1962-12-27 310 Regular Meeting December 27, 1962 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman (absent) Theodore Turner 'Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman Visitors greeted at the meeting were as follows: Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways LeRoy Phillips Chief of Police Hulda Ellingsworth- Rep. League of Women Voters Ralph Nestle - Visitor The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. T The clerk read and placed on file the following applications for employment and reports: 'Luzern Road Glens Falls, N. -Y. Dec. 19, 1962 Town Board of Queensbury ' Gentlemen: I submit this letter as a application for the appoint- ment of dog warden for the Town of Queensbury 1963. ` Respectfully ' James E. Tucker Annual report of dog warden Calls 211 Dogs picked up - 102 Dogs destroyed 99 Dogs returned to owners - 2 Dogs sold for town - 1 Dogs dead on road - 11 * Misc. calls - 118 ` Respectfully submitted ' James E Tucker December 26, 1962 Members of the Queensbury Town Board Gentlemen: I am submitting my application for reappointment to the office of multiple bwelling Inspector for the Town of Queens- bury for the coming year of 1963. 4 Respectfully' submitted, Leslie A. Hillis Multiple Dwelling Inspector December 26, 1962 Members of the Queensbury Town toard Gentlemen: I, Leslie A. Hillis, Multiple Dwelling Inspector, am submitting my annual report for 196 . All multiple dwellings in the Town of Queensbury have been in- spected by me for the year of 1962. One Nursing Home was found to be unsatisfactory on two points. These conditions are now being corrected. On the attached sheet you will find a report on this dwelling. I have answered twenty seven calls during 1962 in the Town on fire hazzards reported to me by various residents. Nothing could be done about these calls because the Town of Queensbury at this time,, has not adopted a fire code. Resbectfully submitted Leslie A. Hillis Multiple Dwelling Inspector 311 December 6, 1962. Lockhart's Nursing Home East Side Lake George Dear Sir: Inspection of Lockhart's Nursing Home was conducted by Multiple Dwelling Inspector, Leslie A Hillis and the Local Fire Chief, Percy Denton in October of 1962. Improvements to Nursing Home should be as follows: 1. Stairway on north side has to be enclosed with an automatic fire proof door. 2. Inside kitchen doors must be fire proofed. Suggestions for Nursing Home: 1. All inside doors should fit tight to sasings and sill. 2. Cellar should be cleaned and all fire hazards removed. 3. Car should not be kept in the cellar in the winter time. Yours truly, Leslie A. Hillis Multiple Dwelling Fire Inspector • Town of Queensbury Report of the Police Department bf the Town of Queensbury for the period of I January 1962 through 15 December 1962. . . Actual plus estimated figures yield accuracy to 95% in this report of the activities of our Police Department for the year 1962. Summary Proceeding, 23 Actual Evictions, 3 Complaints answered:. 87 as follows- Kids fighting License plates stolen from car Windows broken Clothes line stolen Drunks making a nuisance Family quarrels: name calling " BB guns and `slingshots misused Cas stolen from cars Property line disputes Neighbors littering yards Refuse on highways Removing _property line stakes Dogs and other animals destroying property Recovery of $50.00 on bad checks is .hereby reported;, other checks turned over to State Police -for examination and prosecution. C P Junk yards have been regularly checked for the operator's proper complience with Town Ordinances, and numerous checks have been made of new construction throughout the Town. Two automobile accidents have been investigated, and two Vehicle and Traffic Law arrests have been made, one being for littering of the highways. ' There has been Police 'regulation at several community affairs, specifically: parades, funerals, weddings, church services,; etc. Approximately 2000 miles have been traveled in the course of duties covered in this reportg the officers of the Police Department have sincerely tried to carry out their duties to the best interedt of the Tovu. 12 Through the cooperation of the Sheriff of this county, the Town Board„,, and the individual officer, two patrolmen and one special school crossing quard have been outfitted with uniforms. The Chief of Police recommends that to provide better service of the department to the people of the town, that the department be furnished with a copy of the New. York State Penal Law and Criminal Code, such as the edition by Gilbert & Clevenger, to provide a ready source of consultation for the many inquiries concerning the rights of the individual put to the department from the people of the Town. The Police Chief also recommends the appointment of one Joseph faire as a special patrolman in the town, to be paid only in the case of an emergency in the town, or in the case of a substitution for a regular patrolman. Mr. Daire has had experience in Police business with the General Electric Co. and as Capt. of the Fire Police "of the South Queensbury Vol. Fire Dept. . The Police Department is also in dire need of equipment for keeping better and more complete