1989-07-25 s TOWN BOARD MEETING 3 JULY 25, 1989 5:05 P.M. t ` BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT STEPHEN BOR GOS-SUPER VISOR GEORGE K UROSAKA-COUNCILMAN r. BETTY MONAHAN-COUNCILMAN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT MARILYN POTENZA-COUNCILMAN RONALD MONTESI-COUNCILMAN ` !` j TOWN ATTORNEY c . PAUL D USEK TOWN OFFICIALS DLve Hctin, Rick Missitc, Pct Collc.rd, Kcthleen Kcthe PRESS: G.F. Post S to B PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA OPEN FORUM n ' RALPH CELESTE, 345 Ridge Roc.d, Queensbury-Noted thct he atended the Februcry 28th Town Boc.rd meeting, requesting thct the Town Bocrd look ct his P(.rcel of lend which is Icnd locked. Questioned whether the Boc.rd hcs been there to look c.t his I4nd cnd if there wc.s c,ny kind of decision. ¢~ SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Yes, in fLct the Town Attorney hcs been busy with 4t lec.st one perh4ps � two consultcnts in the c.re- of sewer districts, looking 0 c.11 the options`thc.t cre cvcilcble under the Ic.w for tcxing properties thct Lre in G sewer district. TOWN ATTORNEY DUSEK-We've h(.d c. couple of meetings cnd I've n consulting with cn c.ttorney on this, if things go right, we me.yhc.ve something put t er>within'c. month. Hope to hLve something to the Boc.rd for discussion. Its ciso thought fli t we mc.y,hc.ve some.. . z. informc.Uion meetings. Its still in the process of being worked out. : SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Noted thc.t we've hid c number of compic.ints,cnd we (.re trying to pull together c new ILw thct would tcke effect for next yec.r thc.t would hope to resolve (.11 these problems. The Town Attorney noted thLt he hopes within c. month to be cble to hc.ve informction so we con present it c.t c. public meeting, pencc.ps short of C. public hec.ring, the n first time, let people know exc.ctly whet we've found (.re the possibilities, c.nd then get input from the public cnd drew up some legislc.tion thct then could go to public hecring. BARBARA BENNETT, 83 Dixon Rocd--Spoke to the Town Boc.rd regc.rding the Lc.ke George Operc Festivcl, the high prices of Senior Citizens tickets, food concessions c.nd feels thct they c.re tc.king cdvcntcge of the public. SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Requested KLthleen Kc.the to cc.11 the Oper4 Festivil cnd question their policlesregcrding the senior citizens. Suggested thct she c.lso cull 4nd note her compic.ints _< to the Operc. Festive.!. COUNCILMAN K UR OSA K A-No ted thc.t he wGs c. member of their group cnd would check M into it. ; OPEN FORUM CLOSED ' RESOLUTIONS ;r RESOLUTiON TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 395, Introduced by Betty Monchcn who moved for its c,doption, seconded by George KurosLkc. RESOL VEO, thct the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury hereby cpprove the Minutes of -July 12th, 13th, Lnd 14th of 1989. 6 Duly c.dopted this 25th dcy of July, 1989, by the following vote: _ Ayes: Mr. K urosckc, Mrs. MonLhc.n, Mr. Borgos k3§+ }wi 4µi A.. i Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RETENTION OF MORSE ENGINEERING RESOLUTION NO. 396, Introduced by George Kurosc.kc who moved for its adoption, seconded by Betty Monchcn. iEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has c. Depertment of Environmentc.-1 Conservc.-tion Mining rmit for ec,ch of three (3) send and gravel extraction sites, two (2) near the Town Lcndfill Ctid one (1) on Big Bcy Rocd, all of which expire on July 21, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of securing the renewal of scid permits, c.nd WHEREAS, in order to obtcin the renewc.l of staid permits it is necessary to employ an engineer to perform vc.rious calculctions c.nd engineering work to crec.te a report and submit the some to the Depertment of Environmentc.I Conservution, c.nd WIIEREAS, Morse Engineering previously provided engineering services to the Town of Queensbury in connection with previous renewal c.pplications for the mining permits, c..nd WIIEREAS, Morse Engineering has (.greed to cssist the Town of Queensbury in cpplying for the renewal of the mining permits in cccordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby c.pproves of the cgreement proposed by Morse Engineering for services to be performed in connection with the mining permit applicction and hereby authorizes cnd directs the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to execute the scid c,-greement on behc.lf of the Town and immedictely apply for e renewal of scid mining permits, cnd !