1967-01-05 SP 142 Special Meeting s January 5, 1967 Present: John. 0 " Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Hammond Roberxsoxk, Jr. ; . Qounc�i.lman Curtis Lampson Councilman The Supervisor°,called the meeting to order at 8:15, p,m,.` Supervisor-Webster,greeted ' the following visit&rs: George Lehemann Representing Veterans Foreign Wars P.C. Brennen - Representing Veterans Foreign Wars Floyd Pickett - Representing Vetexans- Foreign. Wars . Mary. Gray - League of Xomgn Voters Kathe Guyett League of Women Voters Florence Mcllvaine - Reporter, The Post Star John Austin, Jr. - Reporter, Ther Glens Falls Times John Lynch - Radio Station WWSC Bernard J. -Codner - Superintendent of Highways LeRoy Phillips - Chief pf Police Mr. George Lehemann, representing the Queensbury Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars approached the Towns Board with a request for action toward adoption of the proper ordinance within the Town of Queensbury to allow Bingo operations within the town. Following general approval of all members of the Town Board, Supervisor Webster stated that the proper ordinance wi11, be ,adopted at an .early. date. e The minutes of the meetings of Decembet 29, 1966 and January 2, 1967 were approved. Carried unanimously. Applications were received from West Side Auto Parts and R011and Mandigo for- renewal of the Junk Yard License for their places of ' business. The fees of $25.00 each were presented to the Supervisor. January 5, 1967 TO THE TOWN BOARD; Pursuant to Section 37 of the Town Law, I hereby appoint Forrest J. _Crannell, 7 Richardson Street, Glens Falls, N. Y. , as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments as of this date. t Betty Eggleston Receiver of Taxes & Assessments STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH December 29, 1966 John 0. Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Re: Refuse Disposal Area Town Building Queensbury Town Bay Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. Warren County Dear Mr. Webster: On December 23, 1966, Mr. Robert Schneiter and Mr. Diggins of this office, made an inspection of the refuse disposal area operated by the Town of Queensbury. 14-3 At the time of the inspection, it was found that there was substantial compliance with the regulations of Part 19 of the State Sanitary Code. \ •pff If you have any questions, please call upon us. } Very truly yours, Sterling H. Edwards Public Health Sanitarian • January 5, 3.967 j To: The Town Board Subject: Appointment of Committees Effective this date I hereby appoint the following members of the board to serve on the following committees for the year 1967. STANDING COMMITTEES Highway *Lampson Robertson Refuse Disposal Area Urpson Robertson Lighting Lampson Webster Drainage Lampson Turner Fire Companies *Robertson Lampson Legislative Robertson Webster Zoning & Planning Robertson Beaty Libraries Robertson Webster -. Water Districts *Tu=mr Robertson �. Cemeteries UU 24 mer Webster A Traffic Safety _. Turner Lampson Sewerage .Turner Beaty Electidn "�^►3.` ,� '- *Beaty Lampson Assessments .Beaty Turner Insurance Beaty _' 'OT �t ,�•;-,TTur �r Recreation Beaty r. n., ;.,*4a ffurnegr.�% Health *Webster Turner „ Industrial Development And To*k PVOMotio-t•° _ -i z ; ' Webster 4obgrtson Town Building • s - Webster Public Housing Webster Lampson "!.• . ..� Iry.n�..� ,�.. r..• • * *�" t.t .w.Yn r 3. a i�r i� * Chairman - first named :<3 Respectfully submitted: a z .�M .,•• John Ou Webster, SMpervisor_,„ Mountainside Tree Library R.D. #1, Lake George, N.Y, t.. _ .._ ., _ • Jan. lothru Vpc. . 31, 1966 , Financial Report. Expe ditAres .4 ' ' Receipts r BOOKS _ Bookazine Co. , Inc. - $176.36 Unexpended Bal. $398.62 Baker & Taylor 11. 