandise sale signs for garage sales and auctions, not to exceed 4 sq ft. for a period not to exceed 7 days. 90 URMPORARY SIC14S All signs of a temporary nature, such as political posters, banners, pro- Lmotional devices and other signs of a similar nature may be granted a temporary permit for a perield not to exceed 30 days, provided that such signs are not attached to fences, trees,utility poles, rocks or other such parts of the natural landscape, and further provided that such signs are not placed in a position that will obstruct or impair vision or traffic or in any manner create a hazard or disturbance to the health and welfare of.the general public. A fee of $25.00 shall be paid upon the issuance of a permit for such sign or group of identical signs, and a cash deposit for a like amount shall be deposited with the building inspector to insure re- moval of such sign or signs at the expiration of the permit. If the number of signs exceed ten (10) , the cash deposit shall be $100000. The building inspector, after 7 days written notice to the permit holder to remove such V sign or signs, and after the failure of the permit holder to do so, shall cause said sign or signs to be removed, and the cash deposit still be for- feited to help defray the cost of removals The above fee shall not apply to non-profit or charitable organizations; the above deposit shall apply to non-profit or charitable organizations. 1.0. GENERAL REGULATIONS The following regulations shall apply to all signs: Any advertising sign that is located on a property where the goods or L services mentioned on the sign are not available are not permitted. 2. Illumination: All illuminated signs shall employ only lights emitting a light of constant intensity and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent sequences or moving lights. No bare lamps or bulbs over 40 watts on a string shall be allowed. The provision of this section shall not he applied so as to prohibit a sign changing; to show time or temperature. No sign shall use reflective material which sparks or glitters. 3. Hazard or Nuisance: No sign or illumination therefrom shall be s.o placed as to he a hazard to traffic or the public generally, or a nuisance or annoyance to the residents- or occupants of any other building or premises , nor shall any sign project into any public right-of-way. Signs using red, yellow or green lights shall not be placed within 100 ft. of traffic control signals. 5. Signs or advertising matter of an indecent or obsene nature shall be prohibited. b. No misleading advertising shall be allowed. 7. Signs using wording such as stop, look, danger or words of a simf.lar nature, which may tend to confuse, mislead or resemble any governmental or duly authorized sign, shall be prohibited. C. No projecting; sign shall be erected or maintained from the face of a building a distance of more than 4 £t. 9. Any advertisement which uses a series of 2 or more signs placed along a street or highway, carrying a single advertising message, part of. which is contained on each sign, shall be prohibited. L- 107 A1.1 si.gu.s and< parts thereof shall be stationary and shall not be allowed to rirulate movement. Flags , banners, pinwheels, posters, balloons, t streamers , searchlights or other similar fluttering, noving, or revolving devices for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention shall be prohibited, except as may be permitted under Temporar<f Signs. i1 . No permanent sign erected or maintained in the window of a building, and visible from any public or private street or highway shall occupy more than 25% of the area of said window. ; 12. Only 1 sign designating credit cards acceptable at any one premise may be displayed. Said sign shall be no more than 6` sq. ft. in area. Said sign area shall not be computed as part of allowable free-standing sign footage. 13. Vehicles parked on the street or in locations on private property which have attached thereto or suspended therefrom any advertising, sign shall not be allowed. This section shall not apply to permanent business I identification on vehicles. s ,. Signs which project above any roof ridge line or parapet line shall not be permitted. Signs which change the profile of the building shall not be permitted. 15. The teat on each sign shall be limited to the following: a. The name or assumed name of the owner of the property on which it is located. b. Principal business or businesses conducted on the property. c. Brief indication of the products or services available. d. (No) Vacancy. 16. A wall sign shall not project more than 15 inches from the face of the building wall nor extend beyond the outer edges of the wall to which it is attached. 'ZIG'S FOR "'HICH P- 'ZITS SEALL '1%" IREY1UIRED aenora No s-; gn or other device for advertising purpose shali be erec-i'. d Astabli-shed, constructed . reconstructed, enlarged, extended, moved o-- sltruct',Jr- Ily altered after the effective date of this Ordinance without appl-1.cation -Afor and issuance of a permit, except as provided for by this Ordinance. Siatba,Jc S:' a, Placement and Number, Her ht & Off-Premises Directional SiSn UnrLtations of Permitted Signs A. Setback: 1. Free standing signs The setback for free standing signs shall be a minimum distance of 15 ft. from any property line for a maximum size- of 32 sq. ft. and a minimum distance of 25 ft. from any property line for a maximum size sign of 50 sq. ft. B. Size: 1. Free standing signs - The surface area of 1 side shall not exceed 50 sq. ft. 2. Signs attached to buildings (wall signs) - The surface area of signs attached to any building shall not exceed 10/Z of the area of the wall to which such sign is attached, or 100 sq. ft. , whichever is less. 3. Where the building in which the principal business of the applicant, is a distance of 100 ft. or more from the front property line, an oversize wall sign shall be permitted, with application for and issuance of a permit, provided: a. An oversize wall sign which faces and is within a distance of 100 ft. of an R zone or water frontage shall not be permitted. bw Where the building Is 100 ft. or more from the front properlty line, I oversize wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed 20;l6 wall surface, In accordance with the following table, whichever is less: Ft. From Pregerty Line 11haximum Sg. Ft. Of Wall Sign 100 ft. 110 sq. ft. 150 " 120 tv 200 " 130 of 250 " 140 300 " or more 150 1.3. in, c. A shopping center with a group of' stores or sales or service buildings shall not be eligible for this permit. e Placement and Number: L___ 1. Free standing; signs shall be allowed in C and M zones only, except as provided for in this Ordinance. 