records for the tallying of information needed to complete monthly, annual, and special reports to the New York State Department of Correction, and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, both of which are mandetory. As Chief of Police, I wish to take this opportunity at the time of the annual report, to sincerely thank the Town Board for their splendid cooperation during the past year. And for the personal help and suggest- _ ions they have given to me. May I wish for this harmoneous relationship to continue throughtout the coming year, and may I wish to each member of the Town Board a happy and prosperous 1963. Respectfully submitted, LeRoy A. Phillips Chief of Police Town of Queensbury, New York TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Office of Superintendent of Highways Bernard J. Codner R.F.D. 1, Glens Falls, N.Y. December 26, 1962 Highway Report for 1962 Roads hard surfacied 42 miles Roads Resurfacied 12 miles Cut grade on Nacy Road App. 3ft. at crest Cut grade on 4th Ext, App. 5ft. at crest also 2 coats of oil and stone Cut grade on mill hill App. 7ft, at crest Replaced Ift. gravel "Widened, Drained, Graided and Graveled Rockwell Road ready to I surface Widened Road, new drainage west of brick church. Relocated Road to Rockhurst Pavement is about 5016 completed ,A complete coat of gravel in place on Alexie Road. Old stone colvert on Pickle Hill Road Replaced with 36" galvinize Swamped out Sylvan Ave. 'Completed Rough grade. Swamped out remainder of Lynnfield Dr, and rough grade same App. 600 ft. Swamped out Woodlawn Ave. a distance of App. 100Oft. Statted the widening of Everts Ave. Hard surface East Sanford St. , most of 4th St, Ext, South Ave, East Ave., Vest Ave. , Illinois Ave. , Country Colony, Colony Drive. One half of Rockhurst Rd., One half mile on Fuller Road. Completed hard top from Tut Hill Road to Town line on Luzerne Mt, Rd. Two coats of oil and stone on Sweet Rd. , Arbutis Dr. Up river from Palmer Farm one half mile, Mud Pond Road. X1-3 Highway Report for 1962 - (continued) This was done along with general maintenance of all other town roads. Also keeping dump covered. Layed water main on bay road. Minor repairs to North Glens Falls Water Dist. Installed Sewer Disposal at Reservoir Park. Mr. Webster complimented both Mr. -Phillips and Mr. Codner on their respective reports. The board in general agreed that each of these employees accomplished commendable results during the year of 1962. WEST ,GLENS FALLS VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. NO. 1 I West Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sir: c Would please remove the following names from the West Glens Falls Fire Co. active list. Michael Cashion Richard Carpenter Francis Johnson Donald Tromblee Sincerely, David Harrington • 3 Liberty Avenue Glens Falls, New York December 18, 1962 Mr. George Crannell Town Clerk Town of Queensbury 95 Dixon Road Glens Falls, New York Dear George: Relative to our telephone conversation of today, I would appreciate it very much on my behalf and on behalf of Emanuel Goldberg Post 149, Jewish War Veterans , U.S.A. .of Glens Falls, if you would outline the following request to the Town Board at their meeting on December 27th for their consideration: We are seeking your approval for a coin drop opera- tion to be conducted by ourselves over next Memorial Day weekend to raise funds for the purpose of helping to male available summer camping for needy and worthy children of the County,, who are financially unable to participate otherwise in a summer camping program. This will either be done through the facilities of the County Health Camp„ or through other facilities, which might allow us to properly service the greatest number of children with the amount of financial resources, which we will have available for that purpose. Invspeaking with Chairman John Goetz of the Warren County Board of Supervisors, he suggested we contact your body, in order to secure a permit for solicitation, if such were necessary, or to so to speak, -gain whatever blessings you might bestow to what we feel -to be a worthwhile project. From your good I offices we should then proceed to the New York State Department of Highways for their permission to conduct such`a solicitation. We desire to set this program up in a proper manner, with- out becoming involved in any controversies whatsoever. Therefore, we are desirous of obtaining a clearance from you firstly 314 Page ZI Cont. We would appreciate hearing the result of your comments or deliberations as soon as same have been effected, we trust favorably in our behalf. Sincerely yours, ARNOLD SLAWSBY Executive Committeeman Department of New York Jewish War Veterans, U.S.A. December 27, 1962 Town of Queensbury, N. Y. Town Board Gentlemen: Please consider this letter an application to stay on as the North Glens Falls Water superintendent in 1963. I believe that with three years experience I can perform the duties with resourcefullness and efficiency. Very truly yours George Liapes Mr. Liapes submitted a report on new meter installations for 1962. The clerk placed the report on file. There were 31 commercial meters installed during the year. Nineteen (19) new water taps to residences within the North Glens Falls Water District, were made during the year. Ten (10) meters i were installed n the Dixon Road section. Three new hydrants _ were installed and all hydrants were painted. i Committee on Assessments Annual report for the year 1962 During the year, there were 33 court cases on Assembly Point assessments brought about by the owners of the properties involved. Three Q) have been processed in court and as yet, the court has not rendeved any decision on any of the three. Five (5) have accepted the Board of Assessors figures and the Board of Assessors has accep ted five (5) of t h e figures of the properties involved. Eleven (11) have withdrawn their claims and nine (9) are still pending. Of these nine pending cases, Robert Leavitt, Real Estate Broker obtained by the town,; has made recommendations along with the Board of Assessors, and these figures have been .forwarded by Albert Beswick, Town Attorney, to Mr. St. Louis, attorney. for the claiments. Mr. St. Louis is now contacting his clients and the results will be forthcoming shortly. Tax maps have been requested by the Hoard of Assessors and the matter is unger study. The Town equalization rate was set at 40. originally but since it was receivedt a rate of 39 was received by letter from the State Equalization Board. However, the rate of 40 is currently being used for the coming year. Supervisor John Webster ai3d Councilman Harwood Beaty filed an objection in Albany and 20 parcels in the Town of Queensbury were re-appraised by state appraisers. The rate did not change however. It was a very busy year for the assessors and the committee feels that the Board of Assessors did a commendable job. N. Harwood Beaty Chairman Assessment Committee Committee on Elections Annual report for the year 1962 It was not necessary to purchase any new voting equipment during the year. The voting machines were inspected professionally and found to be in good working order. Once again, the committee wishes to express their thanks to Highway Superintendent, Bernard Codner and his men for setting up the machines and equipment in various polling places and removing them after elections. N..Harwood Beaty Chairman Election Committee Mr. Codner, reported on the findings to do with available snow- blowers .which may be put into operation by the Town of Queensbury, if the decision should be made to plow sidewalks with this type of equipment. Action will take place following further study. The findings on the condition of the used tank and chassis to be used to transport the used oil which is purchased by the Town of Queensbury ,were disclosed by the Superintendent. The price of the piece of equipment has proved satisfactory. Action will be taken on the purchase of same at a later date. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 240 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS, during the fiscal year 1962 the town board has authorized additional expenses not anticipated in the 1962 budget, such as two traffic control lights, improvements to the town dump, a new typewriter in the Supervisors ,office, etc. , therefore be it RESOLVED, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the - Contingent ,fund to the funds appropriated for the following purposes the amount set opposite each item: GENERAL TOWN FUND - Town offices, purchase of equipment $ 416.93 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Employees Retirement System: 22.63 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Official Bonds and Undertakings 43.00 GENERAL TOWN FUND Printing and Advertiseing 58.20 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Services of Attorney 147.50 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Town Clerk, Office Expenses 203.63 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Justices, Office Expenses 80.91 GENERA. TOWN FUND - Collector, Office Expenses 170.77 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Traf f ip Signs, Signals, -Lighting 31217.24 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Town Dump, Expenses 649.48 GENERAL TOWN FUND - Registrar of,Vital Statistics 31.50 TOTAL 51041.79 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 201 introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, during the fiscal year 1962 the town board authorized additional engineering services, not anticipated in the 1962 budget, therefore be it . RESOLVED, surplus funds in the General Town Fund, in the amount of $2,524.45,, be and the same are hereby appropriated to the General Town Fund, Services of Engineer and Expenses. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None 316 'I RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS R&SOLUTION NO. 202 introduced by Mr. . Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins W�MREAS,, additional improvements authorized by the town board were carried out in the so-chlled outside cemeteries during the year by regular cemetery employees, therefore be it RESOLVED., that the sum of $803.60 be transfered from the app- ropriation care of outside cemeteries to the appropriation, Personal Services , and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $321.75 be appropriated from. surplus finds of the Pineview Cemetery Account to the item for Personal Services. Duly adopted by the following vote: ,Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Lampson, reported on his contact with Mr. Joseph 'Quinn of the Niagara Mohawk Power Company, to do with the proposes new street lights on the Aviation Road. The actual contract will be offered for approval of the board in the near future. ANRjUAI. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR of the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY for the year 1,962 As we prepare to close out. the year 1962, I want to breifly summarize some of the accomplishments of our town government, and add a comment or two with respect to our program for the coming year. In making, this report, I realize that I may be apurping some information which will be included in town board committee reports,, but this report is intended as a summary of j all our work for the year, certainly not my work alone, TRANSITION TO A FIRST CLASS TOWN li 1 January #0 1962 our classification w � � � o as changed to a Town of the First Class. Because of planning for the change in adbance, the transition was accomplished with a minimum of difficulty. Nelw responsibilities have been assumed by our various officials, atq�Ong them Forrest J. Crannell, Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, who now receives school taxes and all water rents, in addition to town and county taxes. The new police department, under the uf spervision of LeRoy A., Phillips, Chief, is concluding the first ye'#r of operation. In our new status, the Justices of the Peace noilonger serve on the town board, however reports indicate that they are assuming an ever increasing work load of judicial duties. TM DEVELOPMENT -- j j Th{e year has shown continued and sustained development and growth. Reports of new construction have totaled 138 in number. While this isslightly under the figure of 157 for the previous year, compliance with this ordinance i.s .still not complete and for that reason the total cannot be completely relied upon. Because of a number of veiny substantial commercial and public building starts, the record for 1.962 reflects a very high level of construction measured by dollar volume, probably an all time high. Now that the ordinance hat been in operation for two years, I am asking our Board of Assessors to evalgate its worth in connection with their work, and we should have their advices shortly. t 317 ASSESSMENTS The growth and development of the town presents a continuing obligation upon our board of assessors to place this new construction properly upon the tax rolls , and at the same time maintain equitable assessments on all real property. The board of assessors, under the able and conscientious leadership of Chairman, Leon Nassi.vera, has carried out this responsibility in a commendable manner. WATER SUPPLY The board has taken significant steps toward the establishment of a town water supply and enlarged water distribution sustem. The engineering study has been completed in detail, and we have applied for a federal grant- to implement our plans. While our application has not as yet been approved, all indications point toward its favorable consideration. Meanwhile, we have provided for four limited extensions to the existing North Glens Falls Water District to meet the most urgent needs. Former board members as well as the present councilmen and Supervisor have devoted much time and effort to the development of this project over the past decade. Even an outline summary -is impossible in a report of this kind, but the implications for industrial and commercial development, planning of residential subdivisions and improved fire protection are obvious. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT r All arrangements for the sale of the Route 9 frontage of town-owned lands of the Pine View Cemetery to the Cale Development Co. , of Herkimer, have been concluded and the final closing is expected within a few days, In connection with this sale of land we have purchased, with surplus town funds, some 10.2 additional acres contiguous to the cemetery and entirely suitable for cemetery purposes. i TOWN OFFICE BUILDING !-- We have purchased from surplus funds a site for the Town Office Biilding on Aviation Road, just west of Cottage Hill, and directly opposite the new .Queensbury Senior High School, ,presently under construction. Milton L. Crandell Associates, architects, have been retained and plans are progressing for the erection of the building, with occupancy intended for September 1, 1963. TOWN PLANNING BOARD A major step forward was taken in the later part of the year by the creation and appointment of a Town Planning Board. Those persons named to the board are: Robert N. Dean, M. H. Simmonds, George J. Kushner, J. Arthur Norton, John W. Glass, Robert Kirtpatrick, and Hammond Robertson, Jr. The planning board has selected, as chairman, Mr. Kushner, Owen Avenue,, Westland. Maurice H. Simmonds, Chestnut Ridge Road,, is secretary of the board. While it is too early to evaluate actual accomplishments, it should be noted that the board is already active and functioning, and we can expect definite progress during the year ahead. HIGHWAYS I our highway improvement program has once again been completely carried out in an efficient manner, under the supervision of Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner, and with.his competent and dedicated group of highway employees. 