1959-07-29 SP _ 179 230 E.C. Martin. & Son Bal.due as per contract on heater units ,for Town of Q. Storehouse _ 644.18 644.18 231 Lee W. Lavery 10:0 stamped envelopes for NGFWD 4.64 4.64 232 James Maranville Rebate on water rent-NGFWD 14.90 N.A. 233 Dan Dutra Lowering transits water-main Carleton Drive-NGFWD 160.00 160.00 234 City of G.F. - - - WatervFd. Misc.serv.Hydrant WGFWD 8.35 8.35 235 City. of G.F. _ Waterr_Fd. Thawing hydrants-WGFWD 26.48 26.48 236 R.G.,Landry,, Bus, 1 Meilink safe mod.2UB Machines for Supervisor 135.00 135.00 237, Edward Daniels Rebate.-water rent WGFWD 6.00 6..00 238 F.Leo Spain,, Prem, on Frank Cow3.e!,:s-Bond -Agency ._(P.V.. Ceps.) - - 33.75 33.75 239 Leo-M. Steves Serv.rendered surveying,app. _.by Town Surveyor 14.25 14.25 240 Allen F. Towers Serv.rendered surveying,app. - -by Town Surveyor 16.75 16.75 2136.99 $2122.09 On motion the meeting adjourned. �.c,<.t tad Phi Frances L. rner Town Clerk. Special Meeting July 29, 1959 Present LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Rarold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley B. Miller Councilman Absent: Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. The following letter was read to the Board: WEST GLANS FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. 11 INC. -West-Glens .Falls, New York July 29,E 1959 Town Board Town of Queensbury Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York Dear Sirs:- We, members of the West Glens Falls Fire Company, would like per- mission to have a fireworks display an Saturday, August 8, 1959. The display is being conducted by the Amsterdam Fireworks Company on our grounds on the Luzern Road. _ Thank you. /s/ Leon S. Richardson Chief. Resolution No. 95- introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded ,by Mr. Miller: RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to the West Glens Falls Fire Company No. 1, Inc.. to have a display of fireworks on Saturday, August 8, 1959 as follows :: Display---by the Amsterdam Fireworks Company Place---Firemen's Grounds , L-azerne Road RESOLVED that there shall be issued a Certificate of Insurance to r " cover such- display in the following amounts: Bodily Ir. fiiry - onA person, $50,,000 180 Each Accident 1000000 Property damage--each accident 101.000 aggregate 25,1000 With the Insurance. Companyts seal affixed to such certificate. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noe s z none_. - The Certificate of Insurance was- filed in connection with the above Resolution._ . On motion the Meeting adjourned. -- �A"nv i.��Tur'.e­rO-)-.­' -Town Clerk. Public Hearing, August 12, 1959 Present:: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Absent: Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Gordon reported that he had received a call from Mr. Lampson who advised him that he would, not be present on account of illness, Inasmuch as a quorum was not present, on motion the meeting adjourned. . d Frances L. Turner . - Town Clerk Regular Meeting August 22., 1959 Present: r LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Councilman. Stanley-.B.- Miller Councilman Absent: Harold Akins Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. The following communications were read to the Board:: • 22 Boulevard Glens Falls,, N. Y June 2fi„ 1959 Town Board of Queensbury Warren County; N. Ye. Dear Members There is a very great need for a constable in the South Queensbury District. 181 The taxpayers in this area are not being properly serviced. The only constables in this area are in West Glens Falls and North Queens- bury and `they do not service this area. _ Therefore to give proper protection to the taxpayers of South Queensbury we need a constable and I would like to apply for this posi- tion. S have for three years belonged to the constables' association. I have studied the laws as the state requires;- learned several defense procedures and first aid, and feel I am well qualified to handle all aspects of a constablel's duties of this area. I am a resident of South Queensbury and a voter in the township, stable.and married. I would appreciate your consideration of this application. Very truly yours, Lowell F. Hill August 19, 1959 I,, Alonzo Clark,, wish to make application for special constable of the Town of Queensbury for one dollar a year. Signed, . -Alonzo H. Clark The above matters we're laid on the table. + The following letters were read:: WARREN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE ' August: 7, 1959 Mrs . Bett Turner Ridge- Road Glens Falls, N. Y.- Dear Mrs. Turner: I would like to recommend the following as Inspectors in the Town of Queensbury: . District #3 Mrs. Sophie Dunlavey - Rose Stott. - Also in District #4 Mrs. Betty -Eckhert in place of Mrs. Viola Booch. Thank you-, /s/ D. Frank Sullivan Chairman Warren County Democratic Committee STANLEY. la. MILLER 5 Pershing Road , Glens Falls, N. Y. ' August 22,,, 195:9 Mrs. Frances Turner Town Clerk„ Tow of Queensbury P.O. Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mrs. Turner: Please substitute'the name of Mrs. Percy Rozell Upper. Sherman Ave.: P.O. Glens Fall's, N. Y. for that of ' Mrs. Hazel Smith ti -182 as a Republican Inspector of Elections from District Number 4, Town of Queensbury. _ Very truly yours,, lsl Stanley B. Miller ' Committeeman., District #4 Resalution Na. 96 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Iampson: - RESOLVED that the following of electior�_as follower be and are hereby appointed inspectors Republican Democrat E.D. #3 Mrs. Sophie Dunlavey. Rose Mott E.D. #4 Mrs. Geraldine Rozell Mrs. Betty Eckhart as are in the recommendations set forth above. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none I _ The following communication was read to the Board:: Miss Frances L. Turner Buena Vista Ave. R.D. Glens -Falls, N. Y. ' Mr. Ralph M. Nestle August 7, 1959 Assessor . Town of Queensbury 3 June Drive Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mr. Nestle:: Thank you for your letter of July 30th in which you explain your basis for increasing the assessment. We agree that you are entirely correct in utilizing 4% of the market value of any piece of property, and the improvements thereon, for assessment purposes . -and we have no objection as to the portion of tax that we pay in actual dollar value. However, we must insist that our assessment be strictly proportional to the assessments on other property. Now if you insist on adjusting the market value of a piece of property and the improvements thereon each time it passes hands, it will- undoubtedly ffiean that those pierces of prop- erty that do not change hands will gradually have a mach lower assessment. This is unfair. If you are going to reassess our property to the 1959 market value, then we must insist that other pieces of property in the area be reassessed also to the 1959 market value. In properly organized districts assessments are normally as= reassessed periodically and by reassessing an entire area at one time you are able to keep all the ' ' i owners' assessments in the same proportional value. This is the only fair way to handle this. In between reassessments the area is able td maintain its tax requirements by adjusting the mill rate to suit.. With reference to the transfer price shown when we took occupancy of this residence , we must advise you that there were. Certain other items which were included in the transfer price, such as, the strove, dishwasher, etc. The transfer price also included •the rental of the 'house for a period of six months. In my personal opinion I feel that you have been in 183 IRRE �He� r t e. tit` s $gd eft l ffifva4eatin the transfer. I repeat, I feel that the market value of our property shquld remain at the same market value it was previously, unless you intend to reassess the market value of all the houses in the immediate area.. It is only fair that we pay a tax in proportion to the market value of our house when determined at the same time as the market value of the adjoining; properties. You state that since we were not represented on Grievance Day, the assessment will stand for the purposes for this year and in January, 1960. This I consider also to be a highly dictatorial attitude. You pick out- in which a person is to report, without making any effort to determine whether or not that day happens to be suitable. In my ,case I was on the other side of the continent. I am sure that you are nqt so busy that you could not afford to have two or three, or, as I know of some cases on the West Coast, four separate days for grievances, spread one week apart. If you were to have a number of grievance days, then there would be justification for your saying that if a person were not represented, the tax would have to stand. Consequently, I feel perfectly in order and actually legally right in insisting that this question be reopened. I do not plan to allow you to reassess our property without reassessing the other property in the area., Again, I repeat, I have no objection to the assessment value on my, home as long as it is.in proportion to the assessed value of the other homes in the area. At the moment having done some preliminary checking in the area, I believe that ours is completely out of line. The only issue at hand.here is one of fairness and equality and if you can show me that my assessment is correct when considered in proportion to the market value in the area, why I would be quite happy to let the matter rest. I am sending a copy of this letter to the Town Councilmen and Town Clerk they in turn may consider the question of having only one . Grievance Day. If there were more than one Grievance Day, certainly one of may arguments against this reassessment would have been eliminated. My present plans are to be in Glens Falls during the week of .-- August 17,th, and I: trust that you will see -fit to favor me with a reply . and arrange for us to get together to discuss this matter further and to look at the comparative assessments of other properties sometime during that week. Sincerely yours, Is/ Oliver A. Laskso cc: Mr. Curtis Lampson Mr,. Stanley-R. Miller Miss Frances L. Turner In connection with the above communication the following copies of letters were enclosed therewith: Buena Vista Ave. R.D. #2 Glens .Falls, N. Y.- July 27, 1959 Board of Assessors Town of Queensbury 'Marren County Glens Falls, N. Y. - i Gentlemen: . I I I em, attaching. herewith a copy of the assessment notice, which you furnished to me on. the. 26th of June. This notice stipulated that the Board of Assessors would meet on the 2nd Tuesday of July. I had planned to attend this meeting in order to obtain additional information on the revised assessment, but.unfor- tunately business on the West Coast and in Mexico did not permit me to 184 return to Glens Falls in time to attend the meeting. I think you. can well understand that it would have been impractical fov me to fly home and then go back out to the Coast for a detail such as this.. However, I still wish to obtain information -on the increased assessment, First, ure note that you have specified our property as being on Miller Road. This seems like a rather inadequate description, and it may be that you have confused our property with someone else's. -Secondly, there have. been no modifications or improvements made to this property since the last assessment. Would you be so kind as to advise me, in writing, as to when we may arrange to sit down to discuss this subject in some detail. My present plans will allow me to be in Glens Falls on July 30th3, 31st, and throughout the week of Qugust 3rd to August. 