2. Signs attached to buildings shall be allowed in C and TI zones only, except as provided for in this Ordinance. ?. A buniness located on a parcel of property shall be granted a permit for 2 signs : l free standing, double-faced sign and 1 sign attached to a building (wall sign) , or 2 signs attached to a building. 4. Shopping Center-I free standing sign, denoting the name of the shaTTIn center, shall be permitted for each entrance fronting a different street or highway. Each occupant of the shopping center shall be permitted 1 wall sign on the portion of their exterior wall. Wall signs for each occupant of a shopping center shall be. coordinated .as to a material, shape, lettering, color and/gar decorative elements. 5. hotels , motels, golf clubs, ski areas, boat storage, amusement centers and other substantial facilities in all zones shall be permitted 2 si.s;ns faces of 50 sq. ft. maximum each. 6. Roadside stands in all zones shall be permitted 2 signs : 1 for identification and I for current products for sale , each sign not to exceed 24 sq. ft. 7. Anartment complexes in all zones shall be permitted 1 sign for each entrance on a different street or highway, each sign not to exceed 50 sq. ft. Anartment .tomplexes shall also be permitted 1 sign, to include changeable text, not to- exceed 6 sq. ft. L. No free standing sign shall exceed a height greater than the following : a. R zones- 12 ft. b.. C and 11 zones- 25 ft. »y N. 114 The height of such signs shall be measured from grade level, or entry level of the building or 'structure, whichever is lower, and i shall include supporting structures. L--„y. Dff-Premises Directional Sign: 1. Signs for the convenience of the general public and for the purpose of directing persons to business , activity, service or community facility may be erected in any district, providing such sign does not exceed 10 sq. ft. area per establishment, not to exceed 100 sq. ft. per any one zone lot. 2. Text shall be limited to name or identification; arrow or direction; distance. Advertising messages shall be prohibited. 3. Permits for such signs shall be subject to the approval of the Town Planning Board. 4. Such signs shall be limited to major and collector streets. l'1y d, NON-CONFORMING SIGNS A non-conforming sign is a sign which is in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. Such sign or signs in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance shall be brought into conformity in all respects with the previsions of this Ordinance, or shall be removed, within. years of said effective date. � I t 1 1 lb� PERMITS Application for permit -- Application for the permit shall be made in writing in duplicate, upon forms prescribed and provided by the Building Inspector, to the Building Inspector, and shall contain the following informations Name, address , and telephone number of applicant and owner of premisea. A. Location of building, structure or land to which or upon which sign is to be erected, 3. A detailed drawing or plan, to scale, showing the area (size) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign; a description of the construction details of the sign; method of illumination, if any; the location of the sLgn on any building, structure or land, and it's position in relation to nearby buildings, structures , lot boundaries and any private or public streets or highways ; and any other information deemed necessary by the Building Inspector. 4> Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be erected, in the event the applicant is not the owner thereof. 5a A change of copy requires a permit. Fees - A fee shall be paid to the Building Inspector for each sign permit issued as set forth in the following schedule: Fee schedule (see 1 & 2 below) . Ohere work for which a permit is required by this ordinance is started or proceeded with, prior to obtaining a permit therefore, the fees specified in the fee schedule shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fees shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this ordinance in the execution of the work nor from the f penalties prescribed in this ordinance. Ll. Temporary sign or group of identical signs - $25000 fee and $25000 deposit. $100000 deposit for 10 signs or more. 2� All others - $10000 fee Tqsuan.ce of Tt shall. be the duty of the Building Inspect,ot , kt;�-ori the filing of an application for a permit to erect', a sigh, to ex;-kmliiil plans , specifications and other data submitted to him with the and„ If necessary , the building or premises upon which I.t. is proposed erect: the sixm- , , or other advertising structure. If It shall appear that the proposed sign is in compliance with all the requirements of, this ordivance and other lwtTs and ordinances of the Town of (?ueensbury and that the necessary fee has been paid, the Building Inspector shall, within 7 days, Issue a pernsit for the erection of the proposed sign. If the sign authorized under such permit has not been completed within six months from. the date of the issuance of such permit, the permit shall. becorm, null and void, but may be renewed once, within 30 days from the expiration thereof for good cause shown for an additional 6 months, upon payment of an additional fee of $5.00o a hq f . CONSTRUCTION -ANU MAINTENANCE All signs in the Town shall meet the following requirements: E 1. All signs installed in the Town shall have attached to them a name L--} plate iving; the sign gn permit number and the name and address of the owner, person or corporation responsible for the general requirements and maintenance as outlined in the Ordinance. 2. Internally Illuminated Signs-Such signs shall be constructed in conformance with the "Standards for Electric Signs (U.L. 48) of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc." and bear the label of the Under- writers Laboratories, Inc. 3. Ciiitd .)