1962-06-28 1 Regular Meeting June 28, 1962 'Present John O. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. Honorable Albert E. Beswick, was present as the legal gui4e -in the establishing of three Water District Extensions to the North Glens j Falls Water District. ! Visitors were greeted as. follows: Pauline E. Fisher - In interest of Ext. #8 W. M. Fisher - In interest of 'Ext. #8 Lawrence Greene - In, interest of Ext. #8 Beulih Greene - In interest of Ext. #8 Robert Ruggles In interest of Ext. #7 Bernard Codner ' Superintendent of Highways Marion J. Crannell- Deputy Town. Clerk Katherine Daire - Committeewoman The Supervisor, called the public hearing to order upon the applica- tion requesting the establishment of Extension #8 to the North Glens Falls Water District. The affidavit of publication of notice of the public hearing was. presented and filed. The affidavit of pubtiagti6nNafitiotifeh®fr*i*lip.on the application was presented and filed as follows: ` Extension No. '8 " No. 11 N.Y.F.L. Pole No, 66 Homer Avenue, No. 2, N.Y.P.L. Pole No. 9 Homer Avenue. No. 39 N.Y.P.L. Pble No. 11 Corner of Homer nand Everts Avenue. No. 4, Elm tree Mr. Lee's front .yard. No. 5v Reverse side of Queensbury Motors sign. Mr. W. M. Fisher spoke in reference to the above mentionted extension. Mr. Fisher, questioned the board as to the path-way of the ;proposed Water Main and the location of the roadway which will be established in front of his property. Discussion in general on all phases of forming a water district was. ` offered by the Supervisor. The increase in the taxes and 'the annual water rent to be charged were the main interest at present;. For the most part the persons who were heard were pleased and in favor of a speedy formation of this proposed Ext. #8 to the North Glens Falls Water District* RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EXTENSION NO.8 TO THE NORTH GLENS FALLS "WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. Mr. Akins introduced Resolution No. 97 and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Turner. Resolution No.. 97 (continued) ' Whereas, a petition for the establishment of Exten- 'son No.8 to the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury., Warren County, Nei York, dated June 13, 1962,, waa' duly presented to the Town Board, together with the necessary m p, 'and plan attached thereto, and Whereas, the Town Boardlon June 14, 19629 duly -adopted and order reciting the fling of said petition, the im _provements proposed, the boundar es of the proposed extension, And the estimated expense thereof and specifying the 28th day of June, 1962, at 7:30` o'clock, M, (D.S.T.) as the time and the Queensbury PublictSchool as the lace where the Town Board would meet to consider the petition a to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof .concer nil 49 the same --, and said order was- duly published and -posted as required by laws and Whereas a hearing in thle matter was duly held by the Town Board Yon the 28th day o June, 1962,, commencing at 7:30 P,M, '(D.S.T.) at the Queensbury blic School.. at which all persons desiring to be heard w.er heard, it is v RESOLVED and DETERMINEDIthat (a) the petition afore- said is signed and acknowledged far proved as required by law, it complies with the requirement of Section 191 of the Town Law, :mss, t* sufficiency of signers. wit�n respect to the boundaries of the proposed extension. and it is�otherwise sufficient;; (b) all the property and property,.ownerw within the proposed extension are benefited thereby; (o) all the property and property owners benefited are included within th limits of the proposed dis- triet; and (d) it is in the pub' c interest to grant in whole the relief sought, and it is further RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the establishment of Ex- tension 'No 8 to the North Glens, �$alls Water District as proposed in said petition be approved, that the improvement therein. men- tioned be constructed upon ,the required funds being made avail.- able as provided for and that such extension shall be designated and known as Extension. No.8 to the North Glens Falls Water Dist- rict,, and shall -be bounded and dlescribed as follows: ALL that certain -pi*ce -or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and the State of New York, *Dre particularly bounded and described as follows': BEGINNING-at the notth - westerly corner of the 1 nds of Frank Marshall, running from thence -in an easterly direction following the northerly bounds of the .ands of Frank Marshall to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence continuing easterly along a projection of the preceding course, crossing the lands of the NiagaralMohawk Power Corporation, to a point at the northeasterly' corner of the lands of Grace Zukowski- thence -running easterly along the northerly bounds of the lands of Grace Zakowski and being also the southerly bounds of lands of Ashton B. Smith, 103 feet to a poi t at the southeasterly corner of the lands of the said Smith; thence running in a northerly direction along a portion of the westerly bounds of the lands of G aceZZukowski and a portion of the easterly bounds of the lands of the said Smith and also along a portion of the westerly bounds of the lands of Clara Irish �to