1966-11-10 (Resolution No. 260 - continued)_ . WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the require*6 lts j of. said ordinance$ and_ WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts,gresented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board,-- therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance; the town board shall conduct a publir,4paring on said application on November :17, 19669, at ;8:00 ;he Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed' to give proper notice of id public hearing in accordanee with the provisions of said ordinance. Daly .adop ted by the €olLow*U9, Vot s 2; Ayes'-' Mrs. 6"#y, Mr:._urnerjx:MrV714mpson, Mr...BRojertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None On'motion the meeting adjourned. : rc Respectfurllly,�.;ubmitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk Regular Meeting - November!10, 1966 Present: John 0. Webster - _ Sup ervii.sm N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Council Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond, Robertson, Jr. Councilman The°me4d 9 was calleed �to order-by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m. Supervisor Webster greeted the-following visitoral-r Nancy`'Dougrey - Visitors r .= M,•, Jeff Kelly - Visitor 4 r° Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoague - Visitors BlafieRe Mahoney - Farm & Garden Association • thilmh',CilheanIr - Farm & Garden Association ; Atty. Robert Stewart - Representing Application for Mobile Court Permit Juliette"Ellii#gsftrth - l Leaguenof Women Voters-,-' Fred Champagne - Recreation Commission Leon Nassivera - Chairman Board of Assessors B6"Itd J.` GodAii - Suparintendent of Highways _ Herbgrt Corlew - Deputy4Superiatendent of Highways-. Thomas i. "Flahe ty - Su#erinteadent*of QueensbeIr- Tater District Florence Mcllvaine - Reporter - The Post. Star °< George C. Crannell - Town Clerk Marion J.- Crannell - Deputy Town Clerk rr Supervisor Webster declared the Public Hearing open on the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1967. Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk- and read aloud in its entirety. Following'a statement by the supervisor that any person-present is welcom to question any portion of the budget, copies of the budget were distributed to each person present. Mrs. Richard Hoague discussed an allowance in, the budget for-. the Planning Board expenses. Supervisor Webster explained that the amount of $500,00 isbe budgeted o;aly in order that any incidental expenses paid out of the,,proper department of the budget. Mr. Fred Champagne spoke in appreciation of the budget fig=e, in respect to the Recreation Commission, which he is a member. Mr. Franke Walters of` the Glens 'Falls`District Office of tie Department of Health visited* the meeting at this time The Public `Hearing was declared colosed at 8:30 p.m. Atty. Robert Stewart was granted the floor. Atty. Start requested immediate action on a decision, to grant a permit on the apglication of Jessica King to develop a-Transit ailer ,4obile Court on the Farm-to-Market Road, Town of Que y. Following a poll of the consensus of the opinioxis of each member of the Town Board -'the attorney was assured that the permit would be granted at_ a later date. The Town Board voited as follows: Supervise,Wet�fiter - Permit should be granted. Councilman Robertson - Permit should be granted. Councilman Lampson Permit should be granted. Councilman Beaty - Permit should be granted. Councilman Turner - .Abstained, with the opinion thw�,­Mning should be in effect before permit is wed. Members of the Town Board discussed the road signs which would be installed,}gB' the location of the Trailer Court. V10 et back of stalls at the road-side was also discussed. Attorney Stewart stated that in his opinion the 'appslicants.which he repregenf4s; w9uld develop the Trailer Court in a manner which would be agreuabl�,. to the residents in the neighborhood and also to the Towq ;Bgard. Mrs. Richard Hoague requested speed control on-Swoo Apad. Request will be referred to the New= York State :Traffic Comgseton._for. study. The minutes of the meeting of November:'.3, 1966_ weue approved. Carried unanimously. The clerk presented an application to -locate-a Xob4le✓,Ho*e outside of a duly licensed Mobile Home Court as, prepared by $rephen and Marsha= Gijliriel oft 20'Terra,,,Cotta Avenue.,. Glens-Fad.-s i .New.York. Action on matter was deferred, '18/66 - Mr. Geo. Crannell Town Clerk :; ._§ ,E„ -- Dear Sir_ : _. I*would like to put in my_ application for-Dog Enumerator: Qualifications: 1— Lived and pd. taxes in Queensbury for =25 years. . 2- 'Have done house xo house canvassing. 3- Have done bookeeping. 4s Am bondable if necessary. 