1962-09-27 X15 IIC map was presented to the board of a piece of property which can be -purchased for a site for the new Town Hall construction. An option on the property willtbe secured by the Supervisor. t Mr, °LeRoy Phillips was present to report on applications for the position of School Crossing attendant at the intersection of Meadowbrook Road and Quaker Road. Two applications were received as followat Mr, Al Ouderkirk Sr., of Meadowbrook Road and Mr. Fred Mc Corm ck of Cottage. Hill Road. The hoard agreed on a salary of $100.00 a mouth -during the school year. Action on the final hireing of one crossing attendant was deferred to a later date. Mr, Bernard J, Codner, requested permission to have a survey made of a road known as Sanders Road. Following receiving a map from the Town Surveyor it is possible that the Town may . be able to accept the road into the Town Highway system. wo Codner, suggested rebuilding one of the four wheel F.W.D, trucks now do service to answer to the need of carrying the town owned shovel. -The board generally agreed that this change should be made at thin time. On motion the meeting was adjourned. espectf)&1ly ubmitte Georg�C. Crannell Town Clerk Regular Meeting September 270 L962 I Presents John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman �— Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampoon Councilman , Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m, e Several visitors were welcomed at the meeting as fgllewst Mrs. Hulda Ellingsworth - Member League of Women Voters Mrs. A, E. VanWirt - President of Crandall Library Mrs. Edwin Willis - Attorney Clew Caffery - Each were present in the interest of contribution to Crandall Library Fund. Mr. Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways Mr. LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Pblice ` Mr. Raymond Hoague - Policeman Mr. Ted Mainville - Visitor Mr, Ralph Nestle Visitor Mr, H. Dewey Miller - owner of property to be purchased by town for new Town Hall Mr. Glenn Caffery, way granted the floor as the representative of r the Crandall Library to discuss the financial plight of the Lib- rary. An extensive explanation of the services of the library was offered to the Town Board. It was stated that the library estimates that the Town of Queensbury•s residents enjoy 20% of the total use of the library. . Hopes. of additional financial support for the operation ofthe. ibraryis being sought -at this time. Mr, Caffery recited the amounts of dinaucial assistance which is being received from all4pfher-sD.urces_At_.tba- present- - time in hopes of elaborating on the request made from the Town of Queansbury. - 216 A statement on the beget for 1963 was totalized in the interest of the board. An acknowledged fact. fs apparent that the School District of the Town of Queensbury, expects the Town Board to make any donations, to the library which will be made. It is apparent that the School District will not be making any of€era of assistance in this matter. Mrs VanWirt, was heard at this time. Tha statements which were voiced by Mrs. VanWirt `were .to elaborate on the extensive use of the library at the present time. Me. Webster WarecogmIxed thefrt4mests with the statement, that in the forth coming budget for. 1963, the library and its need for additional revenue will be given extensive consideration. Mr. Thomas Lawson, Attorney was greeted at this time. A group from Western Park arrived at the meeting at this tin a. Doris Ballard Raymond Sawyer . Florence Dever Clayton Campbell Clare Marlow Bernard R. Counter Peter Marlow Erwin E. Pbtter Cliff Morehouse Francis W Dowd Joyce Morehouse Thomas F. Trembley Dorothy Barney Audrey L. Trembley Daisy Arnold Olive Pbtter Noble Counter Raymond W. LaBelle Mr. Peter Marlow, as ppokesman for the group explained the aims of the residents of the Western Park section. Speeding along the roads is the main problem at present. The group explained that there is no control over stopping at intersections at this time and a-requeat for stop signs at all intersections was forthcoming. Mr. Ballard the mother of the ung man who was killed recently on a bicycle was present in the group,. The- board generally agreed that the signs should be erected as soon. as possible. The Supervisor urged the group to be of assistance to the town to helg in preserving the signs from vandalisim when they are installed. It was explained that destruction of signs has been apparent in the past. Mr. Lawson, approached the board with the proposed order for the hearing on the establishing. of a lighting district for Pinewood Avenue. At a meeting of the Town Bdard held at the Queensbury High School in the Town of Queensbury on the 27th day of September, 162, PRESENTs John O. Webster, Supervisor Harold Akins . Curtis Lampson - Harwood Beaty Theodore Turner council.#rllh ----------------------------------------------x - In the Matter of the Petition of the Owners of more than One-half of the Assessed ' Valuation of all the Taxable Real- Property in the Proposed Pinewood Avenue Lighting District in the Town of Queensbury-, County of Warren. and State. of New York. --••------------------------------------------max 4 - 17 WHEREAS, a written petition dated September 10, 1962 has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Tgwn od Queensbury, praying that all of the land situate in the Tom of Queensbury and more particularly hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the north bounds of Aviation. Road in the Town Of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, at the southeast corner of Lot No. 112. as shown on a pap and survey of Section. No. 2: of Westland dated September 9, 1985, made by Leslie W. Coulter and filed in the Warren County C1erk`'s Office on October 21, 1955; running thence North 43 degrees 31 minutes East along tie westerly line of Lots �- Nos. 112, 111,. 