1962-12-29 SP Special Audit Meeting December 29, 1962 15resent: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis lAmpson Councilman Harold Akins _ Councilman E The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A. M. Robert A. Reid, M.D. 6 Bacon Street Glens Falls , N,. Y. December 27th, 1962 Mr, John Webster P.O.. Box 86 Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mr. Webster and Members of the Queensbury Town Board: The following is to report on my activities ascQueens- bury Health Officer during the year 1962. Thisyear` there were five clinics instead of the usual i four, held n Queensbury School. On April 17th triple toxoids and vaccinations were done; on May 9th the same. On June 16th vaccinations, triple toxoids and polio shots were given. On October 24th and November 28th polio shots were given. In all there were 750 immunization procedures carried out. Bathing beaches were visited and inspected and bath- ing permits issued again. Last year I reported that, with the cooperation of the owner of Animal Land, we had set up a method of handling any bites which might occur from tourists or visitors passing through the premises on Animal Land. As far as I know, there were no bites this year. As always, the majority of my telephone work and the majority of my paper work went into the attempt to satisfy those people with complaints which actually do not fall within the realm of public health, anyway. Most frequently this is a mat- ter of the next-door neighbor running his car far into the eve- ning when somebody else is trying to sleep, making a lot of noise, etc.. Frequently the complaints (especially in summertime) are those of the odor associated with outdoor privies and most of the rest of the complaints have to do with sewerage or septic tank over flow. I would appreciate your cooperation in attempting to educate your constituents when it comes to matters of nuisances. If a person complains of odor (unless associated with some poisonous gasp) or if people complain of noisy parties, breaking bottles, honking horns, there is nothing that falls within my jurisdiction or yours, as the Board of Health, in these situa- tions. Several potential problems were headed off. One of these had to do with the long-continued practice of cows wading through Lake Sunnyside at one poi}it. This situation was correct- ,ea after a number of calls and discussions and was Largely settled by John Webster. A rather potentially serious problem had to do with septic tank drainage into an open ditch. This apparent- ly had been going on for a long time on Everts Avenue. It *as only after new tenants moved in that the problem came to the fore. Upon investigating the problem I could see no ready solu- tion since the potential drainage fields was very swampy. 394 However, ,we coAtacted Mr. William Lee, an engineer with the Dist- rict Health Department, and he and the owner of the property, Mr. Richard Lee (no relation) , were able to arrive at a solution. Hardly a week goes by without several reports from troopers or other interested personnell in regard to dog bites or occasionally, animal bites other than dogs. I would like to- ca-11 your attention to the problem I Investigated a year ago last fall in the Wilson Avenue neighbor- hood. This had to do• with: the stagnant water atound the old terra cotta works and subsequent breeding of rats. I recently t lked to Mr. Andrew Brown:, who was in on the original discussion. o the problem, and he states that he called in exterminators who apparently, at least for the present, have gotten rid of the rats. How this was done I am not sure and it would also be worth while in pointing out that if some rats bred there one time they will do so again. There were no major expenses connected with my work this year. If at any time any of you have questions, or perhaps instructions, I would be most happy to talk these over with you. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Reid, M.D. Realth Officer, - Town of Queensbury GLENS FALLS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Glens Falls, N. Y. - December 28, 1962. Mr. John O. Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Chestnut Ridge Road t Glens Falls, New York Delar John: _ The beginning of a New Year is to me a very appropriate occasion to look back upon the many associations and experiences which have made the past year so pleasant. ' r We at the Glens Falls National Bank are- grateful to you for the opportunity you ;have given us to serve you and the Town` of, Queensbury; and we look forward to a long and pleasant association with you in the future. I hope that you and yours will enjoy a New Year filled with good health and prosperity. Sincerely yours, Robert! P. Larson - Executive Vice President RE§GLUTION NO. 204 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson. R OLVED, that the following renewal bonds of Forrest Crannell, Re eiver of taxes and assessments, George C. Crannell, Town Clerk, Be