_E IT FURTHER RESOL VED, thct the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby cuthorized cnd directed to take such other cnd further action cnd to sign such other cnd further documents cs mcy be necessary to secure the renewc.l of the sc:id mining permits, including mining permit cpplicctions end other like documents. Duly adopted this 25th dcy of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Alonchan, Mr. Borgqs Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR THE TEMPORARY BLOCKING OF TOWN STREETS, HIGHWAYS, AND ROADS RESOLUTION NO. 397, introduced by Betty Monc.fian who move for its (adoption, seconded by George Kurosakc. ` WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hcs been presented for adoption, a proposed Local 1_aw which would provide for the temporary blocking of the Town streets, highwcys, cnd roads for purposes of allowing c neighborhood block perty, celebration, or other like event, c.nd WHEREAS, such legislation is authorized pursuc.nt to Section 64 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and WIIEREAS, the Town Board must, in cccordcnce with the Municipal Home Rule L(-.w of the Stcte of New York, hold a public hearing prior to adopting said Local Law, NOIV, THEREFORE BE IT RE:SOL VED AND ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury shall meet cnd hold c public hearing 0 the Activities Center, Bay at Hcvilcnd Rocd, Queensbury, Warren 72 County, New York, Lt 7:30 p.m., on the 8th dcy of August, 1989, to consider the scid proposed Locc.l Lc w presented to this meeting cnd to hec.r call persons interested on the subject mc.tter thereof concerning the sc,me c.nd to tcke such c.ction thereon cs is required or cuthorized by Ic.w, cnd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, thc.t the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby directed to publish cnd post the notice thct hc.s c.lso been presented 0 this meeting concerning the proposed Locc.l Le.w in the me.nner provided by 1Lw. Duly cdopted this 25th dc:y of July, 1989, by the following vote: A ves: Mr. K urosc.kc., Mrs. Monchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None ` Absent: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Montesi Town Clerk Dougher noted thc.t there is c. letter supporting this from the Queensbury Highwcy .Superintendent, P(-ul H. NLylor, on file. RESOL UTION APPROVING GLENS FALLS FEEDER CANAL MASTER PLAN MUNICIPAL FUNDING AGREEMENT RESOLUTION_NO. 398, Introduced by Betty Monchcn who moved for its cdoption, seconded by George Kurosckc.. WHEREAS, the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury, by ecrlier resolution, c.greed to commit $5,000.00 towc.rds expenses for engineering c, muster p/cn for the Feeder Ccnc! cnd property surrounding the sane, c.nd WH REAS, sc.id resolution indiccted thct, prior to the expenditure of Funds, cn cgreement was to be entered into between the involved communities, cnd 1AIII =REAS, cn Agreement pursucnt to the forgoing hcs been presented c.-t this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE-SOL V D, thct the Agreement titled Glens Fulls Feeder Cc.ncl Muster Plcn Municipc.l Funding A, is heret;y c,pproved (,nd the Town Supervisor is hereby cuthorized to execute the s,..rne on L)nc(.lf of the Town of Queensbury, cnd BE' 17 Fl%1 7-11ER RESOL. VED, thc.t, c.:s indicGted in the previous-resolution, the sums to be pcid pursucnt to the terms of this Agreement shell come from the Historicn Contrcctuc.l Account #A235-7510-440. Duly adopted this 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: A vus: Mr. K urosc.kc, Mrs. Monc.hcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None r?hsz�r�t: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Montesi RESOL UTION AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH KESTNER ENGINEERS, PC FOR DESIGN PlIASF_ SERVICF_S OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT RL:SOLUI-I_ON NO. 399, Introduced by George Kurosckc who moved for its c.doption, seconded by Betty Alon(,hc n. ivIll-REAS, the Town of Queensbury presently hcs cn Agreement with Kestner Engineers, PC dc,:ted Jc.ttuc:ry 22, 1988 for Design Phc.se Services of the Wcter Storcge cnd Distribution District -- IV-, ter Trec:tment F'Ic,nt Expcnsion Project, end WiIEREA.S, both pc.rties to the Agreement desire to emend the some in cccordcnce with the ,proposed Ac;:cement presented L this meeting, N(-'?4v, THEREFORE BE IT F ?