1101, 31099,; 108, and Lots Nos. 107, 106, 105, 104 and 1039 as shown on said map- of Westland dated July 24, L956, made by Leslie Coulter, a distance of 111.9.45 feet to the northeasterly corner of Let 103; running thence North, 46 degrees 19 minutes West along the north line of Lot No. 103: to the southeast corner of Lot No. 102; running thence North 43 degrees 31 minutes East a3 distance of 134.1Q fe t to thg so�therly. liiue of the street knows as` Lynnfield Drive; running thence North 43 degrees 31 minutes East a distance of twenty-five feet to the centerline of said Lynnfield Drive; running thence North 46 degrees 19 minutes West along the centerline of said Lynnfield*Drive to a point of intersection of said centerline with the northerly extension of the west line of Lot No. 130 as shown on said map; running thence South 43 degrees 41 minutes 'West a distance of twenty-five feet, more or less, 'to that northwesterly corner of Lot No. 130; running thence South 43 degrees 41 minutes West along the west rly line of Let No. 1.30 a 4istance.of 125 feet to a point In the north line of Lot N4. 131; running thence North 46 degrees 13 minutes West a distance of 100 feet to the northwest corner of Lot No. 131; running thence along the we t line of Lgts Nos. 131, 132, 133 and 134, as shown on the aforesaid map3to a point in the north line of tot No. 135; running thence North 82 degrees 50 minutes West a distance of 79.17 feet to a point in the east line of Woodlawn Av as shown, on the aforesaid map:; running _ thenqsXqrtE 82 degrees 50 minutes West a distance of 50 feet, more or leas, to the west line of said Avenue- running thence South 7 �degrees 10 minutes West to the northeast corner of Lot No. 116 as shown on said survey of Westland;, running thence North 82 degrees 50 minutes West along the north line of Lot No. 116, a distance of .200 feet to the northwest corner of said Let No. 116; running thence South ,7 degrees 10 minutes West along the west line of Lots Nos. 11,6, ;15, 114, and 113, a distance of 507 feet, more or less, to a point in the centerline of Aviation Road; running thence South 44 degrees 56 minutes East along the centerline of Aviation load to a point of intersection of the centerline with the southerly extension Of t1le east` line of Let No. 112; running thence North 43 degrees 31 minutes East to the point or place of beginning. to be established into the Pinewood Avenue Lighting District, and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended in the establishment of said Lighting District shall not exceed the sum of $100.00 and the maximum amount, to be expended annually for the supplying of services for skid Lighting District is the suss of $120.00, and WHEREAS, the expense occasioned .by the creation of the Pinewood Avenue Lighting District shall be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and parcels of land. within the said District in proportion to the amount of benefit which the improvement shall confer upon the same, 28 Now on motion of Councilman Akins seconded by Councilman Turner, all members present voting therefor, it is ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury be held at the Queensbury High School in the Town of Queensbury on the llth day of October, 1962, at 7:30 F.,M. .Day- light Saving Time to consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the 43ubject thereof concerning the' same, E and, for such other action on the part of the Town Board with relation to such petition as may be required by law_, and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing by publishing. in the, Glens Falls Times, a certified copy of this order and by posting certified copies of this order in five public places within said proposed Pinewood Avenue Lighting District' in the Town of Queensbury not less than ten• nor more than twenty days before such hearing. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mc. Beaty, Xr, Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and W. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Dewey Miller was welcomed by the board. The option for the purchase of the lands on the Aviation Road, which is owned by Mr. Miller was presented. The mentioned land will ultimately become the site of the proposed new Town Hall. The signing ,of the option was accomplished at this time. A copy of the option is on file with the Town Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 137 Mr. Akins introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, it has become apparent that by reason of the tremendous grgwth of the Town of Queensbury, both in population and in the construction of business establishments and dwellings,, and the ,very: considerable increase in the volume of business required to be-handled by the Town .Board and -Town officers that a town hall should be built in the Town of Queensbury for the use of the Town Board and other town officers, for the proper protect- ion of town records and for the efficient transaction ofthe business of the Town of Queensburj, and WHEREAS, H. Dewey Miller is the owner of a parcel