1952-05-10 SP 433 On motion the meeting adjourned. a -.Town Clerk Special Meeting May 10, 1952 Present:: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson. Councilman i - ' The board convened at 7:30 P.N. The town board generally discussed the proposed ordinance regarding de- velopments in the town; also the proposed ordinance relating to racing events. The following resolutions were introduced: � lntion Nn_ 33 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman mpson. It is resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorised and directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on the 12th day of May, 1952, a notice to read in the following form:: NOTICE Please take notice that the .town board of the Town of Queensbury proposes to enact an ordinance of which the following is an exact copy, and Further take notice that a public hearing will be held upon the enactment of such proposed ordinance on the 24th day of ;May, 1955 at- 7:30 o'clock E.D.T. in the afternoon of that day at the Town Clerk's Office=, Ridge Road, in the Town of Queensbury, Marren County, New ;ork. ORDINANCZ, OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RELATING TO RACING EVENTS BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, pursuant to Section 2145 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, as amended by Chapter 301 of the Laws of 1958 as,. follows: SECTION 1: The racing of horses and motor vehicles and the hold- ing of public events for the: racing of horses and motor vehicles after 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday is hereby permitted subject to the ,provisions and conditions hereinafter set forth, but the following provisions and conditions shall apply to all days of the week. SECTION 2: No such racing event either or horses or motor ve- hicles to which the public is invited or an admission fee is charged either directly or indirectly shall be held in the Town of queensbury unless .g..license or permit therefore is issued by the Town Board of the Town of queensbury. SECTION 3: Such license shall be for the remainder of the calen- dar year in Which the said license shall be issued and the fee for such license or permit shall be the sum of $25.00. SECTION 4: No such permit or license shall be granted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury until a substantial plank or timber barrier shall be erected between the racing track or course and the area. in which spectators are invited to be present, and such barrier shall be kept and maintained in good condition at all times. SECTION 5: Every application for such license or permit shall be made in writing and shall state the nature of the race or event for which permission is requested, the location of such race or event, the name and addreess of the applicant, if the same is an individual, I X34 or of all partners if the applicant shall be a partnership and if the - applicant is a corporation the date of incorporation, the law under which the corporation was organized and the names and addresses of the principal officers of the corporation. SECTION 6: Any pp arson, firm or corporation who or which shall hold any such race or racing event in the Town of Qu ensbury without first obtaining from the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury the aforesaid license or permit, or who shall otherwise violate any section or pro- vision of this ordinance shall be guilty of 'a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00, or, imprisonment for a. period not to exceed six months or both,; and in Iaddition thereto or in the alternative the license or permit of the vidlator may be revoked SECTION 7: The invalidity of any p'rovis'ion of this ordinance shall not invalidate- any other part thereof. SECTION 8: This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication and ,posting as required by the Town ',Law. Dated May 10, 1952 By order of the Town Board FRANCES .L.I TURNED Town Clerk Town of Queens'Ibury Warren County,'', N.Y.. ;Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes; Burr.' Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and ,Mr, Harris Noes - none. Resolution No. 34 introduced by Justice Sleight,'Iseconded by Super- visor Harris: d directed is resolved that the Town Clerk be and Iis Yiereby :authorized an d rected to cause to be published in the Gle Falls Times on the 12th day of May, 1952, a notice to read in the ollowing form: NOTICE Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury proposes to enact an Ordinance of which thelfollowing is an exact copy, and Further, Take Notice that a public hearing', will be held upon the enactment of such proposed ordinance on the 24thday ,of May, 1952 at 7:30 o'clock E.D.T. in the afternoon of that day at the Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road, in the Town of Queensbury, at County, Neva York. drdinance Regulating the Development of Subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury. WHEREAS, there have been during the past ybar or more several de- velopments of subdivisions of real property in tie Town of Queensbury which has resulted in the laying out of "streets, the sale of lots, the laying of water pipe lines and installation of shvvage..facilities without any regulation or control and it appears that`in some cases the health, - safety and general welfare of the Town of Queensbury,may be endangered, and WHB EAS it is deemed advisable that for thl purpose of protection - and promotion of the health, safety and general the of the Town of Queensbury a definite standard of regulations of such developments, construction and installation be adopted and provided, Now, therefore, the Town Board of the Towne of Queensbury in the County of Warren and State of New York, hereby o� daines and enacts as follows : ARTICLE 1 ' Definitions For the purpose of that ordinance certain terms or words used here- in shall be interpreted or defined as follows.. `.'3 5 . 1. The word "person" shall include individual, firm, part- r + ` nership,. elub, society,. association of persons and corporation and the singular shall include the plural. 