_SOIL 4 EI?, tht-1 the c,mendrnent presented ct this meeting to the Agreement doted JGnucry -- 73 F 22, 1988 c.nd titled "Design,Ph se Services for the Town of Queensbury Wc:ter Storage c.nd Distribution District, WLter Trectment P/c.nt Expansion" is hereby cpproved cnd the town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby cuthorized cnd directed to sign the amendment to the Agreement on behc.lf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly c.dopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosaku, Mrs. Monchc.n, Mr. Borgos Noes: None 4bsent: Mrs. Potenzc:, Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN CLERK TO SUBMIT PETITIONS FOR CHANGE OF ZONE TO PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 400, Introduced by George Kurosukc: who moved for its sdoption, seconded by Betty Monahan. WHEREAS, the Town Boc.rd hc.s previously c.pproved a form entitled "Petition For a Chunge of Zone" for rezoning mutters, and has directed thct the score be used for re-zoning requests, c.nd WHEREAS, the Town Attorney hcs recommended thr.'t c.ny Gnd cal upplicctions for rezoning must first go to the Plunning Depc.rtment cnd Plcnning Bbi�rd for recommendc.tions regcrding the sc.me, and WI/EREAS, following such recommendctions, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will then review the Zoning Applications c.nd tc:ke such other c:ction c.-s it shall deed necesscry c.nd proper, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, the t the Town Boc,rd of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes cnd directs fhct the following c.pplicution be submitted to the Plunning Board for the Town of Queensbury I nor report cnd recommendc.tion: (Joint Applic(,tion for) WLIt Burnhcm - Northecstern Electric Motors, Frank Cuttone - --Tri-County Kitchen Center, Vito Culullc.ri - West Mountuin Deli & Pizzu Shop, Loretto Buird Hudson - Alike Board Signs, GLry Bcll - GLry Bull Countertops, Roy BL-11 residence, and Sc:llie Brc.ndt & Lorc:ine Brandt - West Mountain Su/es, Inc. Duly c.dopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: ,eyes: Mr. Kurosc.ka, Mrs. Monuhc.n, Mr. Borgos t Noes: None , Absent: Mrs. Potenzc:, Mr. Montesi RESOL UTION TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 30 AND ITS SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS RESOL UTION NO. 401_, Introduced by Betty Monc:hc.n who moved for its adoption, seconded by George_.Kurosc.kL. WIIEREAS, Ordinance No. 30 of the Town of Queensbury c:nd its amendments dc:ted April 22, 1980, August 24, 1982, September 23, 1988, and October 25, 1988 provide in Section 5 for fees to be charged in connection with upplicutions for the issucnce of building permits, and IVHERF_AS, said Ordinance No. 30, Section 5 wus recently emended cnd the Director of Building nd Codes Enforcement has recommended certcin udditionc:l cmendments to the Town B.ourd %)f the Town of Queensbury, and NIIEREAS, scid Ordinance No. 30, Section 5, is proposed to be Lmended to estc.blish c.nd set forth therein a new fee of $20.00 for free standing and unhec.ted buildings (pole bc.rn, picnic p(:vilion, etc..) which require 2 or less inspections plus certificate of compliance, c.nd 101FREAS, a copy of the proposed Amended Ordinance is presented c.t this meeting, cnd WHEREAS, c public hearing concerning said amendment is required by low, 74 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thc.t pursucnt to Section 130 of the Town Lcw of_the Stetc of New York, c public ,hec.ring shell be held concerning the cmendmer,t of sc%d Ordin4nce No. 30, which Lmendment would c.dd the frliowing Icngucge to Section 5: "... free stc.nding cnd,tah%—ted buildings (pole br rn, picnic a9(.vilion, etc.) which require ? or less inspections plus •�rtli l^.c.te of compliance $20.00 per inspection ...", c.nd thct SL-id public peering t,° Held on Tue$d .y; Auyu°t 8th, 1989, c t 7:30 p.rn., in the .activities Center, Town oaf c?ueenshury, Bcy c�nd Huvilc,•nd Po&u';, in the 1 owO of Queensbu y, WLrren County, New ct which time cl! persons interested in the subject thereof shco'l be hecrd, end BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED, the.t the Town Clerk of the Town of Qtreensbury be 4uthoriz ' u'nd direc'cd to publish c.nd provide Notice of scid Public Hearing in uccordunce with the /c.w. Duly cdopted this 25th d(,y ," July, 1989, by the following vale: ..res: Mr. K urosc.k._ ;tirs. 