8' Highway - continued The operation of the Highway department continues to be the most important single service performed by town government. In recent years the department has been functioning more in the capacity of a department of public works, and has assumed, at town board request, additional responsibilities for repair and construction to meet the ref irements of the many special water and sewer districts in the town, CEMETERIES Through the cooperation of the Pine View Cemetery Commission and with additional appropriations of the town board, considerable improvements have been made to town cemeteries during the year, in - addition to the usual. fine upkeep and maintenance of Pine View Cemetery, and the so-called outside cemeteries. SEWERAGE DISPOSAL STUDY Application has been made to the State of New York for a grant to ', provide for a Comprehensive Engineering Study of our needs for municipal sewerage disposal. This was done in recognition of the growing needs for these expanded services, particularly in the Upper Glen Street - Half Way Brook area of the town, as well as in the areas containing our growing residential subdivisions TM DUMP Although several problems associated with the operation of the town dump continue at the present time, such as supervision, and the nuisance caused by odors and smoke, the town board has given close attention to these and other matters. A program of correction and improvement has been initiated, and the rodent control contract with Ab4lene Pest Control Service has been continued,, It is hoped that the program to be carried out inn 1.963 will further improve the situation. MI§CELIANEOUS IMPROVE-kENTS Substantial improvements have been completed in the Reservoir Park Seder District. One new lighting district, the Pinewood Lighting District, has been established. Additional highway lighting has j been provided for, .where conditions warrented it. A considerable f number of highway traffic control signs , and street &igns, have been installed. The first two town - authorized red-amber-green traffic controltsignals have been installed at two intergeetions where traffic conditions clearly indicated their necessity.- atMain Street and Richardson Streets in West Glens Falls, and at Bay Road and Quaker Road. A school crossing patrolman has been provided for Meadowbrook Road, at the intersection with Quaker Road. .ME PROTECTION { t Our five volunteer fire companies, and three emergency and rescue squads, linked together under mutual aids have continued to give the people of the town superior protection and service. This was clearly evident in the spring of the year when a very large and disastrous ground fire swept over a vast area in the western portion. of, the town, burning many dwelling$ and much property. This fire wal finally contained by our companies, and through the cooperation, under mutual aid, of more than thirty fire companies responding from the entire area. Although our fire companies are under contract with the town, and not a department under direct town supervision, the dedicated work of the hundreds -of volunteer members of these five companies, and three emergency and rescue squads, deserves recognition j and commendation in this .report. 200th ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION A noteworthy and significant commemorative observance was held during 1962,: when we took recognition of the 200th anniversary of the granting of the Queensbury Patent. At this occasion, Miss Dorothy Wing, of Fort Edward, direct desendant of founder, Abraham Wing, presented the original Queensbury Patent to the town. The importance of this gift cannot be over enphasized. A short while before it had been valued at $2„000; as a documenteof historic importance to our town, it is irreplacable. Miss Wing's generosity, and the efforts of the anniversary committee headed by Frederick G. Bascom and Alexander Miller, Co-Chairmen,, and Howard C. Mason, Honorary Chairman, in making the observance the success that ittwas, deserve the genuine thanks of the people of the town. - FINANCES IWe have continued our policy of investing under certificates of deposit surplus funds not needed until the later part of the year„ and we have this year interest of $2,362.44 on these deposits.. earn This program should; of course, be continued,during the coming year. During the year we have paid up the last remaining installments on town indebtedness and for the first time in many years the general town government and highway department are completely free of debt. At the same time, we have continued our policy of machinery replacement for the highway department on a pay-as-you-go basis. Where it was deemed adviseable, we have raised our budget for services, such as increased support for-Crandall Library, but for the second year in a row, have