2. the word, "street" or "highway" shall include any parcel of - land conveyed to the Town for highway purposes or which shall have been dedicated by the owner to public use as a highway for the passage. of persons and vehicles. 3, The word "subdivision" shall mean the division of land into residential building lots, 4. The word "lot" shall mean a paacel of land which is or may be occupied by a building-or use with accessories thereto including the open spaces thereon but excluding any part thereof within the bounds of a highway. 5, The word "Development" shall mean a subdivision containing five or more lots as herein defined. 6. The words "Main", "lateral main" or "water main" shall mean &_ continuous closed pipe or conduit which shall be connected to a source of water supply and extend along a street or highway to carry water for lthe purpose- of making taps or connections thereto to furnish water therefrom under pressure to individual buildings and dwellings. t 7.- The words "plot plan" or "map" shall mean a drawing or dia- gram upon durable paper which shall delineate thereon the boundary line of lots, streets* highways and other physical facts of - division or development according to scale. 8. The words "town engineer" shall include a duly qualified en- gineer employed or appointed by the Town Board pursuant to the pro- visions of the Town Law. 9. "The word "sidewalk" shall mean a portion of the land which is used by, the public for passage on foot and which is adjacent and sub- stantially parallel to a public street or highway. l0. The word "curb" shall mean a low wall adjacent to the paved or travelled portion of a street or highway. ARTICLE II Plan of development of subdivision. Sec. 1. No person shall lay out and offer for sale in any devel- opment or subdivision in the Town of Queensbury any lot as a site for a dwelling or other building which shall have a width.of .less than fifty feet. Sec. 2. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or highway in a development or subdivision in the Town of queens- bury any piece or parcel of land which shall be less thaw fifty feet in width.. Sec. 3. No person shall subdivide or develop ,any parcel of land in the Town of Queensbury into building lots or sell or offer to sell such lots as sAs for five or more dwellings unless such person shall first have prepared and filed in the office of the Town Clerk a map or plot plan thereof which shall have clearly delineated thereon the bound- arias of the parcel so subdivided or developed, the boundary lines of each lot laid out therein, the boundary lines of all streets or high- ways dedicated tv gnhtdsedsbq bhl.dedtc►stiiadii t6opublielvts#,P,a of tg �_ t�iaz:,s ,.e ofemcestietit t�krehx°�,hs �Se���4ledt�t�theret�nt�th�q�►ehf►fa�l. 3zeCi�tdoi is .tIle to�rnc of °su+phe b�42 i�flannar►ede#t lei sa the DMOund s�ird�te� ti��pe�tae� �ior�iis t3ake,.dw�tCl�fi'the3!e�5f�. ;tl�f 15i�1� c�,ptheluf'iri3�g m9pszmh p&prAA&aWkch&=p',zz& P ZO9hd1IYhAMGObftMOUP PrO#4d Ii' MfOkWt4on, afathk Town;,BeetrcIVLpanddapkszme ed i ws idepl�nl's l]. key $e .filed and approved.. ,. 436 Sec. 4. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street or highway in any subdivision or development any piece or parcel of land until all trees, rocks and other obstructions shall have been removed therefrom by the owner and the same shall have been filled or leveled to a rough grade established and approved by the *town an gineer. ARTICLE III Regulations relating to water mains. Sec.. l. No person shall lay or cause to be laid along any street or highway in a subdivision or development on which five or more lots have been laid out a water main designed and intended to furnish grater supply to such lots unless such water main shall be at least six in- ches in diameter. Sec. 2. No such water main shall be made of any other material than east iron or asbestos composition and every piece of such water main shall be at least of 150 pound test Mass. Sec. 3. Every such water main shall have a shut off and valve box installed at its connection with the supply main. A Sec. 4. Every such water main shall be laid at a depth of at least five feet under the level of the ground. Sec. 5. Every such lateral water main shall be furnished, laid, installed and connected at the expense of the owner of such subdivision or development and all service connections shall be made by' the' duly designated employees of the Town of Queensbury. ARTICLE IV Regulations Relating to. Sidewalks and Curbs Sec. 1. Before any street or highway in any subdivision or de- velopment shall be paved by the Town of Queensburyl there shall first be installed curbs at the location to be designated by the town en- gineer and approved by the Town Board and such curbs shall 'be con - structed, laid and installed at the expense of the owners of the lots adjoining the street or highway to be paved in proportion to the width of their respective lots. Sec. 2. No sidewalk shall be constructed or laid along any public street or highway in any subdivision or development unless such sidewalk shall be at least four feet in width and at least four inches in thickness. - ARTICLE V Violation and Penalties M Sec, 1. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordin- ance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a:, fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty days v r both. Sec. 2. In addition to the foregoing penalties provided for punishment of violations of this ordinance, the Town Board shall have such other remedies as are provided by law to restrain, correct or abate any violation of this ordinance. ARTICLE VI Validity The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance shall not in- validate any other part thereof. - ARTICLE VII Effective D te` This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication �--- and posting as required by the Town Law. Dated: May 10th, 1952 By Order of the Town Board FRANCES LL. TURNER Town Clerk Town of Queensbury { Warren County, N.Y.