'Io-i.hen, Mr. Borgos Nc.e--: None Absen`: Mrs. Poternzc., Mr. Montest RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD DETEt,, "HAT PROPERTY NEAO THE FND OF EAST DRIVE iS UNSAFE i RESOLUTION_NO. 402, Introduced by George K, moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Monchcn. W111-r'F_AS, Mr. Bert Mc.rtin, Code Enforcement Officer ` . :_of Queensbury, Ims c.dvised thc,t he hc.s investigcted c.nd inspected certc,in pro, us thct property owned Ley Rc vmond Nollette (decec.sed), his niece A1c.rthu Br, $< -Irrwer of Attorney, ` c.nd bec.ring tt,x rr,c.p no. 93-3-2 end hcs mode findings cs more _ forth in c. roomorc,ndum dc.ted July 12, 1989, c copy being presented to this meeting, and W1/171?F=AS, Mr. Ah-r•t.in (revises the Town Socrd of the Town of Queens -roperty is G 1=_.,g(' hole, which i1zs c foundation, presently being used us (.- dumph, a is c ')Lzc.rd to children and G heclth hczcrd to the gene, he c s :w d rtrs Town Boc:rd of the Town of Queensbury to declare e,,od io orrier th(.t the hole be filled, end Fc10,°z,)hs 17Lve c.lso been presented c.t this meeting, and f pursucnl to Locc.l Lc.w Number 3, 1983 the Town Boc.rd muy, by resolution. o(- wfPf t rr>r, it its opinion, thLt the structures c.re unscfe and dcngerous and therecfter, oA „.,. their repc:ir or c+e-rnolition (-nd remove./, c.nd .fIIERI_=AS, sc.id 1.occ.1 L cw Number 3, 1983 provides thct notice be served upon the owner 01' other certc.in persons interested in sc.id property, 0IV, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, the t upon reviewing c.11 of the evidence presented ct this time, the Town Boc.rd of the Town of Ocreensbury is of the opinion thct the property bearing tcx mc.p number 93-3-2 is Prosently unsc.fe E.nd cfc,ngerous c,nd is unfit for the purposes for which it m(.y be lc.wfully rf_ ;; f�,'tZTftLh VL1), thc.t c. notice be served upon the owner of scid property, in this cc,se, notice v e d upon 10LrthL Brownell, niece of the dececsed owner, who hGs Power of Attorney, Providing: 7. c description of the premises, 2. c< stc.ten rent of pc,rticulcrs in which scid property is unsefe end dangerous, us set forth in Mr. Allt,rtin's letter., J lhc,t 'l;c> hole should be filled in within 60 drys of receipt of this notice, unless good cr.,,u,e is shown by the property owner or other interested persons whereupon the tir��e shc. l be extended by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, t.`r:.t tfze filling of the hole must commence in 30 dcys of receipt of this notice, un,css good cc,use is shown by the property owner whereupon the time shall be extended ttm +seem kA Trsz Queen, r 75 5. that c public hearing before the Town Boc.rd of the Town of Queensbury, in relution to the dangerous or unsafe condition of the building end property shell be held on August 8th, 1989, c.t 7:30 p.m., or not less then 5 drys from the dote of service of this scid notice, whichever dote is later, 6. in the event thc,t there is neglect or refusal to comply with the order of this Bocrd to fill in the hole on scid property, the Town Bocrd is cuthorized to provide for its being filled end to assess cll expenses thereof cgcinst the rec.'l property, c.nd to institute special proceedings to collect the cost of it being filled in, including legal expenses, end 3l_= IT FURTHER M 2ESOL VED, that services of the notice provided for herein shall be in cecordcnce with the provisions of Loccl Lcw No. 3 of 1983. Duly adopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosckc, Mrs. Monchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBUR Y AND ADIRONDACK SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES RESOLUTION NO. 403, Introduced by George Kurosc.kc.