8th inclusive. Your advice by return mail will be very Bch appreciated. Sincerely yours, cc : Town Council /s/ Oliver Laskso TOWN OF QUEENSBURY July 30, 1959 Oliver Laskso Buena Vista Ave, R.D. #2, Glens _Falls, N. Y.. My dear Mr. Laskso,. All assessments should reflect the market value of a parcel of property. In the Town of Queensbury W of the market value is used for assess- ment purposes. As the 1958 assessment roll will show, the board of Assessors felt that the parcel you just purchased would sell. for 448,000 on the open market, therefore, an assessment of $7,000 was used. -However„ the transfer sheet showing you as the new owner also showed that you paid $20_,000. Inasmuch as the Board'is prior appraisal was a little shy of the true market value, the- assessment was raised to $8,000 on the 1959 assessment roll to reflect this $20,000 sale price. You were not represented at Grievance Day and so this assessment will stand for tax purposes for this year and in January 1960.. If you feel there is an error someplace your board of assessors is always willing to listen prior to raking the new roll in 1960* Incidentally, Miller Road is the old name for Aviation Road and. appears as such on the old records maps. Respectfully, /s/ Ralph M. Nestle Assessor Town of Queensbury To Oliver Laskso R.D. #2., Glens -Falls, N. Y. Pursuant to Section 26-a of the Tax Law you are hereby notified that the assessment: of your property described on Miller Rd, has been increased. Tentative increased assessment $80000 Assessment previous year . . . . .7,200 Net increase of assessment 800 Dated . . . June, 1959 The assessors will meet on the second Tuesday of July next at . a'clock in the Queensbury Central School at 9 to-12 and 4 to 7 in the Town to hear and examine all complaints in relation to assessments on application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. 185. The following letter of resignation was received and read: Mr. LeRoy Gordon July 29, 1959 Foster Avenue Glens Falls, N. Y&'_ Dear Mr. Gordon This is to officially inform you that I am resigning as Superin- tendent of' the Shore: Colony Water District as of August 1st, 1959. If you wish I will always be glad to help whenever possible or in an emergency. I will try to help without any compensation. - I have enjoyed the past two months work,, and am sorry I could not continue. Sincerely, Isj George W. Bonn A� No. 97 introduced: by Councilman Miller,. seconded by Council- man Lampson:. RESOLVED that the resignation of Mr. Bann as superintendent �of the Shore Colony Water District be and the same is hereby accepted with regrets. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none - - Resolution No. 98 inttoduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Coun- eilman Miller: WHERFAS a vacancy exists in the position of superintendent of the Shore Colony Water District caused by the resignation of George W. Bonn, therefore be it,re RESOLVED that William Ireland be and is hereby appointed super- _ intendent of the Shore Colony.Water District to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Bann. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none The following communications were read to the Board: JAMES D. GRIFFIN Country Club Road, R.F.D._ Glens Falls, N.Y. - 11 August 59 Marren County Highway Department 261 Main-Street (crossed out) Warrensburg, New York Attn. Mr.. Osborne; Thank you for the "Children at Play"Fsigns just erected on our Country Club Road-which we-assume in response to our appeal to the Town Board and their resultant resolution to you - let us hope and pray that they convey the message to the speed demons who in increasing numbers are using this bypass around Miller Hill going to and from Lake George. Now - if we can only get the Good Sheriff - off the Lake long enough to instigate an occasional Patrol - thru the publicity of an arrest or two- then you can be assured - that we your neighbors on this Country Club 486 Road - will be most. appreciative of your attempts to lessen the nazards now existing in the continuing excessive speed of travel and with utter disregard to signs thereon. To you and the Town Board - we are most appreciative and sincerely grateful for your cooperation. J.D. Griffin Cordially Town Board Gentlemen our Thanks - lets hope that the Signs assist in reducing the still continuing excessive speed on this Mile long straightaway. I think Harley Purdy made you a good suggestion in 'recommending to you the establishment of a Town Patrol or Police Force - with the Sheriff4s office and the State policy pleading -too busy and too much to.,do - perhaps our own officer would be the srolution. Again our Thanks. J.I . Griffin June 21 1959 Mr. Albert E. Beswick County Attorney COPY, Glens Fallss New York Dear Sir: In.connection with the improvement of the Meadow Run-Round Pond- Ridge Road, County Road to. 17, plans call for 'the relocation af a portion of this road across the lands of the Glens Falls Country Club to divert traffic away from the Club