1961-10-12 Expenditures Bond Principal 5,,000.00 I Bond Inteacest 2�200s00 Total expenditures 7 ;200.00 Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes x.00 Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT AMHERST, GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DIST. Town of Queensbury, for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures None Maintance Payment on contract 2:,;025.00 Total 21,025.00 Total expenditures 2',025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance None j Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 2.1:02.5.00 Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Town -of Queensbury, For fiscal Year beginning January 1.A 1962 • Expenditures None j Maintenance - Payment on contract 500.00 Total 500.00 -- Total expenditures 500,00 • Revenues - Unexpended balance None ! Total revenues - None Amount to be raised by taxes 500.00 c Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0 Webster Supervisor On m tion the meeting was ajour ede - at 1:3 . George C. e I Town Clerk Regular Meetinz October 12, 1961 Present John 0. Webster Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman • Stanley B. Miller Councilman Harold Akins Justice Of Peace The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7.45 P. M. The Town Clerk questioned as to any business to take up with the board. Statement is none at present. - Whe Supervisor submitted the report of New Construction to the Town Board 6 Report of New Construction to the Town Board report #. 7 Number 9 October 1,, 1961 DATE ~ OWNER LOCI}TION NATURE Or CONSTRUCTION D717`61 Joseph O'Sick Lots 345&z344 Dwelling and shop Rhode Island Ave.., 14est Glens Falls 9/15/61 Ma�disoii�kGrace Dix Avenue Business Taylor 9/1.7/61 Harrisena Corwaunity , Off Ridge :d. Sunday School Church rear of Harr•isena 1hurch 9/18/6L Patricia LaBelle Luzerne Road Dwelling 9220/61 Christ Liapes 3 Parkview Ave. Dwelling 9/20/61 Harold E. & Verna B. 5 pinewood Ave.. Bedroom addition with Hist fall-,out shelter plus new garage 925/61 Harold Tucker. Twin Channel Rd. Garage 926/61 Irtving C. & Lillian Farm-to-Market Addition to the floor Martinsale Road covering store 9/26/61 George Brayton West Side of Dwelling Route 9 just north of Alf onso's Respectfully submitted: t John 0. Webster, Supervisor The Supervisor filed. the following report of monies received and disbursed for the month of September.. RECEIPTS Amt., Date Source fcec'd- 9/15 Frances Turner - town clerk's fees for ZWgust Gen. Fursd, 81.00 9/15 Frances Turner - bingo fees for 'August to Agency and Trust 90.00 9/15 Agency and Trust t.cct.- 1/2 August bingo fees to General Fund 45.00 9/15 Frank Cowels fine View Cemetery receipts 716,.25 9/11 J. Neal Schoonover water rents to Shore Colony Water 180.00 Dist. 929 J. Neal Schoonover water rents to Shore Colony Water 60.00 Dist. various From Highway Fund for payrolls #18 & #19, Pine View Cemetery Fund for payrolls #17 & #18, Geiferal Fund payroll #9, West Glens Falls Water Dist.s Ridge .Rd. Water ?fist., Shore Colony List.,, North Glens Falls Water Dist. , all payroll #9 ?ayroll Fund Tbt4ls 9,026.17 Receipts D I S B_ZtSL-ITNT,S Date Paid Fund or Account Amt. Paid Sept. General Fund 4,, 865.70--r Pine View Cemetery l,, 282.50 North Glens Falls hater District 17 404.03 North Glens Falls eater District Extension 49 329.44 `�•aest Glens Falls Water District 577.05 Ridge road Water District 156.33 : Shore Colony Water District 64.02 Cleverdale Lighting District 47.86 Ft. Amherst - Garrison Rd. Lighting District 168.46 Reservpir. Park- Sewer District 33'.13 Queensbury Drainage 19 120.00 T Agency & Trust Account 45.00 Payroll Account 99 683.93 + 'LI Highway Account 10, 125.64 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 331,, 903.10 The Supervisor submitted a fetter from Vr.. Berger of the ' State Board of Equalization and .Assessments. Action on same . will come Later. - RESOLUTION 115 introduced by !