nard Codner, Superintendent of Highways; John 0 Webster, Supervisor; Eugene Johnson, care taker of dump;. and- Public Employees (Police Department)- be and the same are hereby approved as to form,; am=eiver t, surety, and manner of execution: of Taxes and Assessments - Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond # 82-33=.94 Public Official Bond $50,000. Town Clerk - Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #82-33-73 Public Official Bond $4,000. Highway Superintendent - Glens Falls Insurance Bond #82-33-93 Public Official Bond $4,000. Supervisor - Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #82-33-91 Publis Official Bond $20,000. Care taker of the dump - Glens Falls Insurance Company Bond #82-34-51 Public Official Bond $4,000. Public Efnployees (Police) Glens Falls Insurance Bond #82-34-61 t Public Official Bond $49000. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner* Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None - t - The following were read by the clerk and ,placed on file: Report Ending December 28, 1962 Andrew R. Butz, Justice of Peace, Town of Queensbury 4 Total Monies colected from Jan. 1, 1962 to Dec. 28, 1962 $3270-30 Total Monies sent in to State Dept. of Audit & Control 2657.30 Money to be sent in now on hand $613.00 42 Summons issued for dog cases 22 Sumary proceedings 44 Criminal cases and offenses 12 Criminal indictable cases 6 Civil compromise conservation cases 424 Vehicle and Traffic cases 550 Total cases handled by this court to date 32 Complaints on which we refused to issue a warrent 21 Vehicle and Traffic cases now pending 7 Weddings conducted 30 People were helped in filling out traffic waivers -----' 4 Ca- des --we collected bail on warrents issued out of this court -and forwarded bail to court having jurisdiction -Notarized numerous papers for 'Downs people. Money- now being held as bail and civil fees in pending cases - - $ 107.10 - - Andrew R. Butz - - 1962 ANNUAL REPORT . - r MEREDITHrS. BENTLEY • - Justice of the Peace - --- - Cases Completed --V-&- T - - 809• - Penal Law 23 Conservation - 3 Civil - 49 _Dog __ r 28 ------ _ _ - Total- -917 -Pending-Cases r - 14 Payments to Comptrolter to-date - $6493.10 -Payme- ts- due Jan.-10,-1963- 445.50 --------- -- Meredith S. Bentley Dated: Dec. 29, 1962. Mustice of the Peace Mr, Peter Holmes, Superintendent of Ridge Road Water District„ reported on activity of the year 1962. There was one new tap for water during the year. This location was a newly constructed gas station at- the= corner of Ridge and Quaker Road. 326 FORREST J. CRANNELL Collector of Taxes and Assessments Town of Queensbury 7 Richardson Street _ Glens Falls 40, New York TOWN & COUNTY TAXES 1962 Total amount collected $5331,261.77 Paid to Supervisor 2131478.56 Fees paid to Supervisor 19292.49 . WATER RENTS West Glens Falls Dist, 310867.24 West Glens Falls Ext, 541.83 North Glens Falls Dist, 81,312.92 North Glens Falls Ext. 119812.21 Shore Colony 546.00 Ridge Road 11285.95 .' Fees from school taxes paid `to Supervisor 366.79 Lengthy discussion to do with the overall operation of the office of the Collector of Taxes & Assessments, took place at this time. Considerable discussion to do with the handling of the numerous different collections which the collector is faced with were aired to the board at this time, Report of the Supervisor to the Town Board - Audit meeting 12/29/62 Balances in all bank accouhts Fund or Account Balance Balance Anticipated is 12/31/61 12131/62 1963 Budget. Highway Fund 15/437.95 191,203.87 ------------- General Town Fund 219677.79 21,840.53 20,000.00 Reservoir Pk. Sewer Bond Acct.----- 19804.70 ---------- Reservoir Pk. Sewer Dist. 610.10 303.60 ------------- West G.F.Water District 159207.33 169096.85* 159000.00 West G.F.Water Dist.Ext#1 1,672.09 1,546:09 575.00 West G.F.Water Dist.Ext#l, Bond Act 39002.54 29452.54 ------------- North G.F.Water Dist, 982.04 696.29 ------------- North G.F.Water Dist.Ext#1 1,911.25 31675.17 -------------- Ridge Road Water Dist„ 61526.97 69349.03** 61000.00 Shore Colony Water Dist. 450.22 678.40 400.00 Cleverdale Lighting Dist, 40.91 54.95 ------------ Ft.Amherst-Garr.Rd Lght.Dist. 30.02 34.50 ------------ Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District 709.24 709.24 500.00 Queensbury Drainage Dist. 103.39 134.68 ----------- Capital Reserve Fund 261198.19 30,307.23*** ------------ Agency & Trust Account -------- ------ ----------- Queensbury Fire P.D. 284.19 334.76 100.00 Capital Note Account -------- 49207.53 ----------- Bond_& Interest Acct. -------- ------- ----------- Payroll Account -------- ------ ----------- Pine View Cemetery Account 2,044.85 3` 593.35 ----------- 9005V,V/ IL49U23. , Comments regarding bank balances West Glens Falls Water District Balance* includes 110,000. under Certificate of Deposit ** Ridge Road Water District balance includes $4,000. under. dertificate of deposit ** Capital Reserve Fund balance includes $20,000. under Certi- ficate of deposit. Capital Reserve Fund also holds securities in the amount of $14,700. Total assets in Capital Reserve Fund now total $45,007.23 Assets a year ago 12/31/1961 were $43,948.19. Gain in assets during the year were $1,059.04, made up as follows: Interest on Cert, of Deposit $526.54 Interest on Securities - Bonds 457.50 Storehouse 75.00 .