62 State Grant 300.00 Cosmo Lib. Bk. Dist. Co. 2.37 Town Grant 200.00 Doubleday & Company 9.24 Gifts y 107.00 A 1*4 .. (Mountainside Free Library Report - continued) Readers Dig. (coed. bk) 12.20 American -Heritage 11.75 Total Rec. $10 Literary Guild 43;50 Doubleday Book Club 33.50 Total Exp. 448.12 $300.54 Bal. on Hand $ 5 PERIODICALS _ Consummer-s Report $ 6.00 Good Housekpg. Ma.g. 7.00 Lake George Mirror 1.00 ! Horn Book Mag. 6.00 Roger Id. Hist. Assoc. .90 $20.90 INSURANCE Saratoga Co. Mut. Fire Ins.25.00 $25.00 BANK SERVICE 1st. Nat. Bk, of Glens Falls3.08 $ 3.08 MAINTENANCE Niagara Mohawk Power Co. $18,00 Petrolane N.E. Gas Service - 45.40 Crandell-Snow Removal 10.20 $73.60 REPAIR Vaughn-Ceiling Repair $10,00-10.00 LIBRARIAN Expenses :.a r $ 15,v", '" r ;.• . ., ,.�.. • �;r, 15.00 Total E*eWditures $448.12 Respectfully submitted Irma E. Fuchslocher, Treas. The new construction report for the month of December, 19W.W4.5_ ,_ received and placed on file. There were 18 reports received 9qr the month bringing the total reports received for the year 1966 to 254. ,;- ; A report wa+s"received from LeRoy Phillips, which�covere8 the activity of the Police Department for the month of November and 'Hecember, .1966. ,' r - , The meeting was adjourned to an executive session at 8:50 p.m. V The meeting"°wall re-.64116d to order at 9:20 p.m. The followitig res6tiations were adopted at this time. RESOLUTION'` O AUTH0RIZEwTRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLUTION419O, .20, In toduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED, that the Supervisor-.be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from the- General Town Fund —' to the Town Office Construction Account, in accordance with Resolution #278, adopted by this board on 12/9/1965. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr.' Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None -4,,. RESOLUTZON. REGARDING ANNUAL FINANCIAt' REPORT -RESOLUTION-NO. 21, Introdueed by Mr. 'Beaty,,eeeondeo by.T�;,-;Vt r. . RESOLVED,- that the Supervisor is hereby permitted and allowedCto file a copy -of the annual financial-report to the Comptroller with the:- Town Clerk on or before March 1, 1967, in liew o€ -filing a separate financial report by February 1st, 1967. t Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, 'Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE DEPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES & ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 22, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr.. Robertson. WHEREAS, Betty Egglestion has appointed Forrest J. Crannell as Deputy Receiver of Taxes & Assessments and has so notified this board, there- for be- it RESOLVED, that -the Deputy Receiver of.Taxes .& Assessments appointed by the Receiver of Taxes & Assessments shall have the power to perform all° duties of the Receiver of Taxes & Assessments and such further duties as the Town` Board may determinej;noteinconsistent wit Law. t Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes L None c . G ♦ RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH HOURLY RATE FOR TOWN EMPLOYEES j RESOLUTION NO. 23, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. RoT'`ertson. RESOLVED,4 that the hourly rates for town employees, beginning wf0i "" the first payroI period o�f 1967 be and are �iereby fixed as follows: Shovel Operators $2.20 per hour,-- - - Grader Operators 2.20 per hour_ Motorized Equip.- Operators __a � .Q4 Rex- t,=_ Q Laborers R -Class A ._; r_. 1:85 wPAr hQ Laborers - Class B __1,20.Tuer h4:4>Z- . w Clerical, excepting those on fixed salary -A.60.-P or - .� -�• � - a�}aLJ {}. further ♦ .�a..lT .... w...►w s.N .. . t ..4♦ • { A .. ✓.♦,... ♦.f.- ..Ji'R�N� 1I J ... RESOLVED, that it is hereby understood that the classification "Labor - Class A is intended to include„full time; regular .ablo ;; a , bodied employees, and that the classidicaton "Labor -Maass " is intendeel to-inel ide part time, casual, temporary, or • ,;.,,._, seasonal employees, the judgement of the department head determining thet+prepar payroll classification. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes „ =:"may, Mr. Turnew, �,- * Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes --None h C . ♦ t k YY i RESOLUTION TO SET COMPENSATION OF DEPUTYRECEIVER OF TAXES & ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION,NO. 24, Introduced by �Ir. Beatyvj:0gg9TK0ed by,MX..• It fiber +isQ}l• WHEREAS, with. the conduct of business in the Town Office Building it is deemed-adviseable to provide compensation for the Deputy Receiver of, Taxesand Assessments, be it e RESOLVED, that the compensation of Forrest J. Crannell, Deputy Receiver of Taxes & Assessments, be and the-, same is. hereby fixed, at $1.60 per hour, -payable upon proper verification of the Yegeivpr of Taxes_& Assessments. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None a RESOLUTION TO SET COMPENSATION OF DEPUTY TOWN CLERK e RESOLUTION NO. 25, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, with the conduct of business in the Town Office Building it is deemed adv'iseable -to provide compensation for a Deputy Town clerk, be it RESOLVED, that the compensation of Marion J. Crannell, be. and, the same is hereby fixed at $1,400.00 per year. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr.. Webster. Noes - None v r; •3. e� _Y .._ y yr• RESOLUTION TO SET COMPENSATION OF SECOND DEPUTY TOWN CLERK E RESOLUTION NO. 26, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by"Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, with" thi r conduct of business in the Tower Office �Bui`�ding it is deemed adviseable to provide compensation for a second D`epvty Town Clerk, be it . RESOLVED, that' the compensation of Ethel: Fowje..x, gegoi�L. Deputy y;Tpwn Clerk, be and--the same .is hereby fixed at $1.60,p Yjpur., ,payable upon proper 4eriflcati6n-;of the Town Clerk. Duly adopted-Uy-the ,following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beatyy..Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION Td-::ffTjR RESOLUTION NO#, 27 1#Mpduced by Mr,, Beaty, seconded by. Mr. Turner. , RESOLVED, that the salaryt-of each Town Officer set forth in-' the following schedule be and is hereby fixed at the amount as specified: • "NAME FFI E John 0. Webster Supervisor $ 62000.00 George C. Crannell Town Clerk 51700.00 N. Harwood Beaty Councilman 22400.00 Curtis Lampson' Councilman 231400.00 Theodore Turner Councilman 22400.00 Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman 231400.00 14 . (Resolution No. 27 - continued) NAME 0..CE ANNUAL SALARY Meredith S. Bentley Justice of Peace $ 4,000.W James Davidson Justice of Peace , 42000.00 Leon Na s sivera Chairm of Board of 5 000.00 500 Assessors /�f Warren T. Varney Assessorh 1,800.00 George P. Liapes Assessor 19800.00 Dr. Robert A. Reid Health Officer 230000.00 Betty Eggleston Receiver of Taxes & V Assessments 49500.00 Bernard J. Codner .. Supt. .of .Highways 7.000.00 .4' Herbert E. Corlew, Jr. Deputy Supt. of Highways - 5,600.00 � <�= Mary St John Historian 200.00 Marion J. Crannell Deputy Town Clerk - 1,400.00 Sylvia Dougher Secretary to Supervisor - 43,800.,00 Edward J. Waters Dog Warden 700.00 LeRoy Phillips Chief of Police _ 5,700.00 �i Albert Oudekerk Special Patrolman 1,000.00 � Cj" Lowell F. Hill Patrolman Is000.00 07 Thomas K, Flaherty Water Superintendent 6,000.00 dz� Franklin Scoville Caretaker PineView Cemetery 5,000.00 ' Norman Ferguson Building Insp. (Inforcement . -Officer) 1,200.00 . 1)�u'' . Dully adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes = None RESOLUTION N0. 28. -Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by. Mr. Beaty. Resolved that, the Audit of Claims as listed in.Abstract #67-1 numbered #1 through #22 inclusive and totaling $13,269,00 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Robertson and Mr. Webster, Noes None Om motion the meeting adjourned. . Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk M C