- who moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Monahan. WHEREAS, the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury has determined that the need exists for updating services regarding e.11 of the Town of Queensbury payroll softwLre cpplicctions, such updating defined c.s c chcnge to softwc.re currently owned by the Town of Queensbury, an d THEREAS, Adirondack Systems Associates has offered to render such updcting services to he Town of Queensbury for c. fee of $700.00, such cgreement commencing on August 1, 1989 nd ending on July 31, 1990, and WHERE=AS, c proposed cgreement entitled "Softwcre Mcintencnce Agreement" has been presented to this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, the t the Town Boc.rd of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the offer of Adirondack Systems Associates, to provide updcting information on ell of the Town of Queensbury Pc,yroll software applications, such updcting defined cs c chcnge to software currently owned by the Town of Queensbury, such services more fully set forth in the cgreement presented to this meeting, for an amount not to exceed $700.00, end BE I FURTHER RESOL VED, thc.t the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized end directed to execute the Softwcre Mcintencnce Agreement presented to this meeting. Duly adopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosakc, Mrs. Monc.hcn, Mr. Borgos f Noes: None €bsent: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Montesi t?ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT 7"0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY CONTRACT NO. 5 -- QUAKER ROAD AND ROUTE 9 SANITARY SEWERS _RESOi__UTION NO. 404, Introduced by George Kurosckc who moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Mon0u.n. ` WHEREAS, Joseph R. Wunderlich, Inc., has been performing construction services in connection with Town of Queensbury Contract No. 5 - Qucker Rocd c.nd Route 9 SLnitLry Sewers; end WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury recently requested L. chcnge in scid 7s con trc.c t;'and 6VIIEREAS, Joseph R. GNunderlich, Inc., hcs requested cn extension of time in which to complete the contrc.ct of two (2) weeks, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thct the Town Bocrd 9f the Town of Queensbury hereby c.pproves e.nd cuthorizes e. modification or c,mendment to C ontrc.ct No. 5, to provide thc.t the completion date for the cootrc.ct shell be on August 9, 1989 instecd of the current dc.te of July 26, 1989, and 131.- IT rURTHER RESOLVED, thc.t the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury hereby c.uthorizes the Town Supervisor to execute (,Ii necessary documents and if necesscry, chcnge orders, to effectuc,te the Town Bocrd Resolution. Ouly c.dopted this 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosc.kc, Mrs. Monahc.n, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Mont?si RESOLUTION APPROVING SEWER RE-ALIGNMENT AGREEMENT AND MODIFYING PREVIOUS RESOLUTION RESOL UTION NO. 405, Introduced by George Kurosckc who moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Monubc n. VVIIEREAS, the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury, by previous resolution, c.uthorized the execution of a chcnge order cuthorizing the re-c,lignment of sewer pipes subject to the receipt of c signed cgreement by 73 Qucker Roc.d Corporation, and c.- check in the crnount of X9,250.50, c.nd I IIEREAS, the terms of the aforesaid cgreement hove been modified and a proposed revised -greement hcs been submitted to this Bocrd for its c.pprovc.l, lJ(iIV, lHEREFORE BE IT f?E_401- V[T), tht t the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes End directs the engineers c,nd contrcctors to re-align the pipe in accordcnce with the c.'greement presented c.t this meeting c.nd c,uthorizes End directs the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to execute the cgreement, the chcnge orders and Ell other necesscry documents to accomplish the purposes of the agreement and the 73 Quc.ker Rocd Corporation shell pay the costs incurred (-s c. result of the sewer pipe re-c.lignment and shell submit (.- check in the c.-mount of $9,250.50 <.:s soon-c,s possible, cod 131- fT FURTHER ilf OLVEI), that resolution no. 381, 1989 of this Town Bocrd be modified End (.mended to thee E=xtent tf,c.t the same is inconsistent with this resolution. Oully c.doptod this 25th dcy of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayrs: A.-Ir. Kurosckc.; Mrs. Monchan, Mr. Borgos Noc' : None .4bse'nf: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi IE 1VN AT7'OT:NI7Y DCISEK noted thct hc.s possession of the $9,250.50 check. RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW REGULATIONS PARKING ON A POR I-ION OF BAY ROAD RIESO_L_UTION NO. 406, Introduced by Betty Monchc.n who moved for its cdoption, seconded 15-1-, Kuroscke.