?ressure .Requiremgnts-A11 free standing sighs shall be designed and constructed- to withstand a wind pressure of not less than 30 pounds per square foot of area. 4. General Maintenance-The Building Inspector shall require proper maintenance of all signs and shall inspect every sign within 30 days after it is. erected. All signs . together with all of their supports , braces, guys and anchors shall be kept. in repair, in safe condition and in a proper state of preservation. S. All Illuminated signs shall be inspected and certified by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, if it does not convey the U.L. label. t. 19. PE14ALTIES Penalty for Failure to Apply for Sign Permit - Any person who proceeds to erect, re-erect, construct or structurally alter any sign, without first applying,, for and obtaining the necessary permit, shall be considered ,,.n violation of this ordinance and shall, be liable for a fine of not less than �5,00 or more than $100.00 for each offense. Each day that the violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. 2 . Penalty for. F.Alure to Comply with Ordinance - In. case of a violation of this ordinance, the Town and its officers may, in addition to any other remedi.e.,; conferred by law or ordinance, institute any appropriate procee,d-Lngs to prevent unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, or aiteration of any sign. 3. Penalty for Failure to Maintain - The Building Inspector may order the removal of any sipi that is not maintained in accordance with this Ordinance. Removal of Certain Signs - Any sign now or hereafter existing which no Longer advertises a bona fide business conducted, or product sold, shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having beneficial kise o= ,,,uch building, structure or lot upon which such sign is located, within a period of thirty (30) days after written notification from the Build-In g, laapector, after which period the Building Inspector is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign, and any expenses inAdental thereto shall be chargable to the owner of the building, structure or lot upon which the sign is located. S. Unsafe and Unlawful Signs - If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe, insecure, or is a menace to the public, or has been constructed or i erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this or any other ordinance, law or statute, he shall give written notice to the owner of the sign and/orproperty thereof. If the owner fails to alter the structure so as to comply with such ordinances, law or statute, and/or remove • uch sign or structure, whichever is applicable, within thirty (30) .c . afte uc3ca � t�s the B i r i : r hal. be authorized an char gab , e u dl p �,�e ' upon why e�x the age i q located { 3 t rli- r, 21. VALIDITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or other portion of' this ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding z shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES All ordinances or parts thereof of the Town of Queensbury inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such in- consistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in addition to the other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. � r VARIANCES The Board of Appeals may vary or alter or adapt the strict applccation 1_4 of any of the requirements of this ordinance in the case of exceptiona physical conditions, whereby such strict application would result in substantial difficulty or unnecessary hardship that would deprive — the owner of a sign-I-'the reasonable use of the same. No variance in the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance shall be granted by the Board of Appeals unless it finds that there are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land orSa sign and not applying generally to land or signs in the neighborhood and that said circumstances or conditions are such that the strict applications of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of such sign or land, where the variance would otherwise be in general harmony with restrictions established for the area, provided the Planning Board shall concur, where it shall find that the request made is the minimum variance that will accomplish the necessary objectives intended, and that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and with the master plan of the Town of Queensbury and will not be otherwise injurious to the neighborhood or detrimental to the public welfare. 7 .w...,r,rr:.w.:: a.r z ;`Y .s+a'.°ste°n-n«�s:• ....,. w. ... ° ,7"..,.. cr �v��' This ordinance shall be enforced by the Zoning Inspector or his duly authorized assistant, who shall be appointed by the Town Board. No permits for signs shall be issued by him, except where all of the provisions of this ordinance have been complied with. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Inspector to issue a sign permit, provided he is satisfied that the sign conforms in all respects with the requirements of this ordinance, and that all other reviews and actions, if any, called for in this ordinance have been complied with and all necessary approvals secured therefor. When the Zoning Inspector is not satisfied that the applicant's proposed sign will meet the requirements of this ordinance, he shall refuse to issue a sign permit, and the applicant may appeal to the Board of Appeals r`1 for a reversal of the Building Inspector' s decision. The Building Inspector shall further have the power to revoke permits issued if it shall appear at any time that the application or accompanying material is in any respect false or misleading or that the work being done is differing materially from what is called for on the application filed by him. APPEALS An appeal to the Board of Appeals from a ruling of the administrative officer administering any portion of this ordinance may be taken by 7 ',.17 Ka,'.