la paint at the northwesterly corner of the lands of Clara Irish,•; thence running in an easterly direction', along the northerly bounds of the lands of Clara Iris a distance of 544.50 feet to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a northerly direction along a portion of the westerly bounds of the lands of Ilrving Woodin to the southerly 162 Extension No. 8 to the North Glens Falls Water Diatrict (Continued) bounds of Quaker Road; thence running in .a south- easterly direction along the.southwetsterly bounds of Quaker Road �o a point at the northeasterly corner of the lands of the sand Woodin, being also the north- westerly corner of the lands of one Prince; thence ,runnir}g .in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the lands of. the said Woodin and the westerly bounds of the lands of the sand Prince to. ,the southwesterly corner of the lands of the. said Prince; thence running in an .eaLsterly. diratetion along the, southerly bounds - of the lands of the said Prince, :58.06 feet ten th_e southeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a southerly direction along .the easterly bounds 'of the lands of William M. Fisher 193.09. feet. to the south- easterly corner thereof;° thence running in an east-- erly direction along a portion of .the northerly bounds of toe lands of Lowell Greene.,, 115.50 feet to the northeasterly .corner thereof;, thence .in & aoutberly direction along the easterly bounds of the lands of the said Lowell Green,, 159.72. feet to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a southwesterly direction along the southeasterly bounds of "the. lands of Lana Greene_ and Gertrude Devo.l to the southea*terly corner thereof; thence running in, a southwesterly direction along the southeasterly bounds, of:.the lands of Richard Lee to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence running in a westerly. .direction along the southerly bounds of the .lands. of ,Richard Lee:, 493.68 feet :to a .!point in the .easterly bounds of Hverts Avenue; thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of Everts Avenue to a point therein intersected by an extension easterly of . the southerly bounds of the lands of Vacation Land Broadcasting Corporation;: thence running in a westerly direction, - crossing Everts Avenue, to a point on the westerlty bounds of .Everts. Avenue at the, sou.theasterly corner of lands of Vacation.Land Broadcasting Corporation; thence running in a westerly direction along ,the southerly bounds of lands of Vacation Land Broad- casting .Corporatiou, 518.62 feet to the southwesterly corner .thereof; thence running in a northerly direct- ion along the weaterly . bounds . of lands of Vacation Land Broadcasting Corporation,, 410.00 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof and being in the south- erly bounds. of the lands of H. Russell Harris; thence running in a westerly direction along , a portion of the southerly bounds of the: lands of H« Russell Harris, 95.7 feet to a point in the easterly bounds of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence running in a westerly direction, crossing the lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, to a point at the south- easterly corner of another. paarcel .of land belonging to H. Russell Harris; thence running in a westerly direction along the southerly boundq of the said lands of H. Russell Harris,. 73 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence running in a westerly direction along a portion of the southerly .bounds of the lands of Perry Teer to .a point therein in the easterly bounds of Homer Avenue projection of the North Glens Falls Water District, said point being 7 feet north- erly from the southeasterly corner of the easterly projection of the Homer Avenge portion of the present North Glens Falls WaterDistrict; thence running in a northerly direction along the easterly end of the present water district, crossing Hamer Avenue, 336 feet to a point in the northerly bounds of still another parcel of land belonging to H. Russell Harris; 163 thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of the said lands of H. Russell Harris to the udrthwesterly corner of the lands of Frank Mdrshall at the point and place of beiftning, and it is further " ( RESOLVED that within ten days after "the adoption of this resolution, the Town Clerk shall cause to be filed duplicate certified copies thereof in the office of the Stfte -Department 'of Audit and Control' together with an appli- cation by this Board in duplicate for-permission to establish such extension' as provided by Section `1'94 of, the Town Law and that the Supervisor be and hehereby is .authorited and directed to execute 'such' application on behalf of -the Town Board. Tate Supervisor called the p ' '...c Djtly adooted- by the following `vote:' Mr. Beaty, W. Turner, Mr. Lampson,•Mr.