- k,'HEREAS, 0 this meeting there hc.s been presented for cdoption by the Town Bocrd of the lti vn of 0l,ecr sbury, c. t.occ.l Lew which would provide for the regulating of perking on c, 77 portion of B(,y Ro(,d, c.nd WHEREAS, such legislction is c.uthorized pursucnt to the Town Lcw, Vehicle c.nd Trcffic Lcw end the Municipcl Home Rule Low of the Stcte of New York, end WHEREAS, prior to cdoption., it is necesscry to conduct c public he(.ring on sc.id proposed L occ.l L c.w, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT i 'ESOL VED AND ORDERED, that the Town Boc.rd of the Town of Queensbury shall meet nd hold c public hec..ring Gt the Activities Center, Bc.y ut Huvilcnd Roud, Queensbury, Wcrren county, New York, c.t 7:30 p.m., on the 8th day of August, 1989, to consider said proposed Locc,1 Lc,w end to hecr ell persons interested on the subject mutter thereof concerning the sc,rne end to tc.ke such c,ction thereon c,s is required or cuthorized by ILW, end BE IT FURTHER RF_.SOI_ VED AND ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby directed to publish end post the notice thct hcs clso been presented c.t this meeting concerning the proposed L occ/ L c,w in the mcnner provided by low. Duly c.dopted this 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K uroscke., Mrs. Monchc.n, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc, Mr. Alontesi RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 407, Introduced by Betty Monc.hc.n who moved for its c.-doption, seconded by George Kuroscku. WHEREAS, the Building end Codes Depc.rtment wishes to trcnsfer funds becLuse of the need -o purchc.se postc.ge stomps, c.nd WHEREAS, sufficient funds do not exist in the Postuge Fund, Account No. A2158010-403, for the purchcse of postc.ge stc.mps, NOW. THEREFORE 81- IT RF_SOL VED, to trcnsfer $750.00 from Engineering Services, Account No.'A2 1580 10-4 7 1, to the PostLge Fund, Account No. A2158010-403, to cover the cost of purchcsing postcge stumps. Duly c.dopted this 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosc.kc., Mrs. Monchc.n, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc., Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 408, introduced by Betty Monc.hc,n who moved for its c:doption, seconded by George Kurosc.kc.. WHEREAS, the Town Attorney's Office wishes to trcnsfer funds becc.,use of the need to p(.y )utside counsel, c.nd ~I,VIIF_REAS, surf icient funds do not exist in the Town Attorney's Contructucl Account No. A 1 i5 -1420-440 for the pcyment of outside counsel, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RF_SOL VED, to trcnsfer $7,000.00 from the Pcrc.legcl, PT Fund, Account No. A 115-1420-193, to the Town A ttorney Contrcctuc.l Fund, Account No. A 115-1420-440, to cover the cost of pcying outside counsel. Duly c.dopted this 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: '7 S Ayes: Mr. Kuroscka, Mrs. Alonchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS _RESOLUTION_ NO. 409, Introduced by Betty Monahcn who moved for its cdoption, seconded by George K urosc.kc.'. WHEREAS, it is desirous to provide funds to pay one senior typist for taking minutes cct the Zoning Bocrd of Appecls cnd Planning Board meetings each month, and WHE=REAS, sufficient funds do not exist to pay the senior typist, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, to transfer funds in the following mcnner: $8,000.00 to A2258020. 199 - Senior Typist, PT From A2258020.107 - Clerk, PT. Duly cdopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosc,kc:, Mrs. Monahcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None. Absent: Mrs. Potenzc., Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS _RESOLUTION NO. 410, Introduced by Betty Monc.hc.n who moved for its adoption, seconded by George Kuroscka WHEREAS, it is desirous to provide funds for printing services for the Recrection Depc.rtment, WHEREAS, sufficient funds do not exist to provide these printing services, N01 THEREFOR! BE IT RE.SOL VED, to transfer funds in the following mcnner: $300.00 to A 2057310.412 - Printing From A 2057310.208 -Pool Equipment. Duly c.dopted this 25th day of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosaku, Mrs. 111 onahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. POtCnza, Mr. Montesi