provided for a lower town tax rate - a .270 decrease per $1,000. of assessment for the year 1963. The detailed financial statement for the year will be prepared and published prior to February 28, 1963,, in accordance with Town Law, and the statement concerning receipts, expenditures, and balances on hand in all accounts will be reported at the audit meeting of the board on December 29`, 1962. It should be noted now that we are closing out the year in good financial condition in all funds and accounts, and in accordance with budget estimates for 1963. SERVICES OF ATTORNEY I wish to state for the record that the various activities of the town government have required a vast amount of legal preparation and counsel. The valuable assistance given to our town government by County Attorney, Albert E. Beswick, is gratefully acknowledged. On innumerable occasions throughout the year his wise counsel and prompt attention to details has been of great assistance to the town. THE TOWN-BOARD From the items already listed in this report, it should be evident that we have concluded a very busy amd eventful year, and I want to commend the board for the true spirit of cooperation that has prevailed at all times. The work of the board has encompassed all standing -committees: Highway -- Fire Companies - Water Districts, Councilman, Harold C. Akins, Chairman; Health - Lighting - Drainage, Councilman, Curtis Lampson, Chairman; Elections , Assessments - Insurance, Councilman, N.-Harwood Beaty,, Chairman; Cemeteries - Town Dump - Speed, Councilman, Theodore Turner, Chairman. This committee work has been carried out with dispatch, and in addition, I believe that we have completed the year with virtually 10076 attendance at all regular ! and special meetings. It should be noted that the cooperation of the Town Clerk, George C. Crannef 1, in the conduct of the business of the board has been of valuable assistance throughout the year. I sincerely feel that the government of the town is functioning at a high level of efficiency, and in the best interest of all the people of the town. 32 THE YEAR AHEAD In. addition to the routine business of the town, we expect. to continue to work toward the completion of the water project, with a target date of spring construction. We, will continue our plans` for the town office building; and September 1. 1963 occupancy.. If the building is. to be constructed with existing Capital Reserve Funds, the office building must be modest in size and design, but adequate to meet the needs of the town board and the several departments of the town requiring-:office space, It will not be'possible to build facilities for a community center, where organizations can meet, etc. Basically„ it must be any office building for town government. I ',am sure that the board will agree that in 1963 we should place even greater enphasis on exploring ways and means of attracting 'industry, both large and small, to locate in the town. With our new .highways,y growth of population, and expanding town services, we should-be in an eleellent position to bring this about. I have no exact program to offer 'in this connection but we must accelerate our thinking, as a _bo'ard, in this regard. In connectioh with t.hisf the Town. Planning Bogard may be able to render valuable assistance. We .should once again encourage the creation of a Chamber of Commerce, or as an alternative, work more closely with the Glens Falls Chamber of Commerce toward the goal of industrial development, s J Weshouldencourage cooperation to the fullest possible extent, ankl coordination with,, our new planning board, t7e''Ishould give additional consideration to the matter of acquiring open land in the town for park and recreational uses.. The rapid gr wth of the town has placed a new urgency upon the board in this re ard, and ..present gtate and federal programs of assistance make thi,is an ideal time to carry this project out. Wecan expect to continue our policy of ?ay-as-you-go financing co cerning all departments and town services, including the office bu'lding_project, the only exception being improvements made in sp cial districts, which by nature require bonded indebtedness AIL of this is a big order, and much detailed work lies ahead,* but with your continued cooperation we will. carry out this program. and we will continue to give the people of the town the kind .of forward looking, progressive, and economical government .that they wait„ and deserve. Respectfully submitted , John 0, Webster, Supervisor Mr. Akins reported on the response to his contract with Mr. Kestner, to, do with sewer study application, in general. A discussion took puce on just how the plans are progressing .at this time. 