5- Not afraid to work. 6- Know how the ,job should be done and willing to do my best, Thank you Albert Holmes Clendon Brook Road, R.D.#2 9 A notice was received and placed on file pursuant to Section #3 Subdivision #2 of the Public Lands Law of the State of New York. The applicants in the matter- were John E. Sinnott and Alice,M. Sinnott. RESOLUTbK TO AUTHORIZE BIDS= FOR HIGHWAY SALT rkr: RESOLUTION NO. 261, Intrditead:bf.'�mt 'Robertson,,,seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVM - tbAt the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bide for highway saitan�' that the following,nbtice be published inr-the GXens Falls Times and thi-Post� Star"one or bcfere November 15, 1966. _. XOTICE TOr,BIDDERS Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York (Address: Town Office Buii4ing, Say.& Haviland Road, Glen's Falls, New- York) is asking for sealed,b*ds ♦for.,approximately one hundred tons (100 tons)-more or less, of grade-CC salt;,-delivered to the Town Storehouse, Aviation Road, Glens Falls, New York, in 100 lb. bags or in bulk, as determined by the Superintendent of Highways. j Quality to meet New York State Division of Standards and }Purchase requirements. Bids must include price pet `ton in' 100` lb. bags .end price per ton in bulk and bidder must specify nearest dist but3 on � a,cility from which shipment -to 'the town will -be made. Bids Price must be firm price for 12 months from execution of contract. Certificate. of `Non-Collusitt "must be 1=11 46d,44h Bid. Bids must be submitted in sealed opaque envelopes plainly marked "Salt -Bid!', _ Bids will be received until 5:00 p.m. at the Town Clerk's Office, Town,Office Building, Bay and.Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, and will- bel-piubliely opened by the 'Town -Board at--8:00 p m, at the Town Offii6—Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, November 25, 1966. The Town Board reserves the right-.towrejdct any and all'bfds. By order of the Town Board, Town of Queensbury. Bated: November 10, 1966, y , f Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET WITHOUT AMENDMENT RESOLUTION N0, 262, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mt. Robertson. WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now therefore, be it 99 (Resolution No. 262 - continued) - RESOLVO, that this Town' Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally compiled, as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning: on the 1st day of Jangq_j:y,.,1967-,, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceeclingsof this Town Board,: and,be it FURT11ER--RESOLVED, that the Town.Clerk of this Town sha-11 prepare and- certify; 9$ ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE .YEAR 1967 < GENERAL FUND - APPROPRIATIONS. . • GENERAL GOVERNMENT Town Board: -------- Town Hall and Offices: a.cRentals (Board Room, Offices, Elections, ete.) $------------- b. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) - 9,100.00 C. Purchase of furniture and equipment P 19000.00 d. Repairs, light, heat,, telephone and water 59700.00 e. Other expenses t 12500.00 Elections: f: a.cCompensation of election officials (incl. mileage) 99500.00 b. Compensation of custodians of voting machines r 280.00 c. Other expenses 500.00 d. Voting machines,- purchase and repair 63,920.00 Insurance: , a. Compensation .insurance 12,000.00 b: Official bonds and undertakings 500.00 c. Fire and liability 4,000.00 d. Other (incl. Health Insurance) 59000.00 Dues for-membership-D Adiddciation of Towns 160.00 Printing and advertisftg. -(all departments) 33,000.00 Services of attorneys and-expenses of litigation 500.00 Services. of engineer and expenses 41500.00 Annual audit and examination - ---------- Publicity fund 69500.00 Employees' Retirement System (Town share) 111000.00 Payment to State for Social Security (Town share) 8,000.00 Total Town Board 89,660.00 Supervisor: a. Salary (Total before deductions) $6,000.00 b. Compensation of employees ------ c. Office and other expenses 300.00 Total Supervisor $ 6,300.00 Justice of the Peace: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) $8,000.00 b. Compensation of employees m 800.00 c. Office and other expenses - 650.00 Total Justices of Peace r $ 9,450.00 Councilmen: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) $9,600.00 b. Office and other expenses - 600.00 Total Councilmen $ 102 200.00 Town Clerk: a. Salary (Total before deductions) $5,700.00 b. Compensation of employees • 29000.00 c. Office and other expenses 600.00 Total Town Clerk # 8.300:00 Amount carried forward $- 1232910.00 94 GENERAL FUND - APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Amount carried forward $123,910.00 Assessors: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) $8,600.