I?F_SOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 411, Introduced by Betty Monc.hc.n who moved for its adoption, seconded by George Kurosaka. IVIiEREAS, sufficient funds do not exist to provide certc.in services for the Recrection Depc.rtment, NOI,t%, THEREFORE BE iT RESOLVED, to transfer funds in the following manner: $3,500.00 to A2057370.440 - Miscellaneous Contractucl From A2057310.202 - General Equipment, and $800.00 to A2057310.1,40 - Miscellaneous Contractuc.l From A2057310.411 - Vehicle Wintencnce & Repcir. Duly edopted !his 25th dc.y of July, 1989, by the following vote: 79 Ayes: Mr. K urosc.kc., Mrs. Monchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc., Mr. Montesi RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT RESIGNATION RE-SOL UTION NO. 412, Introduced by Betty Mon(-hcn who moved for its c.-doption, seconded )y George Kurosckc. I LVIIERCAS, Mr. Jc.mes Lettus hc,s been serving c. term on the Recrection Commission since Februcry of 1987, scid term to expire on Mcrch 8, 1991, and WHEREAS, Mr. Lettus hc:s submitted to the Supervisor's Office c letter resigning from the Recrection Commission effective July 10, 1989, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to cccept the resignction of Mr. Janes Lettus from the Recrec,tion Commission, with regret, c.nd sincere thcnks for the time and effort doncted by Mr. Lettus to the Town of Queensbury c.nd the Recrection Commission. Duly cdopted this 25th dcy of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K urosckL, Mrs. Monc.hc n, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzc., Mr. Montesi REPORTS Town Clerk - June monthly report - on file Building & Codes - June monthly report - on file SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Would like the Bocrd to consider meking c.' decision on the request by the iDA to seek federcl funding for the sewer line for that crew, there is the cvcilcbility of fifty percent federc,l funding grunt. Noted thct they need cnd care seeking our cpprovcl. AIR. //A TIN, Director of Building & Codes-Would like to know the BOGrd's feelings on the issue of the dock rentcl on Lc.ke George. Noted the possibility of c ccse regcrding the docks pending c.nd whether to pursue or not. TOWN ATTORNEY DUSEK-Noted thct the BQ(,rd hus previously wonted to revise the ordincnce to cllow the rentc.l of one dock space. I need more time to resecrch c.nd put together for the Boo rd's review. Propose thc.t Mr. HL tin cnd myself get together to discuss the ccse. RESOLUTION TO ENTER QUEF_NSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 413, Introduced by Betty Monchcn who moved for its cdoption, seconded by George Kurosc.kc. RESOL VED, thc.t the Town Bocrd of the Town of Queensbury hereby become the Queensbury Bocrd of Fleclth. Duly cdopted this 251h d(,y of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K uroscku, Mrs. Monchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: !Lars. Potenzc., Mr. Alontesi QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION 10 SET PUBLIC NEARING ON APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OF SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL ORDINANCE _RESOLUTION NO. 25, Introduced by George Kurosc.kL who moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Monchcn. 80 61'HEREAS, the Town BoLrd of the Town of Oueensbury is, by operc.tion of LLw, the Locc.l Bo(-rd of Ilec,lth for the Town of Queensbury, Lnd Ls such, is Luthorized under Section 5.035 of the SLnitc.ry Sewc.ge DisposLl OrdinLnce of the Town of Queensbury, to issue vLric.nces to such Ordinc.rice, Gnd WIIFREA.S, Air. Glenn E. Powell hGs Lpplied to the Locc.l Boc.rd of Hec.lth of the Town of Queensbury for L vGriLnce from certLin stc.ndc.rds of the sewc.ge disposc.l ordinLnce set forth in Section 3.050, Section A-B2, such ste.ndc.rd providing c.mong other things: Article Ill -StLndc.rds Section 3-050 - iIOLDiNG TANKS A. In cc.ses where sewLge disposc.l system is needed for temporc.ry usc.ge while building or rept.iriog permLnent fc.cilities or for sec.sonLI operc.tion, the use of L holding tLnk will be considered, on c. cLse-by-CLse bcsis. Holding tc.nks however, will not be Lllowed for yec,r round usLge on L permLnent bLsis except for replLcement of existing systems when no other LlternLtive will meet existing design stc.ndc.rds. 13. The design c.nd ir1stLI1C tion of L holding tc.nk c.nd c.lc.rm system shell comply with the following specificLtions. 