entrance. In order to accomplish this I understand that the Country Club officials are willing to deed the necessary right-of-way for this improvement to the County, providing the County will relocate a town highway running from the Club entrance to the south easterly side of Glen Lake. The proposed relocated town highway would commence at the junction of the- Country Club and Round Pond county roads and run north- erly across the properties of the Country Club and Elizabeth Mannis Swan, a distance of about 1700 feet, and at which point it would inter- sect the existing town highway above mentioned. Before the County undertakes to construct this proposed, new Town highway,. I feel that a resolution of the Board of Supervisors will-be required. - If you concur in this will you plea.;5e prepare the necessary resolution for the June Sth meeting of the Board. Enclosed is a map showing the location of this proposed town high- way* Sincerely, Isl Herrick Osborne County Supt. Highways WARREN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Superintendent"s Office August 103 1959 Mr. LeRoy Gordon Supervisor Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir: Relative to the new proposed town highway across the Glens Falls Country Club property to Glen Lakes, I wish to infom you that insuf- ficient Pands In this yearns appropriation will not permit construction of that road during the present season. However, when work is resumed on the __Mead(ni-Run-Round Pond-Ridge is Road county road next year, this proposed town highway will be inclu- ded in the work and will consist of cutting the necessary right-of- way, grading and graveling the road to modern standards for a highway of this classification. After this has been donex the entire road will be given an application of calcium chloride. Board.I trust this will meet with the approval of the Queensbury Town Sincerely lsl Herrick Osborne County Supt. .Highways COPY- May 4, 1959 Mrs. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk _ Glens Falls , New York Dear Mrs. Turner: Pursuant to Section 284 of the Highway Law g y � approval is herewith granted to amend your Special Improvement Expenditure Schedule "A" under subdivision 8 as.follows: In place of paving the Potter Road from the Aviation Road north- erly for a distance of 2600 ft. ,, substitute Potter Road beginning 1/4 mile easterly of its intersection with the- Parklap Westmountain county road and running easterly a distance of 1/2, mi_.. Please attach this amended approval, to the original "Agreement.", Very truly yours, lsl Herrick Osborne County Supt. Highways ALBERT E. BESVICK . Attorney at Lav . Glens Falls , New York Mr, LeRoy Gordon _ August 19, 1959 Foster Avenue Glens Falls, New York Dear Roy: Re :: Donald Higgins Enclosed is deed from Tom Rogers and Cleo H. Rogers, his wife, to the Town of Queensbury, conveying parcel on the opposite side of Meadow Lane. from the Higgins property, and, a proposed quit claim deed from the Town of Queensbury to Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers, conveying back to them the portion of the present right of way of Meadow Lane. I also enclose the description used in this quit claim deed prepared by Jotin Van Dusen. Also, I have prepared and enclose proposed resolution-authorizing the relocation of Meadow Lane by accepting the new deed from Rogers , and authorizing you to convey-the old portion to Rogers. This will carry out what apparently has been agreed upon to bring, the Higgins house .within the set back line:. After the Town Board has adopted this resolution, will you please execute the quit claim deed acid return it to me. Yours very truly, /s/ Albert E. Beswick The folldwing communication was read to the Board; ROBERT J. NOLAN Attorney and Counselor at Law Glens Falls , N. Y. - Mrs. Frances Turner August 20, 1959 338 Ridge Street Glens- Falls, New York .188 Dear Mxs. Turner: Please., present the proposed petition- to the Board mt at their meeting Saturday, August 22nd. You will note that a public hearing is required, and the date of same should be included in the resolution. Thanking you for your cooperation, I remain Very truly yours, /s/ Robert J. Nolan. The following was also presented: ROBERT J. NOLAN' Attorney and .Counselor at Law Glens Falls, New York - August 19,: 1959 Town Board Town of Queensbury, New York Dear Sirs: I- hand you herewith the following: a. Petition by James A. Parker and William P. Simmonds for the extension of the -Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District. b. Schedule A showing a description of the extension. c. Map prepared by John Van Dusen,, licensed surveyor, showing addition. d. Proposed resolution in triplicate. Would you kindly issue an order setting a date for a public hearing. I will take care of publication in the paper and the posting of the notices Thanking you for your cooperation, I remain y Very truly yours, Robert J. Nolan in connection therewith, the following petition was received and filed:: TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK '@fie, the undersigned,, being the owners of all the taxable real property situate in the proposed extension of the boundaries of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, do hereby petition your Honorable Board that said district be extended to include the property of your petitioners, which property is located in the Town of Queens- bury, County of Warren, State of New York,; wholly outside of any incor- porated village,. .and wholly within the Town of Queensbury, and which proposed