-00 b. Compensation employees •---•--• c. Office and other expense 800 ,00_ - - -Total-Assessors $ 92'400.00 Receiver- of Taxes or Tax Collector: a. Salary (Total before. deductions) $4,$ 00.00 b. Compensation of employees - 1,200.00 c. Office and other expenses 1.200.00 Total Receiver or Tax Collector $ 60900.00 Superintendent of Highways: a. Salary (Total before deductions) $70000.'00 b. Compensation of employees(Dept.Hwy.Sup0,600. 0 c. Office and other expenses_. . - 500.00 .Total Highway Supervision $ 13,100.00 Planning Board: a, Compensation of employees �••••-••• b.. Office and other expenses $ 40.0.0 Total Planning Board $ 500.00 TOTAL • GENERAL GOVERNMENT $1539810.00 PUBLIC SAFETY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: a. Compensation (Total before deductions)8,000.00 b. Mileage and other expenses - 800.00 c. Purchase of equipment 200.00 Total Police Constables and Deputy Sheriffs -_. . -- $ 9;000000 Traffic: a. Sims and signals) b. Highway lighting) - $8 500.00„ Total $ 8,500.00 Dog Warden: a. Compensation (Total before deductions)$ 700.00 b. Other expenses(Incl.Contract G1ensFalls Aniirial Hospital) $ 1.000_00 Total Dog Warden $ 19700.00 Inspection Costs: . a. Building Inspector $ 1,50040 Total Inspection Costs $ 1;500.00 o TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $ 20,700.00 EDUCATION Town Historian: a. Compensation(Total before deductions)$ 200.00 b. Other expenses 50.,00 Total Town Historian $ 250.00 95 EDUCATION Amount carried forward $ 250.00 Town Library: a. Compensation of emPTd-fdes-(Tbtal before ---------deductions) _ b. Payment other librari-es(Mountainside-Free) 200.00 c. Payment other librarivs(Crandall) $10.000.00 Total Town Library 10.200..00 TOTAL EDUCATIW- $ 10,450.,400 ---71"ITATION Incinerator, Disposal Plant, Town Dump: a. Compensation of employees(Tota1 before - -deductions) - $109000.00 , b. Purchase of equipment ---•-- c. Purchase of laid and bgiloinge --=--- d. Contiacf-for removal of garbage ----•--- . e. Other expenses $ 600.00 TOTAL SMITATION $ ,10.600.04 , t RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds: a. Compensation of employees(Total before- -------•deductions) rrrrr-rr- b. ether expenses) -------- - $ 10,300.00 !, c. Purchase of equipmdfit) 4 d. Patriotic observances`(Memorial Day,etc.) 150,00 Total: Parks and Playgrounds - $. 10.450.00 Youth�Agenep: a. YFS"Program $ 19000.00 b. BQautification 4,000.00 Total Youth Agency $ 5_000„00 TOTAL. RECREATION $.-15,450.00 . • ENTERPRISES A. Cemeteries $24,000.00 TOTAL MffERPRTSES $, 24 000.00 MISCELLANEOUS Veterans Organizations for Rooms $ 400.00 Beautification Committee------ $ ,300.00 TOTAL MISC=ANEOUS $ 700_00 • CONTINGENT PURPOSES TOTAL - FOR CONTINGENT _PURPOSES 6,000.00 GENERAL FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES State Aid: a. Per capita $ 799000.00 b. For Home relief •---'- c. For burials d. For welfare administration ----•---- e. Mortgage tax 309000,00 f. Youth bureaus 6,000.:00 -g.--Flans, for improvements -••--- h. Franchise tax adjustment --•---••- ilp Total state aid $ 115.000.00 Federal aid '-'-"'•' Interest and penalties on taxes •- --" Licenses and permits: ; a. Dog licenses(received from county) 2,,.500,00 ` b. Other licenses $nd permits(town - -------- sources) 500.00 Total liceeses-and+armits 3 002 00 Fines, penalties and-farfeitures -•-"•"- Departmental earnings: -a. Rent,tp town owned property •••- --- b. Fees of town clerk 12500.00 c. Fees of justice of the peace 90000.00 d. Fees of assessors ------•• e. Fees of tax collector 19500.00 - f. Fees of constables or police officers 100,00 g. Fees of town-library- h. Fees of parks and p1.4tygrounds -------- i. Fees of airports --•---•- j. Fees of cemeteries. . 92000.00 , Total departmental earnings $ 21,,10,2„200 Welfare refunds •--•'•"' Sale of town property --•-'--- Donations and contrtbuttons -••----�- , _ Interest on deposits --- Other Genepr l Fund receipts: a, . b. Unexpended balance $ _20.000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES. $ 1590100.00 GFTERAL FUND - SUMMARY Appropriations: GENERAL _OOVEBNMENT $ 1539810;, PUBLIC SAFETY 20,700.00 EDUCATION 10,450.00 SANITATION 10,600.00 WELFARE RECREATION , 159450.00 ENTERPRISES 240000.00 MUNIO74 INDEBTEDNESS & INTEREST --------- CONSTRUCTION .& PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS --------- MISCELLANEOUS 700.00 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUND --------- FOR CONTPGENT PURPOSES 6..000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND $ 2410710.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND 159.100.bO AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR GENERAL FUND $ 82,610.00 ' i 97 HEALTH FUND - APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health: a. Salgry. pf Health Officer(Total before deductions) $290 .00 b. Other health expenses(Baby Clinics) -, c. Compensation of nurses _ 100.00 Total Board of Health $3,300.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics: a. Compensation(Total before deductions)- $ 200.00 b. Other expenses _ ------ c. Fees of physicians ------ Total Registrar, of Vital Statistics $_„.200.000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - HEALTH FUND $39500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES HEALTH FUND -------- AM0UNT4TO BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR HEALTH FUND $33,500.00 ` HIGHWAY FUND ~ Highway Fund (Item I) - Appropriations: $1102,000, 00 General repairs,including sluices and-culverts $ 110.000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 110,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES: State aid $ 89500.00 Other sources(new state aid) 7,500,.00 Interest Income 13,200.00 Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - - -- $ _17.200.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND(Item I) $ 929800,00 Highway Fund (Item III) Appropriations: PuidhA66 of machinery6tools and equipment$ 18,000.00 Repair of machinery, tools and equipment 129000.00 Redemption of Bonds, principal only 121000.00 f Interest on bonds and notes 1.100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 439100.00 i Estimated Revenues: Rental of machinery,other municipalities $ , 10.500.00 TOTAL'ESTIMA►TED REVENUES $_10,500.00 AMOUNT-TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND(Item III) $ 329600.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund(Item IV)-Appropriations: Removing obstructions caused by snow $ 369000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds brush 49000.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 3.000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 439000.00 Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues $ 79500.00 Unexpended balance" -------- TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $ 7.500.00 `—' AMOUNT' TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND(Item IV) $ 35,500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HGGHWAY FUND(Item II, -III, IV) $ 68.100.00 98 SUMMARY OF TOTAL TAXES TO BE RAISED - ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND $82,610.00 HEALTH-FUND 31500.00 HIGHWAY FUND (Item I) 92,800.00 HIGHWAY FUND (Item II,III,IV) 680100.00 A SPECIAL FISTRICTS (frow separate schedules) ° QUEENSBURY -FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT $27,500.00 PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT 80;00 CLEVERDALE-LIGHTING DISTRICT 500.00 FT.AMHERST-GARRISON-ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT 2,000,00 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER-DISTRICT EXT. #1 400.00 ROUTE 9 WATER DISTRICT- -- 20500.00 REVISED QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT- -12$ 00.00- .. TOTAL-;-SPECIAL DISTRICTS - - $45.480.00, - TOTAL - ALL FUNDS $ 292.490.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR �QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT F©RFISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 19' 1967 EXPENDITURES Fire protection contract - 5 companies @ ° t - $5,000.00 each $25,000.00 Ambulance contract 3 companies @ • $1,000.00 $ 3, .0_00,00 Tt TW13T DITURES $28.000.00 • E REVENUES Unexpended balance $ 500.00 TOTAL REVENUES , 500 amount to be raise& by tax in Fire Protection Dist. $ 273,500.00 - • s _ - : ANNUAL BUDGET FOR PINEWOOD LIGHTING -DISTRICT C EXPENDITURES Maintenance F Payment on contract $ 90.00 TOTAL. EXWENDITURES t $ 900jo C REVENUES Unexpended balance $ 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 10.00 Amount to be raised'-by taxes $ 800-00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR-CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Maintenance . Payment on contract 535.00 TO�AI.11DITURES $ 535.QU • $ 535.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance $ 35.00 • _ C TOTAL REVENUES $ „35.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ 500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET ,FOR FORT-AMiERST-GARRISON RD, LIGHTING-DISTRICT F e EXPENDITURES Maintenance Payment on contract $ 20025.00 TOTAL. EXPENDITURES $ 2,025.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance 25,00 TOTAL REVENUES $ _ _: 25.00 Amount to be raised'by taxes $ 29000.00 ANNUALcBUDGET FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 EXPENDITURES Cost of improveriierit Bond principal $ 525.00 Bond interest 378.00 $ 90_3.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES t $ 903.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance $ 503.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 503.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ 400.