&. Webester and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVE .,that the board accept the deed for Riverside Drive , from A. .Clinton Smith which was approved by Mr. Beswick. . The clerk was instructed to record the deed at Lake George;, to be paid on voucher. Ayes -Mr. Miller,Mr.. Aiken,, Mr, Webster Noes - None Mr. Lampson The supervisor submitted the reading of a bill from Ida & William *curer, Ridge Road for a refund on water L tax when} house was unoccupied. Action on matter deferred. The board welcomed the visit of Mr. & hjrs„ Ouderkerk of Meadowbrook Road qn the ,question of the Quaker Road school crossing protection. Lenghty discussion ensued with all members of the board. Mr. Webster agrees to look further into the matter. On the request of Samuel Jacobs to abandon roads along northway, the matter was submittgd to Mr. Beswick to investigate and subrrlit report to board. RESv^LUTION U0.116 . introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury renew the lease with . Edward Cole, for storalge of the tractor for the town dump, for a period of one year, commencing October 1,.1961, at the rate of $10.00 per month. . l The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to enter _ into an agreement to continue the lease of Edward Cole, dated November 1 , 1960 under terms No.. 141. Duly adopted by the following vgtes . Ayes 14r.. Aiken, Mr. Miller: Mr, Webster,, Mr. Lampson. . 'Noes - lJone _ Mr. Diller suggested that the town surveyor should investigate and adjust width of road at the Hughes Court . and Dixon Road intersection. Mr. Codner was requested to make arrangements with Mr. Van Dusen, Town Suveryor. rfit �'Mllexwasdesignated to contact Mr. Beswick on ruling on matter of replaceing-hydrant on Dixon Road j near the residence of Morgan Boyd. i Mr. Webster suggested any claims to be audited on second . Thursday,cif• the-pmotith should be to Town Clerk on or before ` the, Tuesday before second Thursday. Also any resolutions to be presented at meetings should be drawn up ahead of meeting time. 4 Mr. Webster reminds all Board members of the coming 200th Anniversary celebration. Attention should begin now for all members of board to formulate plans for this celebration. . .SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWPJ OF ,;UEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YOkK FOR HE MONTH 1OF OCT. ]L$6_1. i No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed Amt—Allowed 303 Niagara 14ohawk Power St. Lights-Ft. Amherst 168.46 - 168.46 Rarrison Rd. 304 Niagara Mohawk Power St. Lights Traffic Sig. 286.50 286.50 Traffic Siren 21.60 St. Lights 264.90 i i { 8 305 Niagara Mohawic --ower Sreet Lights-Cleverdale 47.86 47.86 Lght. Dist. Cleverdale Dist. 41.68 Gen. Fund 6.78 306 Niagara Mohawk Power Elect. Serv. Aviation Rd.. - 139.94 139.94 (NGFWS) 307 Clare Blanchard Inspect, Election Dist. 4 30.00 30.00 308 Ann R. Hammond it t' . it . 4 30.00 30.00 309 Gladys Phillips it tt it 4 30.00 30.00 310 Irma D. Havens tt it It 4 30,00 30.00 311 Dennis & Co. - #345 Minute Book Town Clerk 38.2%7 38.27 312 Francis Turner Town Clerk Supplies 5.32 5.32 313 Rte. 9 Motor Serv. Repair Patt Town Dump - 4.89 4.89 314 Wagner Bus.. Equip. Town Clerk Supplies 6.30 6.30 315 Russell & Wait Inc. tt tt '+ 6.95 6.95 316 Gwinups Gen. Store Gas for dump 63,51 63.51 317 J.E. Sawyer & Co. Plbg.Fitts.No.Queensbury 3.92 3.92 Water Ext. 318 WestGT.Falls Wtr.Dist. 1/8 of Aug..1961 Meter Bill 64.22 64.22 3.19 Loren F. Vaughn Labor & Htrs..Siiore Col. Pump 8.00 8.00 Station St. 320 Forrest J. Ceannell PostageStamps &- Office Supplies 44.25 44.25 321 E. Leo Spain Agency G. Crahnell Bond10//1/61-1/1/62 5.00 5.00 322 E. Leo Spain Agency GF IVC8116 Comp.Audit5/28/61 2089.60 2089.60 8/28/61 Gen. Fund 1219.95 Highway Dept. 780.54 Cemetery 89.11 323 Nora C. McLaughlin Printing&Mailing Ridge Rd . 9.60 9.60 Wtr. Dist. - 324 Nora C.. McLaughlin Printing&Mailing - 3311.00 33.00 NVg Water Dist. 16.50 NFG Water Dist.. Ext. L6.50 325 Hoags ,Tire Serv. Tubeless tire tube Dis.&Mounted 7.16 7.16 Pineview Cemeterjr 326 Louis Corlew Mowing hay 1'.V.. -Cemetery - 49.00 49.00 327 Mountainside Grange #1328 Mowing&caring 3 cemeteries 300.00 300.00 Jenkins $100.00 ,Scott 100.00 Sunnyside100.00 328 Bullard-Glencraft - Ridge Road Water Bills -8.00 8.00 329 Bullard-Glencraft No.Glens Falls Water Bills 14 00- 14.00 330 Leon M. Steves Survey 18.75 18.75 331 Allen F. Towers " 37.50 37.50 332 Paul E. Bialous 31.50 31.50 $3;,611.50 3t6-1-1-.50- On Mot ' the meet 5g as adjo eorged�. Crannell Town Clerk October 12,, 1961. Regular Meeting October 26, 1961.. Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman Harold Akins Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Ralph Nestle was present as an observer. Mr. Webster, welcomed Mr. Leo Ball, &Ir. Joseph Braydon, and Mr. Roger Boynton, who came to the meeting to discuss the widenih o£ Birch Lane. Pb:.. Ball offers to deed an additional 13 .feet of land to the town for widening purposes. A rough .drawn .map was presented "Co the board. in order that they might understand t1le proposal. i