10-03-2017 necreation Commission Town Of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 * AGENDA REGULAR MEETING * 7:00 p.m. OCTOBER 3, 2017 - 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 5, 2017 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS a) Monthly Correspondence b) Budget Control Report 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Gurney Lane Winter Policy-Fat Tire Biking, Discussion b) 2017 Capital Projects—Update, Director c) Dedication oflenkinsville Pickle Ball Courts—Discussion S. NEW BUSINESS a) 2017-18 Fall,Winter,Spring Activity Guide—Update,Ass't Director b) 31d Annual Savitz,Strides For Sarcoma 5k Walk/Run—Update, Director c) additional discussion items as introduced by Commissioners 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS _ • Budget Review —Commissioner Eicher • Bylaws—Commissioner Cabana • School Liaison—Commissioner Matthews • Personnel—Commissioner Hewlett • Planning—Commissioner Mohr • Program Review—Commissioner Eicher 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or REPORTS—verbal report 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION IF NECESSARY- 10. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: Meeting to be held at the Supervisor's Conference Room—Queensbury Town Office Queensbury Recreation Commission APPROVAL OF MINUTES Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission, Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the September 5,2017 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury Vice Chairman Cabana called the meeting to order at 7:09PM 1.)Roll Call: • Present Judy Goralski, Greg Hewlett,Amanda Mohr,Fran Cabana, Wendy Matthews • Excused: Todd Eicher, John Mossing • Staff—Steve Lovering—Director, 2.) Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hewlett motioned to approve the July 25, 2017 minutes, seconded by Commissioner Cabana, all members approved. 3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) a.) Monthly Correspondence: None at this time b.) Budget Control Report: update from Director Lovering on YTD budget and projection for the remainder of 2017. 4.) Unfinished Business a.) 2018 Tentative Budget:budget increase 1.4%over 2017 budget,estimate revenue increased 3.1%,Occupancy Tax request same as 2017.Discussed budget meeting on August 31St with Supervisor Strough and Budget Officer Tierney. b.) Jenkinsville Pickle Ball Courts: update by Director Lovering,work will be completed soon.A complimentary letter from the Adirondack Pickle Ball Club c.) 2017 Summer Activities: Open swim revenue down,(due to the weather)swim lessons same as 2016.QClub registration up from 2016,daily attendance about 200,lowest attendance day 159 children. Other programs all had good numbers of participants. d.) Drug Draft and Alcohol Policy: Discussed and reviewed the policy for Queensbury Park and Recreation Employees. An attorney is currently reviewing the policy.Will discuss further at the October 31 meeting. 5.) New Business a.) Connecting Rush Pond to Gurney Lane: Putting some funds aside to pursue this.A motion to accept Chazen Companies for planning and designing a right of way to connect the aforementioned two parks. 6.) Committee Reports—None at this time 7.) Additional Information and Reports a.) Gurney Lane Mountain Bike trails were rated third for single track b.) Churney Gurney event held in August a big success c.) Discussed and reveiwed a revenue comparison from 2010 to present and a recreation assessment fee comparison from 2010 to present ,88. Adiournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Cabana, seconded by Commissioner Matthews to adjourn at 7:48PM. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted Approved by: Judith Goralski, Commissioner Todd Eicher, Chairman Queensbury Recreation Commission YEAR-TO - DATE BUDGET REPORT 09/28/2017 13:37 1T_OWN OF QUEENSBURY lP 1 3tevel YEAR-T_0-LATE BUDGET REPORT fglytdbud SAIL - PARKS 6 RECREAT-ON FOR 2017 13 QRIG-NusTR?NFRS/ REV- isV'riFL: LE PCT APPROP ADJ'STIITS BUDGET YTD EXPENDED-ENC/REQ BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 001 GENERAL FUND ----------------------------------------- 0017110 PARKS ----------------------------------------- 0017110 1001 ML TICKETS 0 50 50 6.00 .00 54.00 12.0-%- 0017110 2.0%0017110 1010 WAGES 195,000 -1,050 193,950 156,622.14 .00 47,327.86 75.6} 0017110 1020 OVERTTME 7,500 1,000 °,soo 7,880.46 .00 519.54 92.7%- 0017110 2.7%0017110 2001 IISC EQPIIT 0 41,737 53737 .00 41,737.00 .00 10r r 0017110 2070 PRK EQP 5,000 0 5,000 4,757.00 .GG 243.00 95.1% 0017110 4110 VHCL R II 5,000 0 5,000 2,994,51 .00 ..JS.4_9 2 0r 9 , 59...% 0017110 4140 MLG RMB 4,000 0 4,000 2,226.78 .00 1,778.22 55.7% 0017110 4230 WATER 2,500 500 3,000 2,352.20 .00 647.80 78.41% 0017110 4271 W T_ CHMCLS 8,500 0 °,500 7,689.19 .00 810.51 90.5% 0017110 4300 ELCTRTCTTY 13,500 0 78'soo 11,043,43 .00 2,458.57 81.84; 0017110 4400 MSC CTRL 72,000 1,750 733,750 66,614.73 2,697.48 4,437.79 94.0% 0017110 4410 FUEL -�000 14 r ,�.. _,500 12,5..'4 5,36.65 .00 6,663.35 46.7,- 0017110 6.7%0017110 4418 BUS 3,000 0 3,000 632.8.7 .00 2,367.13 21.1% 0017110 4500 HTNG FUEL 5,000 0 5,000 2,333.64 .00 2,686.36 46.3§ 0017110 4800 EQP RP 5,500 1,000 6,500 5,624.59 .o0 1,175.51 86.51% 0017110 4820 UNIFORMS 1,000 0 1,000 621.17 .00 378.83 62.1%- 0017110 2.1%0017110 4823 RC FC RPR 7,500 0 7,500 7,455.03 .GO 44.97 99,4% 0017110 4824 REC PRGRMS 98,400 1,750 99,750 83,296.22 7,363.29 9,090.49 90.9% 0017110 4825 RECPRGSUPP 10,000 0 10,000 6,302.10 .00 3,597.90 63.0% 0017110 4991 LS LAND 5,000 0 4,000 3,160.00 .00 840.00 79,0% TOTAL PARKS 461,000 45,237 506,237 367,426.71 51,797.77 87,012.52 82.8% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 461,000 45,237 506,237 367,426.71 51,797.77 87,012.52 82.5% TOTAL EXPENSES 461,000 45,237 506,237 367,426.71 51,797.77 87,012.52 GRAND TOTAL 551,000 45,237 506,237 567,426.71 51 797.77 87,012.52,.._a52 82.8% *^ END OF REPORT - Generated by Steve Lovering ** 09/28/2017 13:39 (TOW OF QUEENSBURY IP 1 Stet*e, YE-MR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT Ig:ytdbud SI - P=`�<S & RECREATION FOR 2017 13 ORTGTN Z_L TRANFRS/ REVISED z:"'LABILE PC PPROP u=JSTIITS BUDGET_ YTB EXPENDED ENC/REQ BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 001 GENERAL FUND ----------------------------------------- 0017020 RECREATION ADMITNTST_.0-ITON ----------7------------------------------ 0017020 1010 WAGES 496,000 -5,000 E91,000 423,400,°9 .00 67,599.11 86.2% 0017020 1020 OVERTTIIE 400 5,000 5,300 1,731.25 .00 4,068.75 29.8 0017020 4010 OFF SUPP 1,500 0 ±,500 833.63 63.09 603.28 59.8% 0017020 4030 POSTAGE 3,750 0 3,750 557.46 .00 3,192.54 14.91 0017020 4090 TREDSUB 2,000 0 2,000 502.00 .00 _, _.,�49� .00 25.1 0017020 4120 PRTNTTNG 5,000 0 5,O0r 3,194,Og .00 1,805.91 63.9% 0017020 4400 MSC CTRL 12,000 0 12,000 10,395.55 .00 1,804.45 85.0% 0017020 4800 EQP RP 2,500 0 2,500 175.52 .00 2,324.48 7.0% TOTAL- RECREATTON RDI.ITNTSTtiATTOIQ 523,550 0 523,550 440,590,89 83,09 42,896.52 84.2 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 523,550 C, 523,550 440,590.39 63.09 82,896.52 84.21 TOTAL EXPENSES 523,550 C, 523,550 440,590.39 63.09 82,896.52 GRAND TOT;L 523,550 0 523,550 440,590.39 63.09 82,896.52 84.2% ;� END OF REPORT - Generated by Steve Lovering >^