•Akinis and-W. Webs ter. Noes -u None The Supervisor.'called the public hearing to order upon the application requesting the establishment of Extension No. 7 to the North Glens Falls Water`District.' The affidavit of publication of notice of the public hearing was presented" and` filed.' The , affidavit of pbsting of Notice of hearing upon the- application was presented and filed as follows: Extension No. 7 ( No. 1, N.Y.P.L Pole' Nb. 82:° Corner Montray Road and Oakwood Drive. No, 2:9 N.Y.P.L. Pole No. 77 Corner Montray Road and Wincrest Drive. No. 3,, N.Y.P.L. Po a No ' �'b Across from Weeks hbntray Road. No. 4,- Tree on Oakwood Drive. No, 5, Tree next to Rheubottom,' Montray Road," Mr. "Ruggles, explained his pleasure in the fact, that the above mentioned extension, will now become a reality. At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town` of Queensbur , Warren. County, N. Y., held at Queensbury- Public School on the 28th day of June, 1962. PRESENT: John 0. Webster, Supervisor - Harold C. Akins Councilman N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Curtis, Lampson Councilman Theodore Turner, Councilman IN THE MATTER of the Establishftut of Extension No. 7 to the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New 'YoAt pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law. 164 I Extension No. 7 - North Glens Falls Water District (continued) Whereas, a map, plan and report relating to the estab- lishment of the pro#osed Extension No. 7 to the North Glens Falls Water 'Dietrict, propared_by Joseph A. Kestner, a competent engineer du1.y licensed by the State of New York, in such manner and in such detail as has been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, has been filed with the Town Clerk of the Towra of Queensbury in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law, and Wbereaps, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Tows, of ,Queensbury on June 14„ 1962, reciting the filing of said map, plan and report, the improvements proposed ,, the boundaries of the proposed extensions the estimated cost thereof„ the proposed-method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the office of the Town Clerk for public inspection, and .stating all others matters re- quired by law to be stated and specifying .June, 28, 1962, at 7.30 o•clack,. P, M. (D.S.T. . on that day as the time and the Queens- bury Public School*as the place'whete the T6wn Board would-meet to consider said map, plan and report and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof eoncern ng, the same, .and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by laws, and Whereas„ said order was duly..published and posted as required by law,, and Whereas, a hearing on said matter was duly held by the Town Board on the 28th day of June, 1962, beginning at 7:10 P.M. (D.S.Tw) at the.Queejusbury Public School, and full_ dis- cussion of the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard. Now, upon the evidence given upon such hearing and upon motion of Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Lampson, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED AS follows. ' (a) That the notice of hearing was published ands posted as required by law. ---� (b) That all property and property owners within ' the proposed extension are benefited hereby. (c). That all .property and .property .owners benefited are included within the limits of. the proposed extension. (d) That it is in the public interest to establish such extension. And it is further RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the establishment of the extension to North Glens Falls Water 9xtension, as set forth in said map, plan and report, be and the same hereby is approved;- that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed upon- the- necessary funds being made available and provided for; and such extension shall be known and designated as Extension No. 7 to the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, and shall be bounded and describ- ed as follows: EiGINNING at a point in the present northerly t bounds of North Glens Falls Watet District at the southwesterly corner of lot 74, Montray Heights; running from thence in a northerly direction along the westerly bounds of lots 74973, 72, 719, 70, 6.9,68.0 67,66,and 65 to the northwesterly corner of lot 65 thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of lot 65 to a point in the west- erly bounds of Montray Road; thence running in a northeasterly direction, crossing Montray Road, to a point on the easterly bounds of the said road at . the northeasterly corner of lot 137 Montray Heights thence running in an easterly direction alongthe northerly bounds of said lot 137 to a point in the easterly bounds of Montray Heights at the north- easterly corner of lot ,137; thence running in a southerly direction algng the easterly bounds of lots 137, 136,,135,134,E Montray Heights and a portion of the easterly bounds of lot 269 Edwin R. Winchip Development to a point �at,;the northeasterly corner of the North Glens Falls Water District•, thence running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds of the present North- GI:e'ns` Falls Water Dis- trict to the point and place of beginning, and be it further .RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the proposed improve- iment,, 4iucluding construction costs; iegal .and engineering fees and other expenses; be financed. by the i$suance of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law in such amount and under such terms as the Town board sha11 hereafter determine, and it it further ' :RESOLVED that this resolution is subj4ct to a per- missive referendum �as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town .Board-make application to the Department-of Audit and.Control, pursuant ' to Section, 209-►f of the Town Lew- fgr permission to establish said ExVensi.on No. 7 to the �North Glens Falls Water District, The adoption. of the- foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which,resulted, as. -follows: . John 0. Webster, Supervisor des r Harold C. Akins; Councilman .yes N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman yes Curtis Lampson Councilman yes Theodore Turner, Councilman yes The resolution was declared adopted. The Supervisor called the, publie hearing to order- upon the application. requesting -the ,est*blishment,of Extension No. f:, to the North Glens Falls Water District+ The affidavit of publication of notice of the public hearing was presented and filed* The affidavit of posting of,Notice of hearing upon the application was presented and filed as followst Extension No. 6 No. 1,, N,Y.P.L. Pale No. 74 Right side of Bay Read. No, Z., Pine tree No. 1 left side of Bay Road, No. 39, Maple tree left .side of Bay Road.: No. 49 Pine tree No. 2: left side of Bay Road. No. 5, Pine tree No. 2 left side of Bay Road, There were no persons present in the interest for or against Extension No. 6. w t66 At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,; Warren County, N.Y., held at gueensbury Public School on the 28th day of Junej 1962 PRESENT: John 0. Webster, Supervisor - - Harold C. Akins, Councilman N. Harwood Beaty# Councilman Curtis Lampson, Councilman - Theodore Turner, Councilman t IN THE MATTER of the Petition for the Establislnent of Extension No. 6 to the North Glens Falls Water District in the -Town of ..Queensbury,' , Warren County, New York,, pursuant to -Article V2 of the Town-.,Law A petition in this matter for the establishment of Extension No : 6 to the North Glens Fa1Ls- Water District having been duly presented to the Town Board together with the necessary map and plan attached thereto, and an order having been duly, adopted ,by the Town Board on June 140 1962, for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter on the 28th day of June, 1962, at 7:30"olelock P M• (D.S.T.) at �the Queensbury Peblic School, and due notice=having been given, and a. hearing having been held by the Town Board at such time and place and all persons interested having been heard, and by reason of the fact that the cost of the improvement in Extension No. 6 will be paid by the owners of real property in the extension=and it will ,not be necessary to finance such improvement by the sale of obliga. tions- under the'Local Finance Law and no,.iapplication to the State Dapartmeht of' Audit and Control will be 'required, it is hereby ORDERED AND DETERMINED, that the aaid: petition was signed and acknowledged and proved as required by law and otherwise is sufficient; that all the property and property owners within the proposed extension will be benefited thereby; that all property and property owners to• be .,benefited by the proposed extens ion are' included within: the limits. of tht-pr®-- posed extension, and that it is ' in- the publ a interest- to grant. in whole the relief sought by said petition, and it is further hereby ORDERED AND DETERMINED that an extension be estab- lished to the North Glens Falls Water District to-be designated as Extension No. 6 to the North Glens Falls_I:Water .Di.strict. and to be of the following description and boundaries: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Bay Road, on- the northerly boundary line ,of.. the present North. Glens Falls Water District,. said point -being distant 175 feet northerly from the intersection of the , center of the said Bay Road with the intersectiog of the center'of Glenwood Avenue., measuring. along tie . center of Bay Road, running from thence in a westerly direction, parallel to Glenwoo& Avenue and following the northerly bounds of North Glens Falls.Water District 175 feet; thence running in a northerly direction, parallel to Bay Road 72.5 feet to a point at the southwesterly corner of a parcel of land con- veyed by Nellie E. Everts to James L, and Rosalind G. Mulholland by deed dated May 12, 1954, recorded In the Warren County Clerk's. Office in book number 333 of deeds at page 304; running from thence in a north- 167 erly direction along the westerly bounds of the lands of the said Mulholland and parallel to Bay Road, 100 feet to a point. in .the southerly bounds of lands of Owne Kane;. thence runni " in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of" the. lands of Mulholland and. the southerly bounds of the' lands of Owen Kane, to' a point 'in the center of Bay Road; thence con- tinuing the preceding easterly 200 feet to a point for a corner;, thence running in a southerly direction parallel to. Bay Road 172.5 feet, *ore. Qr less, to a point at the northeasterly corner of the present North Glens Flol.ls Water District (Enlargemen`t of October 31, ],947);: thence running in a westerly direr• tiQA: along the present northerly boi}uds of the present North Glens Falls Water District 200 ,feet to. `the point and place of beginning, Dated; Jane .28, 1962. ; John ©t Webs ter' r .