of approximately S acres of land situated on the southerly aide of the Aviation Road :approximately opposite the new Queensbury High School build- ing, which he has offered to sell and convey to the Town''of Queensbury for a pride of •$8,000.00,• and f the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has authorized the salsa of twon property an the easterly side of Route" 9 to Cale Development Co. , Inc. for the sum of $100,000.00, subject to permissive referendum, be it, + RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury pay to H. Dewey Miller the sum of $100.00 for a 90 day option for the purchase of the said real property on Aviation Road for the sum of $8,000.00 as a site for a town hall with the provision that if the Town of Queensbury shall exercise such option, the consideration of $1.00.00 paid for such option shall be credited on the purbhase price of said property, and be it further RESOLVED, thtt the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorised and directed to execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury an option with H. Dewey Miller for the purchase of said real'-property for the sum of $8,000.00 and to pay to H. Dewey Miller the scum of $100.00 for such option. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None . 219 RESOLUTION NO. L38 iutroduced. by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr.Lampson RESOLUTION TO RETAIN ARCHITECT FOR PROPOSED NEW TWN HALL WHEREAS, this'Board has authorized an option for the purchase of real property of H. Dewey Miller on Aviation Road as the site for a proposed new town hall,, and WHEREAS, it appears that before exercising such option- and, taking any further steps., in_the Matter, this. Board should employ an architect to examine the proposed site and to make plans for the eventual construction of a town hall and to determine probable costs, be it RESOLVED, that ;the Town of Queensbury retain Milton L. Crandall„ of Glens Falls,' as architect in the preparation of plans for site development and construction of tWVU hall and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury of a eantract with said Milton L. Crandall for subh services. ' t t t - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty,, Mr, Turner, W. Lampson,» Mr-. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None USOLUTION NO. 139 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty w WHEREAS, Art. 4 Section 66 of the Election Law provides that this Board shall a**& designate the Polling Places where the Registration of 'voters and the Elections and Primaries shall be held during the year following the ensuing First Day of October, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the fallowing locationsibe and they hereby are .designated as the respective polling places in the Districts as enumerated.. t Election District #1. Firehouse, South Queenebury `— Vire Company, Lower Dix Avenue Election District #2.. Grange Hall, Mohican Grange Oneida Corners Election District #3. Firehouse, North Queensbury Fire Company, South Side of Route 9L opposite Cloverdale Road Election District #4. The Town Storehouse, Aviation. Road West of intersection. of Route 9 Election District #5. Firehouse, Queensbury Central Fire Company, Foster Avenue. Election District #6. Quaensbury School, Aviation Road: Election District #7 Mma ngton 'Road School, Jerome Ave. , Entrance - Election Bistr ct #8 * Firehouse, West Glens• Falls Fire Company,, Luzern Road. f .-_ Election District #9 Cast Stone Company Store Corinth Road. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tha_ rental for such polling places be and the same is hereby fined at the sum of $44.00 per annum. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. `Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Does = None - - 220 At the-request of Mr. Earl Vetter, Chairman, Warren County Republican Committee and Mr. LeRoy Phillips, Chairman of the Queensbury Republican Committee, the following person was recommended as Election Inspector for District No. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 140 introduced by W. Turner,' seconded by Mr. Akins WHEREAS, Mr. LeRoy Phillips, the Chairman of the. Republican Committee, did appoint Mary Praiser as inspector of electibne for District # 9 of the Tows. of Queensbury, and Y WHEREAS, Mary Fraiser will not beable to serve as inspector of election, now ` WHkREFORE,BE' IT RESOLVED, that Viola Shoemaker of Corinth` Road. Town of Queensbury, be appointed as election inppector for' District #9 of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None At the request of Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, Chairman of the Warren County.Rapecratic Coi nitkee, the following persons were recokme:ided for election inspectors for the Town of Queensbury. - RESOLUTION NO, 141 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by W. Akins WHEREAS, Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, Chairman of the Democratic` Committee did appoint Marion Duell as inspector of election for District #8, of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, Marion Duell will not be able to serve, now t THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,, that Helene McDonnell of 42 Caroline Street, Town of Queensbury, be appointed " election inspector � for District #8, . of the Town of- Queensbury Duly adopted by the follokug vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 1..42 introduced by W. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins nt� ai e ao11ai© her vctotsve ttee Fd appaintPtrD epf Chairman e er as election inspector in District ,#6 of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS„ Mr. Sullivan was in error due to the fact that Patricia Dempsey,; resides in District #5 of the Town of Queensbury, now. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Patricia Dempsey of 11 Meadowbrook Drive be appointed: as election inspector of District #5 tore-- place Mary Cosweft, retired. ' Duly adopted by the following vote: , Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 143 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins WHEREAS Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, the Chairman of the Democratic Committee, did appoint Patricia Dempsey as inspector of elections for District #5 of the Town of Queensbury, and SEAS, Patricia Dempsey will not be able to serve. THEREFORE BE IT _RESOLVED, that Selma Pierce, of Windsor Drive, Town of Queensbury, be appointed as election inspector for District #5 of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr.' Lampoon, Mr. Akins and 1&." Webster Noes - None 221 RESOLUTION NO.,- 144 introduced by W. Turner, and seconded by W. Akins WHEREAS, Mr, D. Frank Sullivan, the Chairman of the Qamaaaat£v Committee did appoint -Shirley X. Roach as inspector of elections for District #`4 of the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, Shirley A. Roach, will not be able to serve, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,: that Juliette Ellingsworth of Montray Road, Town of Queensbury, be appointed as election inspector L._ for District #4 of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None . RESOLUTION NO 145 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr, Akins WHEREAS, Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, the Chairman of the Democratic Committee, did appoint Agnes C. Ross as inspector of elections for District #6 of the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, Mrs. Agnes G. Ross has moved away from the Town of Queensbury, now t THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED, that Jane C. Gasper, or 191 Dixon Road, Town of Queensbury be appointed as election inspector for District #6 of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 134 Ontario St., Albany, N. Y. C . Stop Signs 1. Warren County Hon. William C. Bassette, Supt. Se t. 19 1962 Gij2813 Div. of Operation & Maintenance p 9 Department of Public Works Albany 1, New York TRAFFIC COMMISSION ORDER Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby r 1. Repeals, effective upon completion of Item 11 below, its orders dated January 28, 1959 and January 29, 1959 which pertain to the operation and maintenance of Signal 16, a flashing signal," loc- ated on Route 9L, Ridge Road, SH 1813, at its intersection with Route L,4% Fort Ann Road, SR 9339 and SH 53-8 , in the Town of Queen:,bury, Warren County. 2. Designates the intersection of Route 9L, Ridge Road, SH 1813 with Route 149,- Fort 'Ann Road, SH 9359 and SH 53-8; in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, as a stop intersection. A. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to operate and maintain a flashing signal at the stop Inter- section ordered 'Above,, with 'red indications east and west on Route 149 and yellow indications north and south on Route 9L Be. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to install and maintain STOP signs in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control_ Devices of the State Traffic Commission on Route 149 (Station 86* on SH 1813) from the east and west. 2 Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with. cc Sec. of State STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Supt. State Police WILLIAM S.. HULTS Town Board-Queensbury Chairman Sheriff Robert N. Lilly September 13, 1962 Geroge Crannell Dixon Rd. Glens Falls, N.Y. Dear Mr. Crannell, _ This letter is to inform you of changes in our Active List. The following. seen have .been dropped from the ,list. Joseph Miner David Righardson Paul Saville Pliney Tucker , Ivan Bell Add Lswerence Cook to the Active List, thank you. Sineeely, t Dave Harrington RESOLUTION NO. 146 introduced by Mr. Beaty,, seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED, that the fo�lewing be. an4 are hereby confirgted as active Volunteer Firemen of the 0#j#d#j/¢°j#0X/Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. West Glens Falls Lawerence Cook Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr.Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION NO.. 147 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by<Mr. Beaty WHEREAS, section 1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law proviies that the Town Board may install and maintain traffic control signals at the intersection of County and Town highways, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the ,instalLation of a red-amber-,and green traffic control signal to be installed at the intersection of Quaker Road and Bay Road., in place of the existing blinker light originally installed by the County of VArren, be it further ` t RESOLVED, that the lighting committee of the` Tower �6&@demkbutjxe necessary arrangements for installat`fon of .this red-amber and green traffic control signal. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes - )W. Beaty, W. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster C Noes -None Superintendent of Highways, Bernard Codner, who was present,, , orally recommend that the town acquire by purchase for use in the Highway Department a truck And chasis. 223 _ t t TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Office of Superintendent of Highways Bernard J. Codger, Supt. Dear Sirs: At this time I would like to recommend that the Town Board Wchase a New Cab and Chassis Truck fortuse of the Highway Department. Cab and Chassis to meet the following specifications Approximately 159 inch wheel. base C.A. demension not less than 84 inches Motor displacement not less than 330 cubic .inches Governor controlled - 6 or 8 cyligdets 50 Amp* low out out generator 12 Volt 70 Amps, hour battery 2 speed Eaton rear axle 60606-60000006906018000 lbs. Front Axle ... .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 7000 lbs. 5 Speed transmission 900 x 20 - 10 ply tube tires 1100 Ca: in. Vacuum reserve tank Vacuum hydraulic brakes Heater and defroster Dual electric wipers West Coast dual mirrows t Auxiliary cylinder gas tank trot less than 50 gal. capacity Standard New York State Tights: Cab and chassis to be. equipped' with front and pumps and Frink frame palates . C , No trade-in. Bids will be received at the Town Highway Deput.. or Town Clerk's: Office until: 7x00 P.M . October lath, 1962. All, bids wi1L be opened at 7s20 P. M. October Ilth, 1962, by the Town Board, Delivery date Thirty days from contract signing. Bernard J. Codner Superintendent of Highways RESOLUTION NO. 148 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr.Lompson WHEREAS„ the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has recommended the purchase of a new truck for the use of the Highway Department (Cab & Chassis only), to meet the specifications set forth in such. recommendations, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times, and the Pbst Star, on or before the lot day of October, 1962, a notice to read in substantially the following form: ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queens- hury v4-1.7. rpeelme gexleA nronos-slg n» to 70fY n m* on the 11-th day of October, 1962, at the Town Clerk's Office at 95 Dixon Road, 224 Glens Falls, New York, to supply the Town of Q;ueensbury Highway Department with one new truck (cab & Chassis only) which must meet the following specificationst --• Spec As recommended by Superintendent of Highways The Town Board will meet in the library of the Queeusbury Public School at 7:30 pr.m. ,. on October 11, 1962, at which time the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Ths Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Town Board George C. Cranneil Dated 9/27/1962 Town Clerk Mr. Codner questioned .the board as to what type .of "Stops Signs" would be used in the Western Park .mection to answer the request of the petitioners who approached the board at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 149 introduced by Mr. Turner„ seconded by W. Lampoon RESOLUTION RELATING, TDB, APPAINT ENT OF SPECIAL POLICEMAN WHEREAS, this Board adopted Resolution No.� 127Ato provide special police protection for school children crossing Quaker Road at Meadowbrook Road intersection* be it RESOLVED, that ALBERT L. OUDEKERK, SR., of Meadowbrook Road,, be and he hereby s y appointed a special pol ceman,_effective October 1, 1962, at a monthly salary of $100.00 except for the months of July and August to direct traffic at the intersection of Maker Road and Meadowbrook Road and to protect schooh children at such crossing at such hours on each. school. day. as shall ,be determined by the Chief of Police, and that Fred J. McCormick, of 34 Cottage Hill Road, be and He hereby is appoint4 ad substitute policeman to act only when the regular policeman is unable, to act to be paid at the same rate pro-rated for the - time actually ote duty in the absence of the regular policeman, and be it further. RESOLVED,, that there be. and hereby is appropriated from the , contingent fund to the town police fund the sum of $400.00 to pay the compensation :of said special police . Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None Air. LeRoy Phillips,. reported on the quest for uniforms for the crossing policeman, which he. had hoped to secure from the Warren County Sheriff's Department. Mr. Webster, reported on the progress of the comperation to be conducted on Sunday, September 30, 1962. At this time the gift of the "Original Patent" of the Town of Queensbury, will be accepted from Miss. Dorothy Wing, The appraisal of the Mneview Cemetery property was presented to the board. Mr. Thomas Rogers a competent appraiser submitted the appraisal to be filed by the clerk. Study of estimates for three benefit .districto within the town was accomplished at this time. v 2 RESOLUTION NO. 150 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner RESOLVED, that the Preliminary Budgets of Pershing-Ashley- Coolidge Sewer District, Reservoir Park Sewer District, Queensbury Drainage District, of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1963, having been. completet as herein. after set forth and that the same be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where they shale. be available at all reasonable hours for inspection and that this Board hold a hearing thereupon at a regular meeting of the Town Board thereof to be held at the Library of Union Free School. #29, Town of Queenabury, Aviation Road, on the llth day of October, 1962 at 7:30 p).m.,, and that a notice of such public