extension is more particularly described in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. On file with the Town of Queensbury is a map showing the bound- aries of the .proposed extension, which map shows the sewer facilities which it is contemplated will be used in the Sewer District; that said facilities are wholly located within the Town of Queensbury.. That said map has been prepared by John VanDusen of the Town of -- Queensbury, Warren County, New York, a Civil Engineer, duly licensed to practice his profession in the State of New York. That in the extension of the Sewer- District it is not contemplated that any moneys will be expended for the acquisition of land.. y 189 That it is contemplated that the existing sewers as previously installed will be utilized. -That it is not proposed that in the. extension of said District that the cost thereof shall be financed by the issuance of,bonds, notes, certificates, or-other evidence of indebtedness of the Town or of the Sewer District but, rather,; that the-District extension. shall be .self.. supporting by virtue of current looal_assessment of those property owners receiving the benefits; that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 19.4,; Subdivision 4,; of the Town Law,; the permission as approved of the State Comptroller is not required, That it is contemplated; upon 'the extension of said District, that the agreement presently existing between the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer: District and the City of Glens Falls be modified -to include the �— property of your petitioners herein;` that said City, by resolution duly adopted, has indicated their approval to dispose of the sewage accumulated , pursuant to the provisions of Section 120A- of the General Municipal Law. The cost of formation of the extension of the Sewer District shall be assessed by the Town Board against each property holder according to the benefit which each property holder will derive therefrom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto havehereunto subscribed their names this 18th day of July, 1959. i /s/ Je2e9 S. Parker STATE OF NEW YORK ss:) /s/ William P. Simmonds. COUNTY OF WARREN. } On this 18th day of July, 1959; before me, the subscriber, person- ally appeared JESSE S. PARKER and WILLIAM P. SIMMONDS to me personally known and known to me to be the same-persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same. William E. Philion Notary Public SCHEDULE A JESSE S. PARKER That certain piece parcel or lot of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, Warren' County, New York, being Lots Nos. 6 and 7, on Block No. 14, shown on map of *First Subdivision Broad Acres, Glens Falls, N.Y.1 filed in the Warren County Clerk4s Office on the 10th day of June, 1930, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Broadacres Road at the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 5, Block 14, as shown on said map; thence running easterly along the southerly side of Broadacres Road ninety-nine and sixty-five one hundred- ths (99:.65) feet; thence on a curare to the right a distance of thirty-one and forty-seven one hundredths (31.47) feet to a point on the westerly side of Ashley Place; thence running southeasterly along the westerly side of Ashley Place one hundred seventy-seven and twenty-three one hun- dredths (177,23) feet to the southeasterly corner of Lot No. 7; thence running south seventy-one (71) degrees twenty-one (21) minutes west one hundred ten and twenty-four one hundredths (110.24) feet to the south- westerly corner of Lot No. 7; thence running north-thirty-two (32) degrees six (06) minutes west ninety-one and twenty-three one hundredths !91.22) feet- to-the northwesterly corner of Lot No. 7; thence running westerly forty (40) feet to the southwesterly- corner of Lot No. 6; thence north four (4) degrees fifty-eight, (58) minutes east an6 hundred fifty (150) feet to the place of beginning. { WILLIAM P. SIMONDS Beginpirrg in the southerly line of Broadacres Road at the north- westerly corner of Lot No. 2 in Block No. 15 on said map and running thence south 18 degrees 39 minutes east along the westerly line of Lot No. 2 and Lot No-. 11 a distance of One Hundred Eighty-nine and ninety-one hundredths feet (189.91) to a point in the west bounds of Lot No. 11;: 190 thence south 71 degrees 21 minutes west a distance of seventy-five feet (75) to the northeast- corner of Lot IVo. 13= thence north 18 degrees 39 minutes west along the easterly line of Lots No. 14-15 and 16. for a distance of One Hundred Ninety-four and sixty-five hundredths feet (194.65) to the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 16 .in the southerly line of Broadacres Road seventy-five feet and_ seventeen `hundredths (75.17) to the place of beginning, containing 14,400 square feet of land more or less. Also, Lots Nos. l4; 15 and 16 of Block 15, as shown on a Map of First. Subdivision Broadacre5, Glens Falls, N. Y., filed in the Warren County . Clerk' s Office November 3,, 1926. At this -point in the meeting Harold Akins, Justice of the Peace, entered and took part in the proceedings. Resolution No. 99 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson;: RESOLVED that the petitioners for the extension of the Pershing- Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on or before the 29th day of August, 1959, pursuant to law and cause the posting thereof as required .by law, the following order which is hereby made and adopted: Whereas a written petition, in the form of law, has