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR ROUTE 9 WATER DISTRICT : EXPENDITURES .C.ctst _Qf Improvement .. Bond Anticipation Note Interest $ 29500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 REVENUES . Unexpended balance None TOTAL REVENUES None . Amount to be raised by taxes $ 29500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEEMSBURY WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Cost - Improvement Transfer to Bond Account $239600.00 Total $23.600.00 Maintenance Personal services , $149400,00 Office and other..expenses (itemize) minting, Postage, Supplies 300.00 Maintenance of hydrants 700.00 Refund and Miscellaneous expenses 500.00 Purchase of materials. for .maintenance and repairs 3,000.00 Materials for water connections 3,000.00 Repairs 59000.00 Power Light & Telephone 53,000.00 Maintenance of equipment 500.00 Purchase of water 600.00 Purchase of equipment 2,000.00 Purchase & installation of metters & services 2,000.00 Operation of_plant(pumping station) 49000.00 Total - $ 41,0006100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 64,600.00 1�0(Y (Annual Budget for Queensbury Water District - continued) Amount brought forward - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $64,600.00 REVENUES Water,ren�s $47,000,00 Sale and installation of meters & services 400000.00 Miscellaneous revenues(Itemize) Supervision of Shore.:Colony District 300,,00 Supervis ion,of West Water District 700,00 Miscellaneous 100000 Unexpended balance None TOTAL, REVENUES $52,100.00 Amount to be raised by tax: $12,500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT EXPENDITURES Cost of improvement Bond principal $5,000. ; $15,000. ; $10,00:0. $30,000.00 Bond interest $ 310. ; $16,890. ; $133,500. 30,700.00 'Total $6_0.700.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES W 700100 REVENUES Miscellaneous revenues(itemize) Transfer from Queensbury Water-District $12,500. ; $11,100. $231600.00 Unexpended balance 37,100.00 TOTAL REVENUES $0,700,00 Amount to be raised, by paxes:- None ANNUAL BUpGET FOR SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES- Maintenance Office and other expenses(itemize Chlorination supplies - $ 3000 Town supervision Queensbury Water District 300.00 Repairs 11050.00 Power and light 90.00 Purchase & installation of meters & services 130.00 Total $ 1.600:00 t TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,6000--00 REVENUES Water rents $ 600.00 Sale and installation pf'meters and services- 200 Unexpended balance $ •$ . 30 TOTAL REVENUES 1.600.00 Amount to be raised by taxes: None ANNUAL BUDGET FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement $109500.00 Total $10.500.00 0_::L Annual Budget for West Glens Falls Water District - continued Amount broug4t forward EXPENDITURES $109500.00 Maintenance Office and other expenses (itemize) ` Authorized refunds & miscellaneous $ 100,00 ` Town supervision Queensbury Water Dist. - 700.00 -Repairs 19000.00 Purchase of water 59000.00 Purchase & installation of meters and E_ services 150,00 Total $. 6,950.00 ,,, ` TOTAL EXPENDITURES $17,450.00 REVENUES Water rents $ 40000.00 Miscellaneous revenues (itemize) Interest income . ' 450.00 Unexpended balance $ 13,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $17.450.00 Amount to be raised by tax: None ANNUAL BUDGET PERSMG-ASHLEY - COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT - Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967. EXPENDITURES Maintenance: Payments on contract $ 19500.00 Repairs & Service 500.00 $ 2,000.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance $ _ 500.00_ TOTAL REVENUES $ 500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES $' 1s500.W- Dated: September 22, 1966 This budget, if adopted, determined that the 30 property owners, as shown on the benefit assessment roll of the district, are equally benefited and that the $1,50040 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit -assessment in equal amounts of $50.00 each, upon the 30 owners of real property, within the Pier6hing'-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District thereby benefited. ` ANNUAL BUDGET PERSHING-ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXT;.#4 Town of Qub6nsbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 EXPENDITURES Cost of improvements' Redehption of indebtedness Seirial Bond $ 270.00 luterest-ion Serial Bonds _ 81.00 Total 'co§t of improvements $ 351.00 REVENUES None AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES $ 351.00 This budget,- if adopted, determined that the 9-property owners, as shown on the benefit assessment roll of the district, are equally benefited and that the '$351.00 to be-raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $39.00 each, upon the nine owners of real property within the Extension #4, of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, in exactly-the -same manner as was used in preparation, of the 1966 assessment roll' of said` district. ANNUAL BUDGET RESERVOIR PARK --SEWER DISTRICT Town of.-Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 EXPENDITURES . Cost of improvement Redemption of indebtedness $800.00 Interest on indebtedness Total cost of improvements $ 982.-00 Ma'intehAnce; Supervision $ 50.00 Repair & upkeep 992.00 Electric Service 226_._ .00 Total Maintenance $"68 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,250.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance $1,,000100 TOTAL REVENUES $ 19000.00 - Amount to be raised -by taxes I ~ $1,,'250.tT0""- This budget, if adopted, determines that the 25 property owners, as shown on-the benerfit assessment roll of the district, are equally benefited and that the $1,250.00 to be raised by taxes ' shall-be - -- . levied-as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $50.00 each, upon j the 25 owners of real property within the Reservoir:Park .Sewer District in exactly the same manner as was used 1n preparation of; ' j the 1966 assessment roll of said district. ANNUAL BUDGET QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning Jarnhxy l., 1967 Bond Principal $ 51000.00 Bond Interest ^ 1,470.00 Improvements to District 900.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7$ 70.00 REVENUES Received from uncollected 1966 assessments 900.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 900.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ -6 -470'.00 a 10- This budget, if adopted, determines that the $6470.00 to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment upon the real property within the district on a "front -foot" basis and in the same manner as was used in the preparation of the 19.66 assessment' roll of said district. , BUDGETS { SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS BUDGETS { from-Separate Schedules) PERSHING-ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT $ 1,500.00 PERSHING.,ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXT.#4 351.00 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER-DISTRICT 1,250.00 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT 6.470,00 TOTAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS (SPECIAL) �$. 9,571.00- f ... CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF WARREN, ) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ) h I, George C. .Crannell, Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury, duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the 10 day of November, 1966, and. entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said Board, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seaf of said Town, this 12th day of November, 19660' T04ni Clerk 104 Mr. Frank Walters of the New York State Department of Health voiced an opinion ,that the recently constructed -Town Office Building is substantially acceptable for all future needs of the Town of Queensbury. Mr. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways recommended an additional street light at the intersection of West Mountain Road and Gurney Lane on Pole .#7 of. the Niagara Mohawk-Power Co. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways presented "Specs" with a recQmaexgdation for purchase of two new dump trucks and a pick-up .truck for use .in the Town of Queensbury Highway De.- partment. < < RESOLUTIONsNO.-e264, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-11, numbered #1207 through ,#1375 inclusive and totaling $45,635.08 is hereby approved. - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. On motion the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted George Co Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting Nbvember 17; 1966 Present: -' John O. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore. Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order by Supervisorr Webster at :8:00 p.m. t r The Supervisor greeted the following visitors: Gladys Bradbear - League of Women Voters Harold Rathbun •Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Kingsley - Applicants for Mobile Home Lisette Chandler - Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Willima. Deuell - Visitors Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Gregory - Visitors Marsha Aubin - Visitor Mrs. Frank Usher - Visitor Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways Florence Mcllvaine - Reporter, The Post .ftft The public hearing on the application of Veronica Kingsley to locate a mobile home on Pinello Road was opened by the Supervisor at 8:00 p.m. Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk. The clerk summarized the original application with a reading of the opinion of the building inspector on the matter at hand.