-, a person aggrieved by filing with the officer from whose action the appeal is taken, and with the Board of Appeals by filing"-with the Secretary thereof a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds therefor T - in the form set forth herein. All such appeals shall be in writing and shall refer to the specific provision of the ordinance setting forth exactly the interpretation that is claimed and such other information as shall be deemed appropriate and proper by the Zoning Board of Appeals. An appeal shall stay all proceedings and fur- therance of the action appealed from, unless the Building Inspector certifies for the Board of Appeals after 'notice of such appeal shall have been filed, that by reason of the fact stated in the certificate a stay, would in his opinion, cause eminent peril to life or property in which case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by re- straining order, which may be granted by the Board of Appeals or by the Supreme Court on application on notice to the Zoning Inspector and on due cause shown. rV; All decisions from the Board of Appeals are subject to Court review in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of New York. The Board of Appeals shall decide each appeal within sixty (60) days of the filing thereof. After hearing the Appeal the decision of the Board of Appeals shall be immediately filed in its office and shall become a public record. The Board of Appeals, may, in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, reverse, affirm, wholly or partly, or modify the order, requirement , decision or determination appealed from, or make any such order, requirement, de- cision or determination as may be necessary in accordance with the provisions hereof. Unless otherwise specified by the Board of 4 Appeals, a decision on any appeal or request for a variance shall q y . expire in the event the applicant fails to obtain any necessary permit or comply with the conditions of said authorized permit within six (6) months from the date of authorization thereof. The Board of Appeals shall fix such a reasonable time for the hearing of an appeal or other matter referred to it and give the public notice thereof by the publication of the same in the official paper of the notice of the meeting at least five (5) days prior to the date thereof, and -at least five (5) days before such -hearing, mail notice thereof to the following officials, persons and owners of properties involved and in accordance with the requirements of Section 267, Article 16, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York: A) When appealing the action of the Building Inspector: The Building Inspector, the appellant and the person or persons, if any, who would benefit from the order requirement regulation or determination. B) In the case of a variance, all owners of property within 500 feet of the nearest line of the property for which the variance or other special relief is sought, and to such other property owners as the chairman of the Board of Appeals may direct. b a „77 ' { INTERPRETATION The Board of Appeals shall, upon appeal from a decision by' an administrative official, decide any question involving the in- terpretation of any provision of this ordinance, including a determination as to the exact location of any district boundary if there is any uncertainty with respect thereto. 22. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect 10 days after publication in the fficial newspaper of the Town of Queensbury. ,a Addendum try t� November 18, 1975 SIGNS f rage 4 kj.-j Le 1. Advertising Pawag- or "a free standing siZa larger than 150 sq. feet" ft-ommonly called billboards. Page 5 ua&r 16 Froig2t nth_Ai-.�a @hangs tom+, reads "A sign which is attached to the building wall and whi @h extende more than fifteen (15) inches from the face of such wan.." arA a sigh which in perpendieular to the face of ouch wan- Page 6 vndea T4 MI-Sim change to .-read: "A sign which is at fiaacshed to the w&U. of :a buildia7g with the face in a plans parallel to such wa 1p and not extending Mrs thau fifteen. (:15) inches from the face of such wall.. ['wage 6 Add new: Standard fthdvor 6ftEtis Panels=An advertising Panel struaius'e approximately 25V horizontally and 121 vertically used for the posting or painting of advertising or public service copy. 'age 1 .add near: 17. Advertising Panel,e shall meet the following requirements s a. No new -.Advertising Panels shall be constrneted. 'b,. All Advertising Panels .shall be Fl lard t dcsor Advertising Panels ex0ept thai those Located Wwesn 6600 and 15W2 from and visible from the Northwey ROW nay remain the existing .-size. t a. S5r�adard Outdoor AdvvertAsing Panels =W be continued and maintained in any zone, but may not bo cioub le decked, over 259 in hoi.ght, and asha:n smpald o4ly lights emitting a light of constant intewity. ` "'age V Under 3a. change to read.- An oversize tti.gn which faces and is wiUd n a distance of '410 f°'. of and vi6abla frum an R zone or vat fr frontage shall not be perms tted. 16 Under 5 radd.-—except :Ln the case of any changeable copy sign. E age *,0 Add: "The Building lnaepe for xw y cause any sign or structure of a sign whirsh is in imediate peril, to perdeAw or property to be removed a unm€arily and without nubie , with the expewes charged to the owner." L of Queensbury has property and Warren County property, the Warren Co. Health Camp clear off these area's to allow parking ,-,:_cross the road is Buckee Lane wmtth is not maintained by the Town in the Winter and could be used as access to the Trails , thus not openip*t°the roads traveled by cars to snnwmobilesj urged the Supervisor to contact Warren Co. to see if the property is available. Supervisor Brandt. .I have discussed this it is a viable possibility. . . the feeling was that the parking space was limited. . . Councilman Olson- noted he -received several calls regarding the Peggy Ann Road and allowing parking. . . Supervisor Brandt- The Police are also concerned about this. . . OPEN FORUM: Supervisor Brandt-This is an open forum but I would wish that the first topic be opened to the Highway situation. . . . Councilman Barber-Stated that the Town Board has received numerous comp ai.nts in regard to the highways prior to January 18, 1976, the Board for approximately a year and a half has been working an a concept ul� of a Dept. of Public Works to give the community better service and V-4 stop duplication between the water, landfill and highway departments. . . CQ Noted his statement in the workshop meeting was that the Board should x immediately set a mandatory referendum to the residents for the abolish- ment of the Highway Dept. and create a Dept. of Public Works. . .noted that there was sufficient documentation he felt to use 160 of the Law to remove -Mr. Garb. . . Prior to this