'Whether the study should progress in conjunction with the City of Glens Falls islthe main topl.c to be studied at this time. Plans will be laid for a visit with Mr. Howard of the New York State Health Department for a meeting with the Town Board of Queensbury, in the near future. ` A report on the progress of the laying out -of plans for the proposed new Town Hall ,. was discussed at length at this time. . The Architect has submitted an initial plan.which was presented for study by the Town Board. � r r The contract with the Niagara Mohawk Power Company, for the estab- lishment of the Pinewood Lighting District was presented by the clerk. The board in its entirety signed the contract and same will be del-- iv�red to the Niagara Mohawk Power Company for completion. i 321 December 24, 1962 Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls , N. Y. Dear John: Re: Extension No. 9 I have prepared and enclose herewith the original -and three copies of an order to be adopted by your Town Board establishing Extension No. .9 to thd' North Glens Falls Water District. The original is entered -in your minutes of the Meeting at which it is adopted and I ,should like the three copies t.certified and returned to me. ' I shall need two of them in connection with your application to the Water Resources Commission -and I would like the third copy for my file. Please note that Y .have left blank in the order the date when the order was adopted for the hearing and the ,date of the hearing and these dates should be filled in. I am sure you gave ,me the dates but I do not have them at hand. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick At a Meeting of the Town Boar`d of the Town 'of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y., held at the Queensbury School on the 27th day of December, - Present: John 0. Webster, 'Supervisor Harold C. Akins, Councilman N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman (Absent) Curtis Lampson, Councilman Theodore Turner, Councilman,, i In the Matter of the Petition for the Establishment of Extension No. 9 to the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law. A petition in this matter for the establishment of Extension No. 9 to' the North Glens Falls Water, District having been duly presented to the Town Board, together with the necessary map and plan attached thereto, and an order having been' duly adopted by the Town Board on November 22, 1962, for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter on the 13th day of December, 1962, at 7:3b o'clock, P. M., at the Queensbury School, and due notice having been given, and a hearing having been held by the Town Board at such time and place and all persons inter- ested having been heard, and by reason of the fact that the cost of the improvement in proposed Extension No. 9 will be paid by the owners of the real property in the extension and it will not be necessary to finance such improvement by the sale of Obliga- tions under the Local Finance Law and no application to the State Department of Audit and Control for permission to establish such extension will be required, it is hereby ORDERED AND DETERMINED that the said petition was signed and acknowledged and proved as required by law and otherwise is sufficient;: that all the property and property owners within the proposed. extension will be benefited thereby; 322 that all property and property owners to be benefited by the proposed extension are included within the limits of the pro- posed extension, and that it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought by said petition, and it is further , hereby ORDERED AND DETERMINED that an extension be established to the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York to be designated as Extension No. 9 to the North Glens Falls Water District and to be of the follow- ing description and boundaries: ° 1tAll that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the center line of Country Club Road which marks the northerly limits of the existing North Glens Falls Water District, said point being 175 feet northerly from the intersection of the center line of Country Club Road with the center line of Quaker Road, and running thence westerly and parallel to the center line of Quaker Road and 175 feet distant therefrom to a point -oti the easterly line of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence north llo 301 east along the easterly line of Niagara Mohawk a distance of 360.88 feet, more or less , to the point where the easterly line of Niagara Mohawk intersects the north line of lands of Gwynneth R. DeLong; thence south 710 341 east along the northerly line of DeLong a distance of 626.35 feet to the center line of the Country Club Road, and thence southerly along the center line of Country ,Club Road to the place of beginning." Dated: December 27, 1962 Theodore- Turner John 0. Webster H. C. Akins Curtis Sampson Members of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York USOLUTiON NO. 203 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Akins. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Robert Norton to make application to the City of Glens Falls for water service to a llot situated at Lindon, corner of Park Place, thereby becoming a w ter customer of the City of Glens Falls, and that a copy of this Ir solution be forwarded tb° the City Water Board, and to,Robert Norton.. D ly adopted by the following vote: A es - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. N es None Allengthly study of the plans for the proposed new Town Hall was e�joyed by all members of the Town Board.. on motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk