2005-03-01 Ql':eensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the March 1, 2005 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office Complex Conference Room. Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Em, Fusco, Goedert, Irish, LaBombard & Maine Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering & Aquatics Supervisor Carr Others Present: Greg Ferentino, George Stec Approval of the Minutes: Motion made by Commissioner Goedert, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes from the February 1,2005 meeting. Alllllembers present approved. Annual Commission Organizational Meeting: Meeting was turned over to Director Hansen for organizational meeting of the Commission. A motion was made by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Goedert nominating a slate of officers as {ollows: Chairman Jack LaBombard Vice Chair Paul Etu Secretary- Joe Fusco All members present approved. Committee Assignments were reviewed and will remain as current with the following exceptions: Budget Review-Commissioner Goedert will chair. Commissio~er Fusco will serve as member By-Laws-Commissioner Irish will chair School Liaison-Commissioner Fusco will chair, Commissioner Goedert decljned to serve Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see me for copies) . Post Star Article of February 17th discussed. Many inaccuracies which led to the perception of a negative bias toward the Community Center Project. The need for this project was outlined by Chairman LaBombard as follows: o Need for another indoor swimming pool o Need to be less dependent upon school facilities o Need for the Town to meet their obligation to provide affordable recreation opportunities to its citizens. . Lengthy discussion on funding sources for the Community Center took place. . Review of correspondence from community members both pro and con regarding the Community Center. Supervisor Stec's response also included (see file). . Budget Control Report as of2.24.05 was distributed. . Director Hansen discussed a Town Board Workshop on March 14th where the proposed Rush Pond Trail will be discussed. Unrmished Business . Park Project Status Report (see report dated 03/01105) . 'Ridge/Jenkinsville-Phase 1 Part'2- There were 9 bids received and opened on February 3rd. The amounts ranged from a low of$176,879 to a high of $239,976. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Irish and seconded by Commissioner Maine to accept the low bid ofHMA Contracting Corp. in the amount of$176,879. All members present approved. . Commissioner Irish reported the Queensbury Travel Team Basketball Tournament was held and determined a success. Many letters, comments and e-mails commenting on a well run and well attended tournament. The shortfall of $800 will be paid by the Commission as previously . agreed. Assistant Director Lovering commented on shirts provided for the girl's team since no tournament took place. New Business . Chairman LaBombard commented on the many individual projects that needed Commission attention. For example he asked Commissioner Goedert to research a possible skateboard facility and report back to the Commission. She agreed to do so. He asked Commissioners Irish, Mott and Fusco to lead the public education aspect of the Community Center Project. They agreed to do so. . Discussion of Joy, McCoola and Zilch meeting our timeframe in providing necessary documents to educate the public during the pre-referendum phase. . Discussion on the Community Center components vs. possible cost cutting strategies. After much give and take a motion was made by Commissioner Iris~ seconded by Commissioner Goedert to submit a project at. cost of $15,974,000 modified as follows: 8 lane pool with diving well, two court gymnasi two multipurpose rooms of 1800 sq.:ft each, community room dividable of 6000 sq. ft. All embers present approved. . Director Hansen distributed the re of Richard Whitmore, the Personnel Committee recommendation to hire as a Light Mot Equipment Operator. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Maine, secon ed by Commissioner Etu to approve the recommendation. All members present app ved. Committee Reports: · Budget-no report · Bylaws-no report · School Liaison-no report · Personnel-no report · Planning Committee-no report · Program Review-no report !1N f:5T(M~ . fktJ- ') (~ ~. t-DJ,l)f. Monthly Department Report . Program Announcements included in handouts. Adjournment -motion made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Etu to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joseph Fusco, Secretary Approved: )Zjbmd~