it-tw4a noted that a new policy by Supervisor Brandt opened the workshop meeting to the press and public and no longer would there be closed executive sessions, everthing would be aired to the media. . . Supervisor Brandt-noted that executive session is always available in private for Personnel problems or any discussion of contract negotiations; . . I hope that is understood by a d*.lrUt e. Councilman Barber-That was not the understanding the night we came in and the press was here. Supervisor Brandt-maybe it was poor communications , but I thought it was ,&n erstood. Pliney Tucker-Queensbury-Asked what the complaints were? Councilman Barber-not sanding not salting , snow build up and stone in the sand. . . Pliney Tucker-all the roads are the same, Mother Nature has not been good. . . asked if the budget has been held down? Superintendent Garb-yes Councilman Robertson-where has it been cut Mr. Garb? .Superintendent Garb-From the tentAtive budget from what I asked for and wEat it was cut down to� it dut down the equipment. Councilman Robertson-We did not cut down your snow removal Superintendent Garb-requested the reading of the following letter: February 3, 1976 Town Clerk Town of Queensbury I 'make the following report to the Town Board and the people of the .Town of Queensbury in response to accusations made by members of the Town Board at .a meeting on January 20 1976, a meeting of which I had .no knowledge and to which 1 was not invited. It is reported that charges were made against me, despite my absence. At no time prior to the meeting, or to this hour in fact, i has any member of the Town Board complained to me personally about the substance of these charges, or inquired as to the existence of alleged problems, or suggested any solution. After making the charges , it is reported, a member of the Board stated that he would seek my removal putsuant to Section 160 of the Highway Law. That law requires that written charges preferred by the Town Board be served upon me. I have received none. My only information as to this brouhaha is what I have read in the newspapers .QZ heard on the airwaves. There is no reason for this communications gap to exist between the Highway Superintendent and the Town Board, as the Board well knows. I have always stood ready to meet and discuss town matters .with the Board and with individual members, and will continue to do so. I gather from the newspaper and radio reports that the Board' s complaints are these : 1. Town roads are in deplorable condition. During the winter of 1975-76, one o t e ,worst M recent years, the roads have been plowed, sanded and salted to the best of our ability. There have been complaints , as there always are. We have acted to the best of our capability in responding to the complaints. In general, the town roads, and also those county roads which we are obliged to plow, have began open to travel. These roads are certainly .in as good or better condition than roads of neighboring municipalities. In fact, a member of your Board smashed his truck into a tree late .one night during .a recent snow and ice storm. During a subsequent freezing rain storm, the same Board member smashed his auto- mobile into a Town Water Department truck on a slippery road. There is no question that accidents can happen during such conditions, but in both instances our Department vehicles were at the scene within moments of being made aware of the problem, as that Board member can attest. Bear in mind that the Town of Queensbury Highway Department plow, sands and salts 175 miles of roadway with 12 vehicles. B com- parison, Warren ,. iunty plows and sands only 35 miles in the Que nsbury area with 7 vehicles. 2. Sand is iM_ProlerlZ stored at the town office site. The sand at the town ottice site is primarily used for truck a ast and not for sanding roads, except in emergencies. Highway sand is obtained from the Town Landfill site on Ridge Road. While the ballast sand has frozen as it is stored at the Bay Road site, the sand is available after less than 10 minutes of preparatory work. 3. Salt is improperly stored at the town office site. The Town Board knowingly made no provision tor a salt storage ability at the town office site because of finances. The Board talked about a storage facility at the Landfill, but never did anything more than talk. We have employed a tarpaulin system of storage which is not the most satisfactory. I recommend that the Board finish its uncom- pleted task of providing the finances for abetter facility. 4. The Town Landfill is not managed properly. We have had no major comp a nts a out the Landtill in many months- The regular State inspections have shown satisfactory management in every instance. I was notified at the beginning of 1975 by Councilman Barber that the Highway Department was to have nothing further to do with the Landfill. A position of landfill superintendent with a big salary was created by the Board, but then the Board never filled the job. The office of Highway Superintendent does not include the duties of landfill management. However, I have willingly performed this assigned task without additional reimbursement. I stand ready to act upon direction from the Town Board. I can well understand why Councilman Barber wants me to have nothing to do with the Landfill. I discovered several months ago that his firm possessed a key to the Landfill and that his busi- ness truckswere secretly using the facility after regular hours. I would not tolerate this and had the locks changed. I would appreciate notification by the public of unlawful use of our landfill. I hereby request the Town Board to make an appropriation to Item IV of the Highway Budget from the Contingency Fund of $20,000.00 _ to enable continuation of winter work at the current level. The reason .for this request is the abnormally heavy winter precipitation. I have served as Queensbury Highway Superintendent since 1969. I was elected by the people of this Town to a two-year term beginning January 1, 1976. I have alway performed the duties of this office to the best of my ability. I pledge to the people that I shall complete my term despite a concerted attempt by certain members of the Town Board to remove me from office. Be aware that the scheme is to change the office of Highway Superintendent from an elected position