�+ The balances in all funds where a balance was anticipated in the 1963 budget more ,tha4 covers the budget estimate. Last year we had a surplus balance in the General Fund, after budget estimate of ,$11,677.79, and this year this surplus balance is only $1,840.53, however it should be pointed out that we have paid from the General Fund $6,000. for the cemetery land and $8,000. for the Town office building site. A total of $14,000. We have received a deposit payment from the Cale Development Co. of $5,000. so the net outlay for +.. _ land purchase from the General Fund. has bgen $9,000. These transcations were made late in the year by decision of the board, and could not be included in the 1963 budget decisions. I feel that we are closing out the year in good condition to conduct the business of the town for the year ahead, Respectfully submitted: John 0. Webster, Supervisor RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE SURPLUS-FUNDS IN ITEM NO. 3 OF THE HIGHWAY FUND RESOLUTION NO. 205 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, 'there now exists a unappropriated balance of $3,418.90 in item #3 of the highway fund resulting from income for machinery rentals of $3,395.35 earned in November 1962, and from a refund of $23.55 from Sears Roebuck '& Co. , in November 1962, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the amount of `$3,418.90 be and the same is hereby appropriated to Item #3, MACHINERY REPAIR. Duly adopted by the following vote: , Aye& - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None Mr. Bernard Codner thanked the board for all favors during the year 1.962. Appreciation of the extensive cooperation extended to him by all members of the board. December 29, 1962 I am pleased to submit the following report of the efforts of the Town Clerk. CONSERVATION LICENSES 389 - Hunting & Fishing $97.25 351 - Resident Hunting & N.R. 87.75 920 - Resident Fishing & N.R. 230.00 853 - Big Game Licenses 213.25 15 - Resident Trapping & N.R. 3.75 7 - N.R. Big Game 1.75 9 - Archery 2.25 17 - Lost Licenses 4.25 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES & FILINGS 1399 - Dog Licenses 349.75 80 . Marriage Licenses 120.00 589 - Chattel Mortgages 294.50 !— 59 Chattel & Conditional Discharges 29.50 55 - Conditional & Chattel .Assignments 55.00 384 - Conditional Sales 192.00 18 - Explosive Licenses 9.00 3 - Junk Dealers License 15.00 53 - Transcripts 53.00 5 - Searching Records 2."50 2 - Bingo Licenses 120. 0 2 - Carnival Permits 200.00 328 Town Clerk's Report (continued) lL - Delinquint Dog License Report 3.70 Amount returned. by County on Dog License Sales • 1,910.00 Total Amount Town share of fees for year 1962 $3,994.20 Amount paid to County Clerk for Conservation Licenses 8j802.25 Amount paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 31129.00 - s Amount paid to -State Health Dept. for Marriage Lisc. v 40.00 The grand total of the amount collected by Town Clerk for the year of 1962. 15,965.45 - At' the close of my first year in office, I would like to take this tine to thank each and every member of the Town Board for the patient way in which you coached my wife and I in the Handiling of the office of Town Clerk6 I would state at this time that even though at the beginning the undertaking seemed to be a tremendous challenge for my wife and I, we have enjoyed every minute of it. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous 1963. Respectfully submitted, George and Marion Crannell RE§OLUTION NO. 206 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty. c � WHEREAS, the Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, Supt. of Highways„ • Town Clerk, and Receiver. of Taxes and Assessments, -andtWater Supts. ,, have presented to the Town Board dockets , cancelled checks, vouchers,, minute books, cash books , water ledgers, and other records for examination and audit by the board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that after examination, =this board finds such books and records have been accurately kept and that all moneys coming into -� the hands of the several officers of the town have been property accounted for and paid out according to law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mx. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Nocs None Mr4 Webster, reported on new regulations of the State Health Dep- artment to do with operations of Dumps within towns and Muncipalities. The restrictions for new operations have been revised to a great extent and must be coped with in the future. On !,motion the meeting was adjourned. - R.espectr—;r 1 subm' ed )M"rge anne ll - - -Town Clerk -