1963-10-03 SP 4 Section. 9. The faith and credit of the Town of ,Queensbury are here by pledged to the payment of the principal, of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due. An amount sufficient to pay the principal ofand interest on said bonds as the same becomes due each year shall be included in the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury for the year, and the siad bonds shall not be renewed. Section 10. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: - Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster. e Noes - None RESOLUTION N0. 147 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson j WHEREAS, the termeof Robert M. Dean as a member of the Town Planning Board offthe Town df Queensbury will expire on October 1, 1963, be it RESOLVED that Robert M. Dean be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Town Planning Board for a term of seven years to commence on October 1. 1963, and to eexpire eon September 30, -1970. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. 'Lampson Mr. Akin and Mr. Webster. Noes - None e e A letterewas read by the Clerk and placed on file to do with a formal application for water service on the Corinth Road. This location would be served as a result of an Extension to West Glens Falls Water District. - On motion the meeting was adjourned. - e Respectfully submitted - e e George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting October 3, 1963 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor M. Harwood Beaty Councilsan Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis lampoon Councilman - Harold Akin councils" The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. < i Visitors presentr Orman Holden - Resident Engineer, Queensbury Water District Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways e e RESOLUTION NO. 148 introduced-by Mr, Akin, seconded byeMr. Lampsou WHEREAS, the Town Board has- mat- at the time. and place specified is the Notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budgets,of ,Reservoir Park Sewer District, Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Sewer District, and Queensbury Drainage District, . and heard all persovts desiring to be heard thereou, < e Therefore be it RESOLVED,, that the Preliminary Budgets be and the some are hereby adopted as. the Azknu&l. Budgets a of the Rorservoir Park Sewer District, Pershing,. Ashley, Coolidge Sewer Distract, and Queensbury Drainage-District, Torun of Queensbury, for the fiscal year beginning_ January 1, 19.64,- and that, such budgets as adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of. the proceedings of this board. e e And be it further RESOLVED,. that the Town Clark shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual. budgets. as. adopted by this Town Board and deliver. one_ eopy thereof ,to the Supervisor of the Town t0 be presented_ by kin-to the.Board. of. SupervUers of the County of Warren. Duly adopted by the following vote: Apes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner.,_ Mr. Lampoon-, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None ANNUAL BUDGETS SPECIAL DISTRICTS Town of QUeensbury for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1964 PLRSHING ASHLEY-COO1,IDGE SEWER DISTRICT RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT ANNUAL BUDGET PERSHING-ASHLEY-CODLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT Towne of Queensbury for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1964 Expenditures Maintenance: Payments on contract 1 050.00 Repairs & Service 500,00 Provision for uncollected 1964 assessments 50 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES , 0. 0 Revenues Unexpended balance r 500.00 Rec'ts from uncollected 1903 assessments 50000 TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE. RAISED. BY TAXES . Datedt October 3, L'963. i L.. ANNUAL BUDGET { RESERVOIR DARK SEWER DISTRICT Town of `ueensbur for fiscal- year y .year beg.inning January i, 1964 .Expenditures Cost of improvements Redemption of indebtedness 800.00 Total.'- 1'jd. xts. : 1,100.00 Maintenance Supervision 50.00 Repair & upkeep 300,00 Electric service 200.00 Provision for uncollsctted 1964 assessments 50.00 Total maintenance 00,00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,700.00 .REVENUES Unexpended balance 400.00 Recd .from uncollected 1963 assessments 50.00 TOTAL REVENUES 4W.00 450.00 ,fount to be raised by taxes l t 250 004 Datedr ,Oetober 3, 1963. ' • ANNUAL BUDGET QUESNSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT Town of queensbury for fiscal year beginning, January 1, 1964 Expenditures Bond principal 51000.00 Bond interest 1,890.00 Note principal 500.00 Note interest 10.00 Provision for unpaid 1964 assessments 700.00 8,100.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 35.00 Recd from uncollected 1963 assessments 565.00 00.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 7,500.00 Dated:,Octpber 3, 1963. Albert E.. Beswick Attorney at Lair Glens Falls, N.Y. October 1, 1963 Mr. Job 0. Webster, Supervisor j Chestnut Ridge Road G1-ena. ]Falls, N. Y. Re: Capital Notes Dear John: I have prepared and enclose herewith the original and two copies of capital note. resolution to be adopted at your meeting --� on this Thursday authorizing the. issuance. of .$16,000 of capital r motes to pay the cost of your. Case tractor and loader. The original of this rejoLution is for your Town Clerk's .records. One copy should be certified and delivered to the bank and I would like the third copy certified and _returned to me. Also enclosed are the originals of capital notes 1 and 2 in the amount of $89000.00 each dated October 4, 1963. Note #1 is payable on :October 4, 1964: wth uhterest at maturity 4nd note #2 is payable on October 49 1965 with interest one year from date and..alao st maturity. ­ 1 enclose copies ,of these notes. ,which you may want to keep,,*A a.