to an appointed one, removing the position from public scrutiny .and enabling the Town Board to fill the office and the ranks of the Highway Department with themselves and their henchmen. Respectfully Submitted, .Carl A. Garb Superintendent of Highways Mr. Joseph McPhilli s-at mat he never recalled any complaints regarding Bernard %per's work. . .he noted the poor conditions of Glen Lake Road and also Garrison Road when he lived there . . . .further stated that he could not reason whyj Imo. do its what is wrong now. . . tSJ Mrs. Geneva Elmore-How can a Dept of Public Works do any better? �+ The streets in Greens Falls are twice as bad as Queensbury if Floyd 'Q Martindale is a good man why isn't he helping Mr. Garb so . that Mr. Garb can do better work. Why with the two of them can't they do a better job. Why does Mr. Garb have to take the blame? The road patching has not been very good. Mr. Garb can not follow each patching truck every minute. Councilman Barber-Reply to Mr. Garb' s Letter-Stated that there is no lack of communication between the Board and Mr. Garb,he has been invited to the town board meetings and rarely shows. . . I also refer.-td a letter I sent Mr. Garb January 1975 when I was chairman of the highway committee, this letter invited Mr. Garb to have meetings .with me and Mr. Olson at his earliest convenience. After no response,Mr. Olson and I had to come to you Mr. Garb. At these meeting problems were given to you regarding highway conditions and it was several months before you addressed your self to the problems. You stated that salt and sand would be stored at the landfill and not at the office building. Now you have stored salt and sand here without coming to the Town Board. Further stated that the Town Board did not have hand in the planning of the Highway Police Garage, Mr. Garb, the Town Engineer and the Police Chief and architect plan"gb the building. The third point-My firm nor myself never and I will state again, never had a key to the landfill.. on one occasion because of the volumf of refuse we were taking out of two plants you offered a key because you did not want to be disturbed at night, and I told you that I did not want a key and I told you that I would request of you personally or Mr. Martindale going into the landfill after hours as we do now presently. Noted there was a vendor that had a key and you came to me and I suggested that you change the lock. In respect to the fourth thing, Henchmen':, felt that the#& would be closer scrutiny with a D.P.W. there is no - attempt to place henchmen in any position. As you will recall Mr. Garb in October of 1975 you met with myself and Mr. Olson and stated,' that you would gladly remove youself from the position that you presently hold and take the position of Supt. of landfill on an appointed basis so that the town board could create a D.P.W. Do you recall that sir? Superintendent Garb-No I do not recall that. Councilman Barber- I. think Mr. Olson does recall it, it was Yiown in your office in the new facility. Mr. Fred Austin-Warren Co. Supt. of D.P.W. - reading from a prepaved statement - was glad to see a good gathering for this meeting. He read some statistics relating to highway. He stated that tax dollars have been directed to social programs rather than highway programs. The Donavan Plan has been deleted from the State budget. The ,highways need maintence and that takes money, I am required by Section 102 of the Highway Law for the cost, repair and mainter4Wjof mW only the County Highway but the Town Highways. I think the c* of Mr. Garb might be mis-directed. In my opinion. during the last month or so it is impossible for four sand trucks to do 175 miles of town highway, and be everwhere at once. The County does 39 miles with three trucks. The condition of the roads is indicative of ln"fflxtt hard money. The Town Budget has ailoted $25 ,000 for equipment, in effect one truck. To clarify the record, some dialog has occured concerning section 160 of the Highway Law, In part this section allows the Town Board or myself to write charges for the Town Supt. removal for malfeasance or misfeasance in office, I have absolutely no intention of doing so. In fact I strongly oppose any such action. In my opinion Mr. Garb has done a good job with what he has had to work with. I complement Mr. Garb and his men for their cooperation and dedication. . .noted that each dept. tries to help each other out and Queensbury should be proud of their record. My office is alway free to confer with the Town Board. Mr. Frank --River St. , Queensbury-asked why certain streets were sanded ancA other missed in W. Glens Falls. Bill F1n- Aviation Rd. - I think Carl Garb is doing a terrific fob considering the weather. Unknown- complained about the condition of the City Streets noting that ueensbury' s were in good condition. Walter Bishop-Mt. Road-No one likeshighway SuptS , but they try to do their�jo�,—with 175 miles of roads , not everbody can be happy. He has done a good job for the town if he hadn't no one would have elected him for the job. Glen G_ regory-voiced his complaint of no salt used in the west a*d of ue$ns ury. . . Mr. MMurp off Aviation Rd. -sand and salt on highways under the conditions that we eve had does not mean a thing, the highway supt. is looking out for our dollars by not using salt and sand when it would do no good. . . believes that Mr. Garb had done a good job this winter. Mr. Francis Johnson- noted that roads have changed over the years there area lot more cars on the road then there were several years ago which hampers road clean-up. We must commend the man for his job with what he has to work with. John Bowman-There appears to be a personality consflict .between Mr. rb and some of the Board Members. A few years ago there were several complaints in regard to potholes at that time I was told by the Board that there would be priorities the worst roads would be done first, so a plan was to be made. Was there money enough to take care of the project? I would like to ask a question, lets back up four or five years how much of an increase has there been put fns- this budget for this? Councilman Barber- The plan has to be forthcoming from Mr Garb, in order to get the money he must have a plan to submit to the Board so we can allocate the funds to do the job around the