7) The holding tc.nk shell he L wc.tertight precLse concrete septic tc.nk, without outlets, with c. wLtertight sec.ILnt mGteric.l for joints below the mLximum wLter level. The tc.nk shell Glso be equipped with L two-phc.se LILrm system. Refer to Figures 2 Lnd 3 for the detLils c.nd specifi(Ltions required. 2) The holding tc.nk CLPLCity must be equc.l to Lt lecst twice the volume of wc.ste genet-Lied between LnticipLted rer7ovL1 dc.tes. The following tLble gives the minimum size of holding tc.nk required Lnd is bc.sed on 7 dLys between Lnticipc.ted removLI dc.I es. REQUIRED MINIMUM HOLDING TANK CAPACITIES Nurnber of Holding TLnk CLpLCity Bedrooms Required.(g0lons) 7 2,000 2 3,000 3 3,500 11 4,000 S 4,500 (VIIEREAS, Mr. Glenn E. Powell hLs indict ted L desire to plLce L yec.r-round (rLther then (. stiowner-only use) holding tcnk with L CLPGCity of 1,000 g0lons, rc.ther thLn L CLPLCity of 4,000 g0lons required for L 4 bedroom home, Lnd hIl!FREAS, Glenn F. Powell hLs Llso Lpplied for L vc.ric.nce from certLin stLndc.rds of the see (.ge disposc.l ordinc.nce set forth in Section 3.030(D), such stLndLrd referring to TLble I of Appendix A Gnd providing Lmong other things Ls follows: JA.STEIVA7F_R WELL OR TO STREAM DWELLING PROPERTY LAKE GEORGE SOURCES SUCTION LAKE OR LINE AND TRBS LINE(() WATER COURSE n - u It u e rr 50 rr rr u Sc�I�tic TLnk r rr rr rr .r rr —. c.nd IVIIEREAS, Mr. Glenn E. Powell hc.s indicLted L desire for L vc,ric.nce, requesting thGt there bc 451 sepGrc.tion from Glen LGI;e rc ther thLn the required 501 set-beck, NOIV, IlIF1;EFORE BE 17' VED, thc.t the LocLl Boc.rd of HeLlth for the Town of Queensbury will hold L public herring on August 8th, 1989, Lt 7:30 p.m., Lt the Queensbury Activities Center, Bc.y ct Hcvilc.nd 1',O(-d, Town of Queensbury, Wrrren County, New York, to consider the cpplicction for c vrricnce of Mr. Glenn E. Powell to place r yerr-round holding trnk with r' ccpccity of 7,000 gcllons, 45' fron? Glen Lrke, on property situcted on Swrn Rocd, Queensbury, New York, rnd becring c trx mc.p no.: Section 40, Block 7. Lot 34, rnd Lt thct time call persons interested in the subject thereof, will be hecrd, rnd BE IT FUR THEP r�ESOL VED, thct the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be rnd is hereby directed rnd uthorized when in receipt of c list of neighbors within 500 feet of the subject property, to ublish rnd provide Notice of Said Public Herring (,s mcy be required by Ic.w, rnd cuthorized to rnril copies of scid Public //erring Notice to the cdjoining neighbors. Duly rdopted this 25th dry of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosckc, Mrs. Monrhrn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzr; Mr. Montesi RESOL UTION TO ADJOURN FROM THE QUEENSBUR Y BOARD OF HEAL TH RESOL UTION NO. 26, Introduced by Betty Monrhrn who moved for its c.doption, seconded I)v George K urosrkr. PESO/_ VED, thrt the Queensbury Borrd of Health hereby cdjourn cnd enter Regulrr Session of the Town Borrd of the Town of Queensbury. 011ly c,dopted this 25th dry of July, 1989, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. K uros(,kc, Mrs. Monrhrn, Mr. Borgos Voes: None —lbsent: Mrs. Potenzr, AIr. Alontesi QUFFNSB UR Y TOWN BOARD RESOL UTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOL UTION NO. 414, Introduced by George Kurosrkr who moved for its cdoption, seconded by Betty Alonchc.n. _ RESOL VED, thrt the Town Borrd of the Town.of Queensbury hereby move into Executive Session to discuss Personnel A9c.tter, Rerl Property Acquisitions, rnd Profession(.! Services. I)u/y c.dopted this 25117 dry of July, 7989, by the following vote: A ves: Mr. K urosrkc., Mrs. Monchcn, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Potenzr, Mr. Alontesi SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Reminded the Borrd of the Specirl Town Borrd meeting for Thursdry, JulSi 271h c 5:75 p.m., there mry be some resolutions plus rn executive session where our Town Borrd will trcvel to Glens Frlls to meet with the City Counsel to discuss the pending litigction relrted to the wctershed property locoed on Potter Rocd. —tan motion, the meeting wc.s rdjourned. R1_SPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, I)AR/__EEN Al. DOLIGHER TOWN CLERK T OWN Of= Q UEENS13 UR Y