-reeord. Yours iitery truly„ Albert E. Beswiek w County Attorney ! RESOLUTION NO. 149 introduced by Mr. Akin, seconded by Mr, Turner CAPLTAL NOTE RESOLUTION OF. OCTOBER 31 19631 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF. CAPITAL NOTES OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK IN THE AMOUT OF $169000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRACTOR AND LOADER. RESOLVED, this 3rd day .of October, 1963, by the Town Board, of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The purchase by the Town of f, eensbury of a Case Model 1000 DL tractor with bucket loader is .here _authorized. For the purpose of providing funds to pay the coot thereof, .capital notes of the Towa of. Qwueeusbury in the amount of $161,000.00, to be of the terms,. form and contents hereinafter specified shall be 7 issued by the Town of Queensbury, pursaant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of Nei yo t. Section 2. The maximum, cost of the Cese .l4odax 1000 DL tractor with bucket loader, to provide funds- for which the satd4 capital notes shall be issued, is the sun-of $17,275.75 and the plan for financ.ing_..such..cost._consists of the issuance and sale of said notes in the smount.. of. $160000.00 with the balance of such cost or $1 0275.75 to be paid from the machinery fund in the budget for the fiscal year of 1963, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to dratr a check on _the_machinery fund. in the amount of $19275,75 to pay the balance of such cost. , Section 3. It is hereby_determined that the purpose for C which such notes are to be issued,_to wit: the purchase of a tractor and loader, falls within sub-paragraph 28 of subdivision a of Section 11.00 of the Local .Finance. Law and that the period of probable usefulness. of .such purpose is five years. " Section 4. The maturity of. the capital notes hereby authorized_ will not be in excess of five years. - Section 5. The said. notes shall bear a date not later than October 10, 1963 to be determined by the Supervisor and shall. each be designated .and known as *'Capital bete of 1.963, of the Town of qtmensbury, Warren.County, New YorkT One of said notes shall be in the amount of $8,000.00, desiguate+i._as, No. -1, and shall mature and be payable one year _after- date with interest at three and one- fourtk, .(3 %) per centum. per aunna payable. at maturity, and the second of said. notes : ahall be in the amount of $89000.00, desiganted as No. 2 and shall mature and be . able two years after date with interest at three and one-fourth (3 per centum per annum payable annually from the date. thereof.. The principal of and interest on said motes shall be. payable in_ .lawfull money of the United States of Ame*ic.a at- the Glens ..Falls. National Bank and Trust Company, Glens balls, N. Y. Section 6. Except as- herein expressly provided, the said notes shall be of the terms.,_ form._and contents as the Supervisor shall determine. sud exebnte., .cons steut, however, with the provi- sions of the Local. Finance. Law. Section 7. Each of said notes shall be executed in the name. of the Town cor ir o and seal f,the Town d attested Supervisor, y theT with the wn Clerk. �-- Section 8. The said notes shall be sold at one time as a single capital. no.te issue..at private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less than par value of., and accrued interest if any, and the proceeds of sale_.s.hall. be applied solely for the psspose aforesaid. Section 9. Upon due execution and sale of said notes, the same shall be- delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him of the purchase: price_ in cash to the Supervisoi and the receipt of the Supervisor_ shall be a full acquittance .te said iturchaser who shall not be obliged,__to-see to the application of the purchase money. Section 10. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, Warren Cguitty, New York, are..hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal. of .and _interest on said note. An amount guff*cien.t_..to. pay the_.principal of and interest on such capitai notes shall .be included in. the annual budget and levied as a part of the taxes for each .fiacal-year to .pay the principal and interest becoming .due .and payable in such fiscal year. Section 11. This. reaolution..shall .take effect immediately. The foregoing repmlution was_duly put to a vote which resulted as follow*: John 0, Webster, Supervisor yes Harold, C= Akins, Councilman „Yes N. Harwogd.Beaty,_ Councilman yes ' —� Curtis jfmpaon, Councilp m ,yea Theodore Turner, Councilman des Discussion on the-rcolor of the paint to be used on the well house for the Queensbnry Water District, which is under constriction at present. The suggestion of the engineer was accepted by the Town Board in its entirety. x RESOLUTION NO. L50 introduced by W. Akins , seconded by Mr. Lampson . RESOLVED, that permiesion_ in hereby granted to Georgh .& Lillian VonJZurlinde of Burgoyne. Trailer Park, Fort Edward,, N. Y., to make application to the City of Glens_ Falls for water service to a lot situated at Aviation-Road (between homes of 'Harrington and Taylor), thereby becoming. s. water ,customer of the city of Glens Falls, and that a copy of this res©lut1oh be. forwarded to the. City Water Board, and to George & Lillian VouZurLi.nde. Duly adapted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Meaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Letters were received and.placed on file from Mr.• Beswick,, Attorney representing the. Town.of. Queenebury, to do with the sale of the bonds of the Qeensbury Water,, District. Also. an opinion on the claim of .a Mrs. Thomas.. O'BrIen to sell lots within the Pimeview Cemetery, which she claims, to own. ` A letter was received..and. placed on file from the Methodist Church to do wigs the results of a _survey conducted recently to 'establish the need of a Methodist Church with the Town of Q eensbury. A notice .was received from, the State of New York Department of Public. Works., announcing a meeting.. on Thursday, October .l0th, tb discuss the developments in the Urban Area transportation study which is being .conducted at present. It is ekpected that a member of` the Town .of Queensbury,Planning Board- will attend i the meeting. to. .represent the Town Board., j On motion the meeting was adjourned. ` Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting October fit, 1963 Present: John 0, Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman Mae meeting was called to order at 7230 p. m. W. Orman Bolden of the office of Joseph A Kestaer, Jr,,, the resident engineer on the construction of the Queen bury Water District was present at the meeting. -The following applicants for the position of Superintendent of the Queensbury dater system were also presents Mr. LeRoy Phillips 61 Dixon Road, Glens Falls Mr, George. Reese 32 Prospect Drive, Glens Falls Mr. James G. Harvey R.FsD. #L, Glens Falls Mr. Thomas A Flaherty R.F.D. #2, -Glens Falls Mr. Jerome Thorne ' , R.F.D. #1, Glens Falls Mr, James Pl.00f, Jr. t 133 Meadowbrook Rd. Glens Falls Mr. Paul Sperry 171 Dixon Road, Glens Falls The report of New Construction was presented by the Supervisor, there were 30 reports filed for the month of September, 1963.