plan he developed. To date he has not submitted a plan on a long range intermediate basis to this Town Board for the improvement of the roads. This is the first year since I have been on the Board that .Mr. Garb has submitted a plan for paving for 1976 at Budget time, doing so after several request of the town board. Prior years he brought it in, in May, June or July. John Bowman- I was told that the highway committee would draw up the plans t at Mr. Garb would not have to. Councilman Robertson-That is not our responsibility that is Mr. Garbs. Since 1970, to t k of .my knowledge, in Item I which is highway repairs and paving : put in additionst.10,000 as high as 50,000 dollars for maintenance and paving. It has varied slightly from year to year but going back as far as 1970 each budget has increased from the pre- vious year. , by at least 10, 000 dollars most times 20,000 and some other cases 40, to 50 thousand. dollars . in an. effort to do some of these things. I think the Board has been responsive to inflation and the ever increasing length of roads etc. Mr. Wool$ey- Qne;;bfvaedcftbi dbeklar value as to what it is worth then as to now. Supervisor Brandt- I think every view point has been expressed and that was e idea of_the public forum. . . in the end the public will have to put pressure on the Town Board as to where they want their money spent, and I think that is one of the things that we will accomplish here. The cost of governmental services is increasing all the time and government I has to deal with basic and essential services, I think we will work hard toward that. Noted the unusual weather this year.. and the men in the highway dept. have worked very hard bnc"§hbM ads. There are legitimate questions, I am new in the job and a lot of the discussion started before my tenure I think the town has to look at its organization in the highway function to put responsibility and authority into one position where who ever allocated the money for doing a job be reonsible to get the job done. That decision should be made not in the hem of an argument over either personalities or weather conditions.tull off and look back . _. at that as a basic .business orggfts4ad-on step. Who-ever puts up the budget is responsible for the results than I think you will have a better orgAttt v to it. Jerry Mr. �&j Renaud- Spoke to the Board as to the problem of mobile home park no water for the past week. . .requested that Board look into the setting aside of land for mobile homes so people could own their own land. Supervisor Brandt-That should be discussed with the Planning Board. Terry Mr. CAy Renaud-question the board as to why Mr. Slopey was not paying water tax. . . Councilman Olson- noted that Mr. Slopey' s court was not in the water district, Jerry u� Mr. -ChZ Renaud- questioned why the mobile homes in the park are not anchored? Councilman Barber- I will have Mr. Boy-nton check into that. erry. Mr. Renaud- requested the reading of the rules and regulation of Sopeo�iire Home Court. Unknown- Has the date been set for the hearing on the revised zoning map? Supervisor Brandt- No we will start with the sign part of it. . . Glynn Harrington- question as to why Atbutus Drive has not been paved when of erS ave been. Superintendent Garb-When it was accepted it was just sand we have put gravel and oil on the surface now. . . Mr. Jerry Renaud- noted that if mobiles home were on their own land more scchoot taxes could be collected. Councilman Robertson-Stated that the Town Board had thought of a D.P.W. as long ago as when Mr. Garb was first appointed. One of the problems is orgAmoor .or. and supervision,and that is the responsibility of the Supt. of Highways. It is up to the Supt. of Highway to organize his department to get things done and done efficiently. Noted that there have been strained feelings between the Board and Mr. Garb. I think the message here tonight is thet .we need something or somebody to take an over all organized program of the work that is going on to the Town. Noted that Mr. Garb requested 80,000 dollars this year and the budget ended up at 25,000 dollars. A few years ago we purchased a grad- all for 65, 000 at Mr. Garbs request, which was to also be used for the Water Dept. for setting pipe, we tried this spring at Bay Road, it could not pick up a length of pipe. We better sit down amoNGSr ` ourselves and take a good look as to how the money is being spent. In the overall good of the Town I think we should have a dept. of public works , I think i-e should be properly organized and I think in the long run it will save the Town money. Asked Mr. Austin if he would survey the Town maintentwce system and give a report to the Board. Mr. Fred Austin- Yes, Councilman Robertson- A few weeks ago I was asked a question was the Town supplying ue oil to fire companies; I said no. Is there any fire companies in the Town getting fuel oil? Superintendent Garb- Yes there are two of them.Bay Ridge and Queensbury entra .. -whenT need fuel at odd times they borrow and when a certain amount is reached they pay us back. Councilman Robertson-Do you keep records? Superintendent Garb- Yes i Councilman Robertson- What is the arrangement? Superintendent Garb- They purchase the fuel and repay it to the Town. Councilman Barber- Who do they purchase it from? Superintendent Garb- Anyone .they wish to. Councilman Barber- Do you have any knowledge of whom? Are you saying that the fuel is droppO off by a fuel company? . . . 