been filed with the Torn Board asking for an extension of the Pershing-Ashley- Coolidge Sewer. District to include the following parcels : "Lots Nos. 6 and 7 on Block No. 14, as shown on a map of First Subdivision Broadacreg, Glens Falls, N...Y.,> as filed in the Warren County Clerk's Office June 189, 1930, and Lots Nos. 14, 15 of Block 15 as shown on a-map of First Subdivision Broadacres , Glens Falls , -as filed in the Warren County Clerks office November 3,, 1926: and Lots Nos. l" and part of Lot No. 12, of Block 15, as shown on a map of First Sub- division Broadacre s, Glens Falls, N. Y.,, Filed in the 'Marren County Clerk's Office September 10, _19261, and whereas no moneys are required to be expended for said extension as the sewer facilities are presently installed, and Whereas the present boundaries and proposed extension of, said sewer district are shown on a map of said district on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury and Whereas a public hearing in regard thereto is required pursuant to the Town Law of the State of New York,it is ORDERED,, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said. Town of Queensbury, shall be held at the Town. Clerk1,6 Office, Ridge Road, in the Town 'of Qu,eensbury, "Marren County, Nevi York, on the 9th day of September, 1959, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon. of that day, to consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation to the said petition as may be required by Law or proper in the premises. Dated : /s/ Frances L. Turner Frances L. Turner Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury,, Warren County, New York 1 _Duly adopted by the following vote : Byes - on e. , Miller 1Voe s - none , , Mr. Bentley, Ms. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon There was a discussion had among the members of the Board respecting utility assessments. Resolution No. 100 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby recommends that the Board of Assessor4;_0f, the Town of. Queensbury request the State Hoard of. 'Equal- zation and Assessments to furnish the said assessors in writing an estimate of the fall value of real property, of public utility=, rail- road or industrial companies situated in the Town of Queensbury.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -; Ms. Miller, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none An invitation was read to the Town. Board respecting attendance at the New York State Federation of Official Planning Organizations as follows : j NEW YORK STATE FEDERATION OF OFFICIAL PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS Dear Sir., _ I invite you to attend the Annual Planning Conference of the New York State. Federation of Official Planning Organizations which is being held this year in Binghamton September 16, 17 and 28. Enclosed is an advance program. In keeping with the objectives of the Federation, the entire program, is concerned with many of the critical growth problems racing our communities today.. These problems will be explored and ample time will be afforded for discussion. I hope that your busy schedule may allow you and other members of your official family to attend. I would also like , through you, to extend the invitation to members of your planning board or zoning board of appeals. Sincerely, Isl Raymond S. Preston President C. Powel South,, secretary of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, was present and presented the Board an application for an amendment to the Bingo license of the Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. He submitted also a check in. the amount of $150 as a..fee for the same. Resolutios ,Noo, 101 INTRODUCED by Mr. Miller,. seconded by Mr. Akins: Whereas the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. has made application to amend Bingo License No. 1-959-2 issued to it, and _submitted the required license fee, and Whereas the Town Board has made an investigation of the applicant and the merits of its application and thereby makes the following deter- +' minati ons:: 1. The applicant is a qualified organization as defined by law. 2. All members designated to conduct games are active members of the applicant 'organizati on. 3. All the members designated to conduct games and the assistants are of good moral character. �S2 4. All the members designated to conduct games and the assist_. ants have never been convicted of a crime. 5. The games are to be held according to the Bingo Licensing Law and rules and regulations of the state lottery commission and local ordinances. 6. The entire net proceeds are to be used solely for the purposes permitted by the Bingo Licensing Law. 7 There is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary, compen- _cation,; reward or recompense will be paid or given to any person for the conducting of games or assisting therein except to the extent allowed by lax. 8. There is satisfactory proof that the type and value of prizes will 3ff conform to law. �. That there -is no rent to be charged for the premises: 10. This finding and determination report is in accord with the above mentioned application to amend Bingo License which lists the following changes: a) Additional dates required and as the result of the findings and determinations stated above, the amended license is hereby granted. Therefore be it resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to sign all necessary papers and issue the amended license in accordance with the law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - - The following letter was read to the Board: ALBERT E. BESWICR Attorney at Law . Glens Falls, New York August 6, 1959 Mrs. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk, Town. of Queensbury Upper Ridge Street Glens Falls , .New York Dear Mrs. Turner: RE: MARTIN VS. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , I have approved and return herewith deed from Dorr Martin to the Town of Queensbury conveying the property which was the subject of the action brought by Mr. Martin against the Town of Queensbury. This deed should be recorded and filed in your office. I have already delivered to you general release and stipulation of discontin- uance, and I shall appreciate it if you will let me have a check to the order of Dorr T. Martin in the amount of $800.00 to complete this settle- ment. - - Yours very truly, (; /s/ Albert E. Beswick Resolution No,No. 102 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Akins Whereas an action entitled DORR T. MARTIN VS. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 193 has been settled for the sum of $800 payable to the plaintiff, and the necessary releases and deed have been received by the Town of Queensbury in connection with such settlement, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay the said sum of #800, to the said Dorr T. Martin in .full settlement of his said claim and .action. against the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson„ Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways,. was present and discussed the proposed extension of the Sweet Road to the Country Club Road and requested that such road be so extended. The matter was referred to the County Attorney. There was discussion had respecting the moneys presently in Item 2 o the Highway fund.: Resolution No. 143 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from surplus funds of Item 3 tC the Highway Fund for the year 1958 to current funds for repairs in Item 3' of the Highway Fund for the year 1959 the sum of $2,850.32. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes none Mr. Akins as a committee in connection with the baby clinics orally reported in connection therewith. He stated that the minimum number of such clinics were 20 and the maximum 45 at the baby clinics and that all of the clinics were well attended. He also reported on the truck program and read a letter from the department of State and Purchase of* the State of New York in connection with the matter, and stated he will inquire further into the matter and report. Mr. Akins retained the letter. The Board also discussed the matter of the shore rights of property of Alexis on-Lake George. The Town Board also discussed the question of dumping at- the town dump. There was also a discussion relating to fill on the Town-, property in connection with the construction of the Glens Falls, By-pass. Mr. Bentley introduced Resolution loo. 104 and moved its adoption,, seconded by Mr. Lampson: WHEREAS, Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers conveyed to the Town of Queens- bury a parcel of land for a town highway known as Meadow Lane in Ridge Meadows , and WHEREAS, Don Higgins has constructed a house in Ridge Meadows which encroached over-the set back line and in order to change the location of - the set back line , Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers have offered to convey to the Town of Queensbury an equivalent 'amount of land on the opposite side of Meadow Lane for highway purposes provided the Town of Queensbury will convey to Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers the portion of the existing right of way necessary to change the set baclf line, and WHEREAS, the proposed: exchange of lands will result in a change of location of a small portion of Meadow Lane and will not adversely affect the public or any property owner in Ridge Meadows, 194 RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury accept from Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers _a-deed dated. and executed on the 23rd day of July, 1959,_ conveying lands required for the relocation of Meadow Lane, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury convey to Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers _by quitclaim deed by-description prepared.by John B. Van- Dusen., Town Engineer, the lands on Meadow Lane no longer required fqr highway purposes as the result of the relocation of Meadow .Lane, and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute such quiteldim-deed on behalf 'of the Town of Queensbury as approved by the Town Attorney. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr.. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none The following communications were read QUEENSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO.', INC. 1. Foster-Avenue y Glens Falls , New York August 18,, 1959 Town Board Town of:' Queensbury Ridge Street Glens Falls, N. Y. ` Dear Sirs: Wbuld you please remove the following named men from our active Roster as they have resigned from membership in the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc.:. Edward Butz, Carlyle Gooch - 11 Greenway North Aviation Rd., R.D.