hearing be published twice in the Glens Falls Times, the first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the date of the holding of such heraring, at which time and place the Town Board will meet and review the said Preliminary Budgets, and any person inter- ested may be heard in favor of or against all or any of the items of said Preliminary Budgets as presented,: FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk cause a Notice of the Hearing to be published and posted as required by law in substantially the following form: Public Notice of Preliminary Budgets Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budgets of Ptrehing- Ashley-Collidge. Sewer District, Reservoir Park Sewer District, Queensbury Drainage► District, of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year 1963 .harve. been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, that the Town Board of said Town will_, at a meeting thereof to be held on the lll.th day of October, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. at the Library of Union Free School. #2., Town. o€ Queensbury, .Aviation Road, hold a public hearing thereon and review said budgets and any person may be heard in favor of or against the budgets as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained, Duly doppted b the following vote: es-Mr. .Beaty yMr ikinsnjr Dafad: September 27, 1962 �ee er'' Noes None By Order of the Town Board Town of Queensbury urge C. Crannell Town Estimates were submitted as follows: ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR PERSHING, ASHLEY, COMLIDGE, SEWER DIST. Town of Queensbury for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1963 Expensitures Maintenance Payments on contract ' - 1.9000.00 Repairs 500000 Total espenditures 11500.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 500.00 Total revenges 500.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 19,000.00 Dated: September 27, 1962 Signedt John 0, Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATES FOR RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT Town of Queensbury For the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1963 Expenditures ` C C Cost of improvement 900.06 Maintenance Personal service 50.00 Repairs 3 00.00 Total Expenditures c t 12,50400 REVENUES Unexpended balance None " Amount to be raised by taxes 1250 Dated: September 271, 19e2 Signed: John 0, Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATES FOR QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1963 Expenditures Bond Principal 50000.00 Bond Interest 2,030.00 Total Expenditures 71030.00 Revenues ` Unexpended balance None ` Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes , 71030.00 Dated: September ,27, 1962 Signed: , John 0. Webster Supervisor Mr. Akins and Mr. L,am son reported on the recent meeting with the City of Glens Falls Water Board, to discuss the possibility of gaining permission to apply for several water supply ext- ensions. The Town Board will endeavor to propose these ext- ensions at an early date. Discussion on the system for billing water to customers was aired at length. At the request of the board in ,general, the water committee was requested to start the preliminary planning for an extension for Mountain View Lane, where several requests from property owners have been received in the past. RESOLUTION NO. 151 Introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampoon WICREAS, Audit and Control has recommended that the surplus in West Glens Falls Water District, be not allowed to increase be•• yond the presently carried balance, and i WHEREAS, the income at the regularly established rates would result in �a surplus of income over expenses and a discounting of bills by 3076 would apparently balance these accounts, be it RESOLVED, that West .Glens Fells Water Superfntendent and Collector be authorizsd and directed to discount all- Water bills by 30% and metered customers rate reduced from 220 /M-gal to 180: /M-gal.. until further notice. -227 Resolution No. 151 (continued) Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr„ Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr.Webster. Noes - None - Applications for appointment as members of the proposed planning board were discussed and read, The letters were received from the following and placed on file by the clerks M. H. Simmonds Chestnut Ridge Road Jahn W. Glass Coolidge Avenue Charles Atwell West Mountain Road, R.F.D.#2 - Paul E. Cushing Jr. Cleverdale, New York George J. Kushner Boulevard, Glens Falls J. Arthur Norton 5 Grove Avenue, Glens Fails Hammond Robertson Jr. Cleverdaie, New York RESOLUTION NO. 152 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr.Beaty WHEREASt section 16-60 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law- of October 1, 1962, provides that a Town Board of any town may designate County and Town Highways as through highways and order stop. signs to be erected at specified entrances to such highways. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Central Avenue, in the Western- Park sub-division be designated as a through highway and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, -that the Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorised and directed to erect stop signs at all town highway intersectisS with Central Avenue: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr.Webster Noes - ,None On motion the meeting was adjourned: ape ctful� misted Geor g e Crannell Town Clerk t