5u er nten 'entar� I request from them after they use 500 gallons to replace the supply. . . Councilman Robertson- How many replacements have there been? Superintendent Garb- There hasn' t been any. Councilman Robertson- How long has this been going on? Superintendent Garb- 1973, I. Believe. Councilman Robertson- We have not used 500 gallons of fuel since 1973? Superintendent Garb- I do not think Queensbury Central has , No. Councilman Barber- How about Bay Ridge_? Superintendent Garb- Bay Ridge has only used about 100 gallons. Queensbury Central Councilman Barber- It has come to our attentio4Ahas been to the pump on Aviation Road on 18 different occasions. Superintendent Garb- Eighteen? Councilman Barber- That is from their own records . Councilman Olson- Carl, was this set up on an emergency basis? Su erintendent Garb- Yes , at the time there was no place in town that 'gold Diesel fuel, and Queensbury Central bought the diesel truck. The only place right now that I know of, which has opened up in the last year or two is the one on the corner of Route 149 and Bay. Councilman Bar ber- Has any company remitted any money to you for fuels pure ases. Superintendent Garb- N o. Councilman Barber- Who dit! they pay for the fuel? Superintendent Garb- the fuel company. Councilman Barber- What fuel company? Superintendent Garb- Which ever one they ordered the fuel from. Councilman Barber- Since 1973 we have had two vendors, Goodrich Oil and McEnaney. ow much oil did we as a town buy from Goodrich or from McEnaney that is going to be allocated or paid by the fire companies to those two vendors as a result of the various fuel that was taken or used? Superintendent Garb- I do not understand. Councilman Barber- How is the fire company going to decide whom to pay? Mr. Champagne- I think what the gentleman is trying to say is as soon as they-buil500 gallons, then in fact, they will call McEnaney, they will request that it be delivered to his tanks, then in fact the fire companies will pay McEnaney, is that right? Superintendent Garb- Yes. Councilman Barber- What fuel vendor knows that? Superintendent Garb.,-Nobody has to know it. orde;s Unknown- No one has to know it. When Bay Ridge t;s,as 500 gallons, Bay Ridge ays for it. Councilman Barber--I am sorry sir, we have to know it. The Town Board and the public h ave to know it. We are on a budget and we have to know where these things go. We are totally unaware of where this fuel is going or what it is being utilized for. I understand that in 1973 you did receive money from Queensbury Central for payment of fuel. S*ppe�rintendent Garb- No I have never received monies for payment of fuel at all Central. j Councilman Robertson- the point is I understand the extingenciescf ire sere cep ut what you are doing is quite frankly Illogal. I do not want to make an issue of it but I do not want it to come ,out in Audit and Control or some where else that we, the Town Board would let this type of thing go on. This Board has to go on record that is not a satisfactory practice and some other arrangement has to be made. I do not think we can permit it to go on. Councilman Olson- Are you asking Carl to tell the Fire Co`s to find other sources for their fuel? u^J Councilman Robertson-I think I Made my point clear, as.a member of this own Board. H_r_. 7a_rb can do what he sees. Councilman Barber- This only points out Mr. Garb the lack of administrative effect on your behalf and the lack of organization in your organization has caused this Town BB4rd a lot of frustration. Mr. Fred Austin- Stated that help between departments and fuel between departments and fire co.,helping where ever , may not be in the stricT_ senze legal to Audit and Control but is common practice amoung the men in the public works field. . Councilman Barber- On many instances in the past, in an emergency we have opened the pumps and we will not hestitate in the future. It is our understanding this is being done on a regular routine basis , it is when this becomes a routine that the Town Board addresses itself to the problem. Glenn Gregory- Noted that if some company is getting fuel at state contract price then we want a piece of the action. Councilman Barber- We have three ton-and a half trucks you _ purchased or snow plowing—, 4 yrs. ago. Superintendent Garb- #�14,A-15 and 16 Councilman Barber- Are the three vehicles being used for snow plowing? Superintendent Garb- No They are very dangerous for snow removal. Councilman Barber- Were they not originally purchased with plows? Superintendent Garb- Yes Councilman Barber- Do they presently have the plows? Superintendent Garb- All except one. Councilman Barber- Where is that plow? Superintendent Garb- At the county. Councilman Barber- Where was the salt that was­ at Avaition Road site taken? Superintendent Garb- The salt that was left in our bins-at Aviation Road was n to akeTeorge and put in their salt bin which is undercover. Councilman Barber- Have we used it since then? fr ' Superintendent Garb- no Councilman Barber- Mr. Austin what system do you use when you scrap equipment Mr. Fred Austin- I can sell to anyone _ I care to at any price I care to. we can l., see if any town wants it 21 .sell it to any municipality 3, put it out to bid, Councilman Barber- Does that apply to Highway Supt. Mr. Fred Austin- I do not know. Councilman Barber- It is my understanding it does not. Mr. Garb ow many loads of strap iron have you sold to a scrap vendor? Superintendent Garb- Two or three I bil-tete. personally Councilman Barber- Has there been any occasion that youAreceived monies other than the town and utilized that oney for other purposes other than the town. Superintendent Garb- No Councilman Barber- Did you ever receive money from scrap and then have a party for your men or something, of t at nature? Superintendent Garb- No, Councilman Barber- I ask these questions because these questions are being brought th to the Town Board, and as long as we have gone this far we will go the rest of the route. Councilman Barber- Do you presently plow any private roads? Superintendent Garb- Not to my knowledge, no. Councilman Barber- I have no further questions. Councilman Robillard- stated that several resident of!-West ZGlens Talls voice their comp a nts on the service of Cable T.V. I request that Supv. Brandt request from Cable T.V. h-_rhpresentfi't1vw by Ofebent an February 10, 1976 to answer complaints. Mr. Elmore- complained about the work sable T.V. did in the Twicwood Areaa in repairing driveways. . . Councilman Olson- Vk the public for coming out and speaking in regard to the Highway Siti tion. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clekk REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel C. Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee Coleman, Tri Countv News TOWN OFFICIALS- George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Jerry Sawn, Floyd Martindale GUESTS-Mr. Thomas Murphy-Qsby. Supervisor, George Stec, Mr. Brown, Donna Clark, Mr. John Weeks, Mr. Paul Lampson, Mrs. Bovair, Mr. Scheler Mr. Stewart, Ann Marie Schene, Mrs . Elmore, Mr. Pat Nelson, Mr. Bob Dean Mrs . Grove Meeting Opened 7 : 36 P.M. Salute to the Flag-Councilman Robillard i