#2, Glens Falls, N. Y. Glens Falls, N. Y. Thankin youm I: remain, Yours truly, fsl C. Fowel South Secretary. QUMSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. , INC. 1, Poster-Avenue Glens Falls, New 'York August 18, 1959 Town Board Town of Queensbury Ridge Street Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sirs-. The Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Xac,., wishes to thank you, the Town Board, for the new contract that.we , the Company, have gust signed and entered into for the coming five year period,; with the Town of Queensbury for Fire Protection. The monetary increase was greatly appreciated due to the rising cost of our equipment and maintenance of that equipment, which have grown with present day conditions. Thanking you again and wishing you success in the future affairs of our. Town, I remain,; Yours truly, /s f C. Powel South 195 The following statement of the Supervisor for the month of July was . read to the Board and placed on.file RECEIPTS Date Amount 'Received, Source Received 7 2; WGFW Dist. Ext. .. WGFW Dist:. S 782:.00 a . Lee .Lavery Water rents collected-NGFWD 91.74 2- Lavery w . U . . W -NGFWD Pat. 32.67 2 Highway a/d-Pr. 2 k•13-S.S.ded - 149.80 2 General a/c_Pr.0 . Soc.Sec. 2 Pine View arc--Prr.#11 & 12ft � 1 64.79 9 State Ins. z'eefnd-Fire Prot. u 2136 256.19 20 Highway a/c-Soc.Sec.& State W/H ded.Agcy & 29 Pine-View a/c " �� u « crust 102.43 20 Frances L. T�irner� 1 TwnClk s fees-general-, 14.48 20 Dep*t.of_Audit & Control�Justica Fees-Gen. 613.00 20 Highway Deptt.Adj.on check #5681-=General 2894.78 20 Earl E. Jones Water rents coll.WGFWD 69.25 29 NGFWD Ext.-Ad j.on Audit 55-WGM - 9.00 28 HSWE071One 't v" tencC&le tgd4 GFND 34.66 29 Hoag e s Tire Shop;%5 ghT�",erpayment -of V#750,Highway 3.40 29 Harold Lebowitz-Junk Yard License-General. 10.00 24 G.F.NatP1 Bk. & T-Co.-payment stopped on Chk.#38-Gen. 100.00 31 GeneralfFund-Trans.Tax-Pine View 5055.00 Total Receipts $10422..80 DISBURSEMENTS July General $ 377.48 Pine View 951.45 NGFWDist 269.19 NGFWD Pict. 109.00 WGFWD 90.83 Fire-Protection 7756,.20 Cleve rdale Lights 41.08 Ft. Amherst-Garrison Lights 168.46 Social Security 1383,73 Highway 21213.61 . Total Disbursements X41.361.03 The Board audited claims as follows: SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENS=, WARREN C CnTNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1959 Amt. Amt. N601 Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 241 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub.Notice for sealed bids on Pipe $ 4.00 4.00 242 'Russell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-Town Clerk 2.00 2.00 243 Butz Florist Wreaths Decoration Day By Qsby.Post x`1797 Am.Legion 20.00 20.00 244 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone_ sere. at Qsby.Town Storehouse 15:.20 15.20 245 Dennis & Co. , Inc. 1 copy'-Clevenger's N.Y.Civil Buffalo 3', N. Y. Practice Manual, #59-MB, JP , 22.50 22.50 246 J.N.Sawyer & Co. , Inc. 24192 Scythe Stones-PVC 1.30 1.30 247 J.E.Sawyer & Co., Inc. 1-Pc. a 2 flat soft steel, 4'--PV Cem. .99 .99 248 J.E.Sawyer & Co. , Inc. 1 pkg.PH 65178 Stanley Blades for grass shears,3 per pkg,.PV 3.00 3'.00 249 Joe's Sinclair Sta. 60 gals.gas-Pv.Cem. 19.20 19.20 250 Lordis Corlew Mowing & raking hay-FV Cem. 30.00 30.00 251 Hoag's Tire' Service 1-5 gal.pail Kendall #30 oil PV Cem. 5.30 5.30 196 252 City G.F.Vater Fund Water rent-NGFWD#93 Xt. 2264.59 2264.59 253 City G.F.Water Fund Water rent-NGFWD#93A--C.D. 1527.39 1527.39 254 City G.F.Water Fund Water rent-RR-Water.,Dist, 148,00 148.00 255 CityG.F.Water Fund Water rent-WGFWD 1064.25 1064.25 256 Niagara..KQhawk Power Cleverdale Ltng.Dist. 41.08 41.08 257 Niagara Mohawk Power Lights & gas-.Twn-of Qsby Storehouse(Hwy) 43.43. 43.43 258 Niagara-Mohawk Power St.Lts.Ft.Amherst-Garrison 168.46 168,46 259 Niagara-Mohawk P(3wer St.lts. and traf.signals 208.78 208.78 260 Ralph M. 'Nestle * 'Mileage Assessor 11.51 11.51 261 The Ames Chem.Wks. 1 gal. CHEKCHLOR-Shore -Col- '. A ony Water -Dist. .. 1.25- 1.25 262, 0has .B.Houghtaling -Supplies for, a Justice of Pe.21.47 21.47 263 Niagara-Mohawl? Power Power for Booster Pump- NGFVD 83,53 83,53 264 O.G.Woodbury, Inc. 2 paintbrushes-NGFWD 1.20 1.20 265 Call _Hard-ware Corp_. Red- rubber packing.,-NGFWD (0,D.) 1.83 1.83 266 Leon M. ateves- Misc.serv.surveying OK•d by -J.VanDusen,Town surveyor 10.50 10,50 267 Allen F. Towers Misc.servsurveying-OK'd by J.VanDusen,Town surveyor 10.50 10,50 Audit No. 232.. James Maranville not audited month of July, 1959 , represented for auditing-rebate water rent- NGFWD . 14290 ­_ 14990 ;5746-169 ;5746.166 On motion the meeting adjourned. 4�� ` u ances . eJPt/ Town Clerk Public Hearing September 9, .1959 Present LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley,]F. Miller Councilman Absent: Curtis Lampson The Board convened at 7a0 p.m. Public Hearing upon{ the proposed extension of the Pershing-Ashley- Coolidge Sever District was called to order by the StLperv.isoro Robert J. Nolan,, attorney., appeared for and on behalf of the peti- tioners-,,,the petitioners, Jesse S. Parker and William P. S:Unondi, appeared in person on behalf of the, petitichers, Mr. Nolan filed proof of the publicatiam of the notice calling for the Public Hearing and proof of posting of the notice of` the Publics Hearing,. KrI. NQlan spoke in favor of the proposed extensiox on behalf of the petitioners; Mr. Parker and Mr. Simmonds also spoke in favor of the extension. No one appeared opposing; the proposed extension. Thereupoli,, the Public Hearing was declared closed. Resolu ►lon No.l 05 introduced by Justice Bentley, 'seconded by, Co=cil- man Dullert RMOLVED that the following order be adopted by this Board-,: • At a meeting of the Town,Board of the Tolin of Queensbury-1, Warren County, , New York., held *t the Town-Offices of said ToRin of Qa9ens- -bary, County of Warren, State. of New York, on the .9th day of September, 1959.