�� N. Harwood Beaty Theodore Xurner i Curtis lampson H. C. Akins Members of t44, Tow ' Board of the Town ©f ,Queensbury, Warren County, New York. Mr. Webster presented to the members of the board a copy of the agreement., with; the Pity, of Glens :Falls, to shpw the willingness. on :the part- of t`he' `City' to supply water to the Town of Queensbury. A copy of the fifth, (5) application of the City, of. Glens Falls, j to Water Power and 'Control, showing the amount of water which was stated available at the time, was presented to all Board Members. All legal aspects, to do with the rights of, the Town ,of Queensbury in" `negotiations with the City of Glens Falls were studied at this time. Mr. Webster, read a letter from the Mayor of Glens Falls, stating that the City would endeavor to, discus,+ the use of ,the section of the Town of Queensbury for a dump- The plan for establishing this ddmp was voted igainit by the residents of the Tobin of Queensbury, some time ago. Mr. Beswick, submtted. a letter which he had compcd to be for- warded to. the Mayor of� The City of Glens ;Falls. The letter' was . read to the BoAid, members ,at , this time. The nature of the letter was to explain to",, the Mayor that the- residents of the Town of Queensbury domot intend to bargain any concession on the dump proposition in return for additional water service. After lengthy discussion on this` ratter the Board in its enterety requested that Mr. Webster answer the letter from the Mayoryof the City of Glens Falls, RESOLUTION NO. 98 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mir. Turner. WHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls, unofficially and informally through its Mayor, Mr. Harry Helm and Water Superintendent Mr, Garner Tripp Jr., visited the Town Board of. the Town of Queens- bury in regular meeting on May, 24,. 1962, and at said meeting indicated that surplus city water was available and there appeared to be a mutually agreeable meeting of the minds as to areas, (Resolution No. 98 —Continued) Ito be served, billing methods andprice and as a result of this meeting, the Town board was, invited to appear at. a City Water Board meeting on May 28, 19629 forthe purpose of presenting to the entire board for..�their consideration the'afore mention items relative to water supply and District forniations in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS,. on May 2810 1962, the Town Board did appear at the City Water Board meeting and did. 'present a summary of our Town Water problems, and _ -WHEREAS,, this meeting was attended by four members of the Common Council", who through their :spokesmen' Councilfflan Meehan and Fish immediately monopolized' the meeting alowing -ino `further discussion of water problems but rather chose to dwell on' other problems including the disposition of the City Dump within the Town and did indicate by direct assertion that they wbuld introduce a: resolution .directing the -Water Board to hold a status quo on all town water problems until the city had been able to obtain a solution satisfactory to then on these other problems,and WHEREAS,, -the. "'fovin Board .cannot in all fairness to its citizens, consider a barter of .city dump rights in return for the privilege of buying city 'watee, without being subject to the criticiasm of trading the rights of one group in return for privileges for another, and WHEREAS', -it ibAmperative to the 'growth of the town that an adequate supply' of= water`be' made available without the necessity and uncertakties of being subjected to the whims and indignities of some individual, and WHEREAS i there' has` be*_* 61ompieted an engiheering survey s iowinj tiiit 'a` lbwu„ Water' Supply System in economically feasible and that and, adequate supply of ecelent water is` avail'able from a; town owned '+source, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor, be and He hereby is,' authorized 'and directed to take all necessar:y steps to present to the people affected without further delay the complete plans for a Town Water Supply System and if approved, proceed' ' with the formal contracts and construction. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes -':Mr. Beaty; Mr. Turner, Mr Lampson, Mr. Akins and'Mr. Webster/ Noes bone The Supervisor discussed the ownership of the water mains. which were eiLnsU1Xikd,1_within the Cottage Hill Development during the years, of 1950 s 195to The topic in quetion' is' whether these mains are`owried"by_ the `Toww of Queensbury' or `by the developer.'. A request `from Mr; Albert Berwick., County`Attorney for a leggal decision on this matter- has been requested. The above mefitioned water mains will be "taken -over by the Town of Queensbury;'when the time arrives to formulate a complete town owned water supply system. Mr. Codner explained his difficulties at present with the Reservoir Park Sewer System. The Superintendent stated that work on the system to put same in proper working order must be done at an early date. The clerk, reported that le has on file, the final petition of the Schenectady Transportation Company,- to operate busses in the locality of the Town of Queensbury borders. Two, requests for speed control on Town Highways , were read by the Clerk. Residents of Holden Avenue, made a request which would protect the lives of their children. On Dixon Road, from a point of the locatiop of the City of Glens Falls Water Pumping Station„ to the C'ttage lill Development was the section where 24 residents requested controls on -speeding." Action will be taken. on ,the-se two, requests. at an early date. Bids were opened and, read in answer to the lighting committee's iaguestefotobfda. Two bids were received as follows: Bids for complete installation Kenneth L. Nassivere $19280`.00 Richard M. Combs $1,920.76 �-- RESOLUTION NO.. 91.9 tntrodueed by W. Turner seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, the members of the West Glens Falls Fire Company, did make a formal,:request to thin board on May 3, 1962, ,for the installation of one blinker traffic control light to be in- stalled at the intersection of Richardson and Main Streets, West. Glens Falls, and WHEREAS, the.members of the Lighting committee _of the Town of Queensbury, �lid_reguest bids foal this installation from nine (9) competent Qletrical contractors , and WHEREAS, the total of two bids were received and it becomes evident that the cost of this installation is over the $11,000.00 allowed for maximum bid ,solicitation. With the fact evident that this intersection has been the 'seene of several accidents and the same point is continually crossed by fire and emergency equipment, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid of Kenneth L. Nassivera. be..and is accepted.,to, carry, out the installation of this traffic light at a cost ,of $1,00.00. Duly adopted by the following -vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. IA6pson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None The Clerk, presented an application with a check for $1 0.00, for a Junk Yarn License. t RESOLUTION NO. 100 ` introduced by Mr.. Turner seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVED, ihat' he Junk Yard License ,for. the following be and is hereby renewed for the year of 1962 and that the Supervisor be and is authorized and directed to issue such license: Leon Dean Corinth Road,,, West, Glens Falls, New York Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr,_Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster/ Noes None The Supervisor received the fee of $10.00 for the above mentioned license. RESOLUTION NO.­L01. introduced by'Mr. `Beaty, seconded by'Mr. _Akins. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Clarence Daggett, 22 Flandreaux Avenue, Glens Falls, to make application to the City of Glens ;Falls -for water service to a lot situated in Ridge Meadows, 1.6t ,#320. thereby becoming a water customer of the City of Glens Falls, and .that- a dopy of, this resolution be forwarded to the City Water Board and _to Mr. ,Daggett, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the applicant should obtain the proper permit from the Highway Superintendent. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes None 170 RESOLUTION N0: 102 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to James Davidson►.,, 15 W. Notre. Dame Street, -'Glens Falls, N. Y". tto eke appli'datien to the water board of the City of Glens Falls for water service to a to-t -situated at 16 Northup Drive, thereby becoming a eater customer .of the City of Glens Falls, and that a copy of this: resolution be forwarded to the City Water Board and to Mr: James: Davidson and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED* that the applicant should obtain the proper permit from the Highway Superintendent. t Duly adopted by the following votes byes - -W, Beaty, Mr, Turner, -W, Lampson, Mr. Akins and,Mr. Webster/ Noes - None RESOLUTION N0. ,103 introduced by Mr. Beaty,, seconded by Mr. Akins. RESOLVED, that permission "i's 'hereby granted to Irving Eater* 5 Northup Drive, Glens Falls, N. Y. , to make application to the water board of the City of Glens Falls, for water service to his residence on South-east side of Northup Drice,= thereby beooming water customer od the City of Glens Falls , .and that a oopy .cdf this resolution be forwarded to the City"Wat'er Board and W. Irving Esner,, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the application should obtain the proper permit from the Highway Superintendent. --= Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes None Following a request from Mfr. Codner for -a t"*writer which would serve his need in the highway office, the Supervisor suggested that his office could use a new machine and he could transfer the one he now uses to Mr. Codner. ' Action on this matter will be • taken -it a later date. t RESOLUTION NO. 1014 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVE,; that permission is hereby granted to -the Glen give-In Theatre to hold a fireworks display on Tuesday, July 3' 19629 • under -the following -conditions (1) That a Certification of Insurance in the amount of $1009000 each'`person, $300,000 each accident ' and $25,000 'property damage, to be ,filed with the Town Clerk. (2) That theiqueensbury Fire Company, gives its approval to the Town Clerk, concerning matters of fire safety. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town' Clerk be`and ishereby authorized and directed to issue atpermit to hold such fireworks display as aforesaid. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. *Noes - -None . On the motion the meeting was adjourned.' < spectfull�u ted, rge Crannell t Town• Jerk